C99% meetup. Portland OR

Reminder: Portland meetup Today!! 1 pm

at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub, 915 SE Hawthorne.

I'll be the white-haired dude, green shirt. So far we've got two confirmed! Maybe three! So if you're around we'd love to see you.

Cassiodorus will be there, talking about his book. I'll be there, explaining bitterly why I think it's hopeless, all the while thinking I'm saying something original. It'll be great!

c99% Portland OR meetup 2/10/19

We had five people show -- Cassiodorus, granma, detroitmechworks, earthling1, StudentOfEarth. We ate good Chinese food and had lots of fun. I ordered the gai lan and the salt and pepper tofu. We talked about science fiction and my book. StudentOfEarth talked about Bend and about people who were 72 who took a piece of dry land and built homes and farms from scratch. earthling1 talked about his southern California past.