#2020 Election

Quiz: How Well Do You Understand the Swings in the 2020 Election?


I thought I was a dunce at 3 wrong, but later I looked and they have the percent who answered correctly for each question. Many could have simply done as well by randomly picking any answer.

Not sure if the nyt still has the 3 free articles a month.

A small refresher / history lesson for ex-President Trump

In 2000, Katherine Harris the Florida Secretary of State, who was actually the co-chair of George Bush's campaign, stopped the counting of ballots before it was even finished. There was never a "recount" in Florida because there was never a fully completed first count. Absentee ballots weren't even counted until months later, under an audit by a consortium of news outlets. The final tally showed that Al Gore had the most votes in Florida and should have been the 43rd President.