#2016 Election #BernieSanders

Bernie's delegate targets for tomorrow's caucuses in AK, HI, WA are...

After March 22 races and revisions on earlier races, Hillary’s lead is now 294. There might be a couple more pickups in states where the multi-level county/state conventions are underway.

Hillary Bernie TOTAL
AWARDED 1228 934


We're going to buy W4B buttons for Chappaqua Canvassers

Yup, you can donate to fund the purchase of Westchester for Bernie Buttons for Canvassers in Hillary's back yard. We have a Union shop, they gave me a quote for 500 buttons. The total we are looking to raise is $430. If you donate $60 you get 3 free buttons.

BernieButtonwhite textxcf.jpg

New York is critical (Democratic primary race)

If you are still watching the primary election races than you realize both Trump and Clinton are in the lead with both states and delegates.

I do not care about the Republican race because I think Trump will be the winner. However, I would love to see a brokered convention, being a history and political junkie it would be historic and not sure if I will ever see another one in my lifetime.

Delegate deficit down to 298. Bernie leads Hillary 46-41 in Reuters national poll of Dem/Ind.

Reuters national tracking poll of Democrats and Independents has Bernie leading Hillary by 5 points today. This is big poll, with a five day tracking average. Most respondents complete the survey online, but it is not an “online poll”.

Bernie rally in Seattle on Friday (could be a record breaker)

Just a quick note, sorry this is not long and detailed diary. I will be leaving work early this Friday (3/25) to attend a Bernie Sanders' rally in downtown Seattle.

The reason I am excited about this event, besides seeing him in person, is because he will be holding the rally at Safeco field (home to the Seattle Mariners a major league professional baseball team). Please note this is a professional league baseball field and it has a capacity to hold 54,097 people.
