The Catnip Chronicles: Dance!
Balanchine knew that cats are great dancers!
When last I wrote about Pearl, the little mama cat who adopted us, we had just found her kittens new homes. Now Pearl, who is just a kitten herself, has finally found time to play. And dance! We have discovered that Pearl has several signature dances.
Now, it is well known that cats are wonderful dancers. Balanchine knew this. It is said that his choreography was inspired by his cat:
The Dances of Pearl
The first dance I saw Pearl do was something we call the biscuit dance. You know how cats knead and it is sometimes called “making biscuits”? Well, Pearl would step lightly around me, kneading, and lightly crossing one paw over the other, sort of a delicate grapevine step. This dance is properly performed with an accompanying, robust purr.
The second dance we noticed was an attention grabber, the pole dance. It could be the standing lamp next to my chair or the leg of the kitchen table, which ever is most in the way and in my face will be the pole that Pearl stretches up on and wiggles around. I’ve never seen another cat do this. Does this dance get the desired attention? Why, yes, yes it does!
The third dance is something Pearl does when she wants to play with us. She is so excited, she levitates, straight up and down, without seeming to bend her legs. We call the it the mosh pit dance. Again, I have never seen another cat do this. Have you?
Lastly, there is the dance with the laser pointer, one of Pearl’s favorites and something she will repeat endlessly until her sides are heaving with effort. We call it the red dot shuffle. It is a little hard to catch on video but I did my best:
How does your cat dance? Please tell in the comments below!
Pootie Pads - New Fabrics!
Your kindness in buying Pootie Pads has really helped us out with our rescue project. Cat food and litter really added up, let me tell you! We are grateful for your purchases of our Pootie Pads (extraordinarily potent, organic catnip pads for cats). Consider treating your cats to some of our catnip -- or buy one as the purrfect gift for the cat owner in your life. Great for Mother’s Day!
Pootie Pads come in three sizes. Fabric choices for original and petitie sizes are here - or let us choose for you.
Original: 23" x 17" $35 plus $6.45 shipping
Petite: 13.5" x 9.5" ONE for $18 plus $6.45 shipping OR TWO for $35 plus $6.45 shipping
Play Size (let us choose for you): 8" x 4.5 FOUR for $35 plus $6.45 shipping
We also have Pootie Pads for dogs -- filled with soothing organic lavender and thyme. You can find the dog pads here.
Watch Suki dance with a Pootie Pad:

Originally posted at TOP
but cats can dance in this blue oasis...anybody can!
Thank you for stopping by. If you have a cat who dances, I would love to hear about it!
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Love the Pearl Stories!
Love the Pearl Stories!
Thank you!
Pearl is a cat of character and resourcefulness, for sure. She also has a very sweet spirit and we adore her.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Oh, Pearl is a Mackerel tabby!
She looks great, glad to see a too-young mom back to being a teen!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
She's a pretty little thing
And very social. It is still hard for me to think of her out on the streets, trying so hard to get those kittens fed. We think Pearl may have been a victim of Portland's housing emergency. A lot of people have been displaced, some of them to apartments where they can't have pets. And some are just homeless.
I look at this little cat and feel honored that she chose us. And it is so sweet to see her kick up her heels!
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Glad to see you here. I am hopelessly devoted to both
kittehs and doggies.
Hope all is well. And I hope your presence will assure others, sweet people, nice folks, to give this spot a chance.
It's hard to move, when lots of good friends and people we support and have support us are still not here.
Thanks again.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
It is very hard for us
because we have been making our slender living serving the community at TOP -- with the community quilts, with Pootie Pads, and with Kos Katalogue (supporting all the small businesses and artists who are trying to get by in this horrible economy). We had a niche in bringing people together. Right now, the community over there is in such disarray and we are suffering for it.
Also, as a Bernie supporter, I feel that my expression has been chilled in an online place I considered my home. It's a very, very uncomfortable feeling.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Pootie Pads are super! Have one myself.
This is the Community I was speaking of. Sara and Ann are part of the mortar at TOP. Maybe it can be part of community here. I hope so.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
I hope so, too.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Oh hai, Sara R!
Glad to see you here! Manny and Margie (the froglets), LOVE their pootie pads!
I am so happy to hear
the froglets like their pads! We will be doing a KickStarter soon for the Pootie Pad business and will need all our friends to spread the word through social media. So tell the froglets plz to get ready to tweet, like, and share....the cats of Catnip Manor will be so grateful!
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Let me know if you need photos
We also ordered a pad for my sister's woozle, and I can ask her for a photo if you need a dog model with his pad (which he also loves)!
I will contact you
when photos are needed for the website. Thank you so much!
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
I have one who does a much less graceful biscuit dance
He uses all four feet, standing in a weird crouch that conveys nothing so much as "I have to take a crap" - but actually, he doesn't, it is simply a very uncatlike dance of ecstasy.
Great to see you here, Sara! My kitties sat on, kicked, and drooled over one of your pootie pads until finally someone vomited all over it, and its been out airing on the back porch ever since.
You can wash the Pootie Pad.
Just use cold water and mild soap -- hang it to dry. When it is dry, crush it together and rub it briskly to refresh the catnip scent. There is a lot of catnip in there. It will last you more than a year -- maybe even two.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if I could immerse it in water
I will carefully wash and dry it
Make sure it is cold water...
If you use warm or hot, you will get catnip tea! Cold works fine. We've washed and rewashed pads many times and the cats still love them.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
I also want to take this opportunity to post about RobotKitty...
If not in this thread - then where?
RobotKitty (her real name is Bubo, like the robot owl in Clash of the Titans) has Cerebellar Hyperplasia, we think, although the woman we rescued her from seemed to think her neurological issues were caused by a toxic flea treatment when she was a kitten. Who knows? She's a little wobbly when she walks, and it conveys a sort of robotic impression.
Either way, it doesn't slow her down. She is the house policewoman, everytime there's a cat spat, she comes running from wherever she is in the house, gets between the combatants, and smacks both of them. Its pretty hilarious, since she's tiny, only 8 pounds, and can't walk or run quite like a normal cat, more like a slightly malfunctioning cybercat charging toward you at full speed.
Anyway, the point of this LONG comment is to encourage some good vibes to be sent her way. She had an extremely aggressive mammary cancer tumor two years ago, which we had removed. The vet wanted her to see an oncologist, which we did, but they wanted to put her on chemo and said it would buy her, at most, 6 months. That seemed pointless to me, and I have a visceral reaction against chemo, it seems so backwards to me.
So, we declined, and I got her started on several immune boosting supplements, a high-quality homemade diet, and just waited. A month ago, I found a lump under her armpit. Now, remember, she was supposed to be dead in 6 months, so getting 2 healthy years was already a miracle, but still, I was devastated - she looked and acted so healthy.
We went in, had it biopsied, and found out it was not the cancer spreading, but instead, a completely new and unrelated cancer, poor little pumpkin. Once again, had the tumor removed and once again they wanted to do chemo.
I am so ambivalent. I got talked into a short course of Palladia, which isn't traditional chemo but is a targeted drug that only attacks cells with a certain cancer-causing gene mutation, so its only supposed to kill cancer cells - or rather, keep them from reproducing, not actually kill them.
I've been in a tizzy, because even that drug goes against my instincts. Luckily, its not so expensive, because at this point we couldn't afford chemo even if I wanted to.
So, I've given her two doses, she seems fine, and I've added some immune and cancer fighting supplements to the food. She looks amazing - her fur is shiny and she's in good spirits.
She is the opposite of graceful dancing felinity, but she has one of the most unique personalities I've met in a cat, and she is a fighter!
So send her some positive vibes, if you can!
Here she is right after surgery with her cave-man look, and then this morning sleeping peacefully.
Nothing but good good goood
good vibrations for you both!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Lots of love
Lots of love and healing energy coming to this sweet and beautiful pootie. I hope the treatment works and you are together for as long as Ceiling Cat permits.
We also have a police cat we call her the town sheriff. Dusty will break up fights and boff the offenders. Seeing as she is the largest and the oldest of the pride the rest defer to her.
What a sweet and remarkable kitty!
Of course we will send our good thoughts!
Maybe we should have a regular column where people can check in about their pets, -- their adventures, their challenges, and their triumphs. Pets are a big part of people's lives!
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
Good to see another Cascadian here!
We can vouch for the Pootie Pads. They are well loved by our two rescues in this house.
They roll up in them like Quilted Love Burritoes
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Love burritos!
I love that term! {{{{Damnit Janet}}}}}
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.