capitalism sucks

2 critiques of Biden’s ‘Rescue Amerika’ plan

First: ‘Biden stimulus bill: What will it take to really ‘Rescue America?’, Jordan Woll, January 21, 2021,  (CC w/ attribution)

Joe Biden’s recently-announced pandemic relief package, the so-called American Rescue Plan, is the new administration’s top legislative priority. With the bar set tragically low by the Trump government, any action at all by the Biden administration may feel like a welcome improvement. But the severity of the pandemic in the country and the threat of emerging, highly-transmissible new strains of the virus requires radical solutions to address the urgent daily needs of working and poor people.

The Democrats control both houses of Congress and the executive branch. The filibuster that requires 60 Senators to vote in favor of closing debate on a measure is not a law, but an internal Senate rule that the Democratic majority can simply decide to do away with. But despite having the power to pass laws without any Republican support, the Biden administration has introduced another bill that fails to measure up to the scale of the crisis facing the working class.

My diary on electronica

Nowadays there is a fair amount of electronica on YouTube that really helps me with working existence. And this is, as of today Tuesday, the early part of the work week, so I'm in the soup. Some sort of musical accompaniment has to soothe the increasing annoyance I feel that, given the increasing foreboding we feel at the system's ultimate doom, we're still trapped within it!