What we know now . . .
Documents surfaced this year concerning Exxon Mobil's knowledge and research into Climate change.
If Exxon knew, it stands to reason that each succeeding administration knew, from the time of 1982 when these documents were first created.
And it stands to reason that the Clinton administration knew: and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew about the danger, threats, and massive risks to humanity resulting from Climate change.
So during that time, now nearly twelve to fifteen years ago, we were distracted by "cigargate", while Glass Steagall was repealed; while the telecommunications act under WJC repealed laws preventing media monopolies: while the first corporate tribunals and siphoning off of U.S. worth was enacted under NAFTA; and while draconian laws were enacted around support for very poor people, and in enacting massive over sentencing of people, largely of color, for comparitively minor crimes.
All this while "cigargate" dominated the airwaves night and day: and NOTHING of the above got coverage. I no longer believe this wasn't calculated to distract, with the ful complicity of the media: and even the first couple: hell, they are still together after that, and have profited immeasurably.
So Bush and company went further with a war of aggression with HRC's full throated approval: a war of extreme profit for now off shored Halliburton, and the military industrial complex: while wasting our nation's treasure, and wearying out our taste for war. But more war to follow: endless war. Until we are bankrupt and our military vastly overburdened with devastated lives, and a devastated budget. It seems by design.
And we are edging toward the 2 degree increase in environmental devastation: we can all see the weird weather patterns: we hear little if anything from the media monopolies, about the massive changes, exstinctions, shifts in animal behavior, odd geological occurrences, the devastation to the polar ice in both hemispheres. NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE of sufficient gravity to address this.
Meanwhile, the Clinton administration enacted legislation to insure that wealth is siphoned off into private accounts offshore. They have a most "hinky" charity . . . which looks a lot like influence peddling . . . don't bother with security protections . . . don't bother to even look like they respect votes.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has extolled fracking all over the world. There are massive deposits off the coast of Syria. there are massive deposits in the Marcellus. Pennsylvania is, whether its leaders know it or not, a massive humanitarian crisis: so too Denton Texas, Wyoming, California . . . she talks about a "vast right wing conspiracy . . . might be the truest thing she ever said, but she is part of it. Drinking water is being poisoned. Whole communities lack potable water, and air is saturated with toxic chemicals.
Recall the tobacco industry speculating about over population, and smoking's worth for control of this. Those executives work for the gas investments industry, now. Read Merchants of Doubt. Genocide is okay with these folks, if it will make a buck.
Mrs. Clinton was at a Blackstone building one block away from Trump towers soliciting campaign donations, interrupting her campaign . . . because THESE are her constituents.
I'm certain they are most grateful for all of the massive help . . . siphoning off our nation's assets for private riches off shore . . . she and her former President husband have been so very helpful in insuring the survival and well being of "certain americans", while insuring that for the vast majority, there is really no tommorrow. And she enacts abuse on our children, millenials, who really have no future, thanks, to these people. The radical restructuring of finance, of telecommunications, of social safety nets, of incarceration for profit . . . all on their watch. And in the growing atrocity of climate change.
Moulitsis always held to power of dismissing CT: it isn't working. Its pretty clear that the only meaningful response we will get to climate change is genocide. It is already happening, in communities like Flint, like parts of Texas, Pennsylvania, California, Wyoming: our lives are beneath meaningless: they have deliberately sabotaged all laws or oversight for public health: and Clinton remains aggressively deaf to concerns: because this is what the Clintons set in motion. And they knew.

They are monsters.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
keeping focus
Let's keep pushing Bernie over the finish line and avoid this woman.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Welcome to the awakened world.
The fact is these are problems, and the people responsible for keeping it quiet, still doing their business as usual are obstacles. The eco-system is just about beyond repair, but they still obstruct for every last petro-dollar they can suck out.
I was to observe, it is hard to do so objectively, but intervention is not for me. I came here to observe from amongst the common folk, there was more hoped for from the leaders of this world, sadly they still only disappoint.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
"Remember, all I am offering is the truth."
Pretty close
But the awakened are mentally and spiritually awakened to the reality of the Universe and this worlds' pains. but that video reference helps with visuals the ideas for accepting the things we are fed by the MSM(blue pill)and society, or seeing the truth for the total BS they are spoon feeding so many(Red pill). and some when confronted by the truth shut it out (swallow the blue pill), and go on their happy, warm fuzzy bubble world until it crashes due to the bubble hitting reality from job loss or other disaster. The sleep-walkers like their religion in safe dogma, they like their consumerist life style, they enjoy being able to not have to worry how they can replace computer parts or other expenses, in essence, they do not feel any of the pain of others around them. They have all they need, and all others who have more they aspire to become, all others who have less are seen or made to be seen as after what they have. There is so much going on to describe, so it will be in one of my upcoming reports of observation.
So long, and thanks for all the fish