We need a new campaign. Convince Donald.
One of the smartest thinks Trump could do is to hire Bernie in some advisory capacity. The fear we should all have is that Trump is going to be surrounded by Republican operatives. Let's start a campaign that brings Trump back to his democratic days.
Seriously. We need to move immediately to bring more liberal voices into his government. We need to stress this over at ToP etc. It is the only thing we can do.
The Donald is easily influenced. His nature is very fluid, that is what makes him a great marketer. He honestly doesn't know his position from one minute to the next.
This gives us the opportunity to influence him with real heartfelt letters that beg him to take on advisors who are devil's advocates, who play the other sides.
How do we go about doing this? I'm writing this diary not because I know anything at all, but because I need to hear your takes on this.

I like this thinking
outside the box. We need to get used to it.
I am afraid Donald only has
Donald Trump days. I have never seen any evidence, that he is interested in promoting anything but himself. Professional narcissists don't make for good leadership. Its my way all the way...period.
I am afraid our only near term hope is that Dems are willing to fight by any , means necessary. They need to study up on filibuster skills, using states to forward legal battles and sue the inevitable newly minted right wing fascist laws that get past. Yeah long shot I know, but there will be no legacy preservation so playing niceis not an option.
though an extremely ugly thought... he has to survive. The status quo doesn't take kindly to surprises, or those who use the their own rules to win the game.
Donald will have to keep his head low, just like Obama did when he was first elected. Haters exist on both political fringes.
The geo-political/ multinational power structure just received a giant kick in the balls, and I'm afraid of the consequences. They have control of all the marbles, and I feel they really don't give a flying fig about us commoners, our well being, or the stability of our nation....it is all about control. Absolute, overwhelming, all encompassing control. Just look at the campaign to destroy the minimum wage hike in Haiti. Consider the Military support provided Saudi Arabia, and what is happening in Yemen. The silence is deafening from the MSM regarding the hundreds of thousands of innocents killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and throughout the Mideast....collateral damage to the MIC, and Sunni monarchies.
Consider the destruction, re-direction, and control of our banking system by the elites. They have used our military, and economic leverage to extort the natural resource wealth of nations around the globe. Poverty level wages from multinational corporations that left the USA to avoid labor, and environmental regulation freely foul the air and water of entire nations and continents to consolidate the wealth of the entire planet into the hands of few. They have successfully taken control of the savings of our entire working class and put our future financial well being into the Craps game called Wall St., and have been trying to steal the SS trust fund since forever. The hedge fund managers, and Wall St execs make billions while we invest in, and support the death of our planet environmentally.
I don't think Bernie was threatened with personal harm... I think he was threatened with the destruction of our entire culture, and the well being of our economy.
"The Powers That Be" are a vindictive bunch. They do not know the meaning of enough is enough and the Clinton's and the power brokers that needed them have been dealt an unexpected blow. Podesta has the worldwide corporate, military and banking roll-a-dex at his finger tips, and I fear he, or others like him, will use it to protect their global domination.
Donald will have to be cautious as he navigates his new position in the world.