Trump Rumored By His Volunteers To Be Considering Election Reform Proposal To Shame DNC For Rigging Primary Against Bernie
There is a buzz among at least a few discussion boards/gathering places of Trump volunteers that he is going to go in for one of his crazy schemes to ruin the Dem Convention for Hillary, I've been told by a person I have reason to believe. They said they are messaging several other publicly pro-Sanders journalists and bloggers.
Speculation is that he will release some form of presidential election reform proposal involving some of kind preference voting. He may also demand that Gary Johnson be allowed to debate in the presidential debates. While there is no firm consensus on when the announcement is likely aside from "before October" there is some feeling Trump may announce during the Dem convention after Bernie has already given his speech. He may suggest he will run as an independent in his second term if Republican legislators can push his proposal through.
The major rules for presidential elections are enumerated in the Constitution and in the 12th Amendment.
Such a move by Trump is believed by his volunteers to have the potential to turn this election into a landslide victory for him in combination with other soon to be forthcoming messaging changes to improve his odds in swing states. Supposedly it will smooth over some his drama with Cruz and Kasich and other Republicans who claim he hijacked "their" party and is intended to garner the support of Gary Johnson's potential supporters as well as disgruntled Republican and Independent Sanders voters.
Trump has mad several more mediocre appeals to Sanders voters over the past week including at his convention.
Also its likely that if Trump does announce during the Dem convention he will steal the media thunder and attention from what is supposed to be Hillary's big week. This may attenuate or eliminate any convention bounce she receives.
If Trump was to take this position its believed Hillary would have to counter with her own, likely more restrained, proposal which can be spun as a flip flop and evidence that Trump is the leader and she is the reactive follower.
There is no detailed information on the precise messaging Trump would use following this proposal and I don't feel informed enough to speculate.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it is another dimension--a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of the mind.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.
You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
Heh, the TZ intro? We're well
Heh, the TZ intro? We're well into the Twilight zone down the lane and into the Outer limits. This whole election has been surreal. All I know is, if Trump takes this path, Hillary is going to be in a load of shit trying to come up with a convincing response.
Speaking of Donald:
He also finally has some unpleasant things to say about Bernie. I wondered how much longer he would be nice with all the things Bernie is saying about him. You can see them on his Twitter page.
It would be a delightful irony if Trump outshows HRC during
the Democratic convention. Amongst other qualities one may ascribe to him, he is a master showman and marketer. If there is a way for him to hog the spotlight away from Medusa during her rigged triumph, more power to him.
Sad thing?
He's more trustworthy on the issue than Hillary is. At least he didn't have to rig an election to get nominated.
Wall St.and corporate sector (Clinton) vs. The populists (Trump)
Transcript of Michael Hudson speaking on Real News Network.
The original Populists *were* Republican
a fact of which most people are totally unaware. They were Republicans who had had it up to here with the greed and corruption of the Republican Party, and broke away.
The closest they came to electoral success was when Teddy Roosevelt grabbed hold of their faction in 1912 and ran as a "spoiler". That's how we got that jackoff Woodrow Wilson and three-plus decades of Jim Crow On Steroids.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.