Republican State Senator Reveals Truth About Aleppo, Syria

In today's edition of Through the Looking Glass, we have VA State Senator Richard Black (R) explaining what's really going on in Aleppo, and detailing how our government is lying to us:

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As an added bonus, we have Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, interviewed by the BBC on Friday, calling the U.S. out on our backing of terrorists in Syria:

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Big meeting tomorrow:
"Senior officials from the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Germany are to meet in Berlin Wednesday to try to find ways to resolve the conflict in Syria, a German foreign ministry official said." The article says (emphasis mine):

...the goal is to look for suggestions about how to stem the violence in Syria and return to a political process...

If it's truly a return to political process they want it's more than a bit strange that neither Syria nor Russia have been invited to these talks.

Senator Black likens the battle for Aleppo to the Battle at Gettysburg--saying that if the Syrian army can secure Aleppo, it will turn the tide of the war. My hunch is that Assad and Putin are trying to do just that, and they're up against a fierce deadline. They need to have at least Aleppo cleared of terrorists before the next president of the U.S. takes office. Here's Ash Carter, six days ago, outlining preparations for nuclear war with Russia.

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The above videos and more can be found on What Really Happened?: tagline: Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil.

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earthling1's picture

With early adopters "specials"?
Two, four, eight cot models?
One, two holes? Oh dread.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.