2016 Democratic presidential primary

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-8: NY Polling Trend Lines

Update: New Quinnipiac has Clint0n 53-40. More on that tomorrow.
We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.

Bernie's magic carpet hit some turbulence this weekend. His 55.7%-44.3% win in Wyoming wasn't as big as hoped and he lost a bit in the delegate math. And the weekend brought two disappointing polls, although they both had a b it of a thumb on the scale. More below.

Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-9: NY Polling Trend Lines

We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.

Bernie's magic carpet hit some turbulence this weekend. His 55.7%-44.3% win in Wyoming wasn't as big as hoped and he lost a bit in the delegate math. And the weekend brought two disappointing polls, although they both had a b it of a thumb on the scale. More below.