538 still clueless, but starting to get the drift
Submitted by vl baker on Fri, 05/20/2016 - 10:17amClinton's numbers have gotten
among Bernie Sanders supporters. 60% have an unfavorable view of her. https://t.co/qBPua9pS3a
Clinton's numbers have gotten
among Bernie Sanders supporters. 60% have an unfavorable view of her. https://t.co/qBPua9pS3a
He's just like Paul Krugman, but with politics
Bill curry has always been out front of the posse catching up to El Diablo Hillario in the dusty deserts of the post-industrial wastelands. He's not only smart as a whip, but he has seen the Clinton Machine in flagrante delicto up close. Do not form mental images inside your head...too late, eh? He's so close to El Diablo he can almost touch the tails of the rear-most horses. He provides a brilliant take on the view from there today. And takes a good swot at the overreach of the 538's of her MSM colluders. It even has a Jack Sparrow quote. Extract and link below.
On the night of the Iowa primary back some 1,000 or so years ago, over at TYT, Cenk lost his mind repeatedly as Bernie closed the gap. He would suddenly holler, with great joy, "Here Comes Bernie!" Five Thirty Eight ate some humble pie in Michigan last week and here we are again. The predictions at 538 are grim, all based on polling aggregates. Yet...check out this extract from an article at HuffPo