Open Thread FR 21 JUL 23 ~ Aliens
Submitted by QMS on Fri, 07/21/2023 - 7:14am
In honor of our two intrepid travelers, here forthwith is today's open thread.
Make of it whatever you can. A little help please?
In honor of our two intrepid travelers, here forthwith is today's open thread.
Make of it whatever you can. A little help please?
Folks, don't do this.
The neighbor's pet chimpanzee escaped again last night. He sneaks across the yard, through the window, and loves to bang on the keyboard of my computer. I've lost count of how many times he's done this.
Soooo, after sharing some 25% Indica and a few nips of Crown Royal with Gunther last night, yeah his name is Gunther (he's Austrian, OK?), I woke up on the sofa with him sleeping at my feet. Now if that's not weird enough, I sat down at my computer this morning and I found an open thread essay all typed out and ready to go.
Well, here it is Friday morning and I've prepared nothing for today's OT, and since I'm not sure who exactly wrote this essay, Gunther or myself, I will throw caution to the wind and publish it anyway.
I'll let you discern which simian brain concocted this flatulation of imagination.