
Hey Everybody, it's 8/11! In 3114 BCE on this date

the Mayan calendar started. Work on Stonehenge had only recently started and it would be somewhere around 36 years until Noah was born. This is kind of important because this calendar is based on planetary motions, not begats, so that if we can interpret a glyph we can know exactly when the event in question occurred. BTW, no great flood in mesoamerica or merrie engelonde; it happened in year nunca.

be well and have a good one

Alligator University Press announces the 2018 Hillary Clinton Calendar

Yes, folks, we are taking orders for this new calendar right now. We expect 2018 to be a big year for Hill and Bill. Sorry folks, but the University will not be issuing a Bill Clinton calendar (ask Harvey Weinstein why).

Mandatory display of AU logo: