#2016 #BernieSanders #HillaryClinton #Abortion

Please Tell Me, Hillary: Do You Support Late-Term Abortion Exceptions for ALL Doomed Pregnancies?

Dear Hillary,

I recently published a diary, [Daily Kos] Hillary Clinton, the Feminist who is Open to Taking Choice out of "Pro-Choice." It tells the story of Taylor Mahaffey, a woman denied modern medical care by doctors who were in tears; their hands were tied by late-term abortion “pregnancy” regulations (as you now call them) in the state of Texas. The article also tells my own story: a woman who discovered after 20 weeks that my fetus would not survive due to severe fetal anomalies. If late-term “pregnancy” regulations had been in effect in my state, I too might have suffered like Taylor, [Daily Kos] a woman forced to continue a doomed pregnancy against her will and against the advice of her doctors. That possibility still haunts me today. I speak out now in an attempt to prevent future women from suffering. How can I live with myself if I do not?

Hillary Clinton, the Feminist who is Open to Taking Choice out of "Pro-Choice"

I am one of the tiny percentage of women who was blessed to receive a late-term abortion when I needed it. “Blessed” is a strange word to use about a procedure I literally cried throughout, but the truth is, that D&C freed me from my own private hell. Other women, mostly invisible to the public, are not so blessed. Heartbroken and grieving, they are forced by law to face additional torments.