My prediction about the fate of the Era of Biden

In a recent comment I laid out my -- more or less -- core statement on the presidential race. Here's what I said:

the public interest is currently served by a proliferation of candidates who are not Joe Biden and who are not Republicans.

Here's the supporting prediction. Unless something really unexpected happens, a Republican is going to win the White House next year. The Republicans will figure out how to avoid doing what Donald Trump did in 2020 -- they won't squander their advantages on their candidate's ego-trip this time around. The Democratic Party opposition to, you know, democracy, is a really bad look, "the economy" is not the winner the Democrats think it is, and damned few people really care deeply about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, two individuals outstandingly incapable of promoting themselves to voters, as opposed to money.

(I might add that Biden is going to win the Dem nomination on a vote of the superdelegates, if RFK Jr. and/or Marianne Williamson don't give up first. This is America, where if you grease enough palms something will happen. The point of RFK Jr. and Marianne Williamson is to bring to the Democratic Party, once again, the disrepute it has most clearly earned.)

Whichever Republican wins in November of 2024 will be hampered by a divided Congress, like the one we have now. Unlike with the Presidential race, Democrats in Congressional races are free to run on actual issues, and so they should have little trouble defeating Republicans and establishing a slim majority in one if not both houses of Congress.

And so nothing will change. Riley and Brenner suggested an essential truth:

Under political capitalism, raw political power, rather than productive investment, is the key determinant of the rate of return. This new form of accumulation is associated with a series of novel mechanisms of ‘politically constituted rip-off’. These include an escalating series of tax breaks, the privatization of public assets at bargain-basement prices, quantitative easing plus ultra-low interest rates, to promote stock-market speculation—and, crucially, massive state spending aimed directly at private industry, with trickledown effects for the broader population: Bush’s Prescription Drug legislation, Obama’s Affordable Care Act, Trump’s CARES Act, Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure and CHIPS Acts and the Inflation Reduction Act. All these mechanisms of surplus extraction are openly and obviously political. They allow for returns, not on the basis of investment in plant, equipment, labour and inputs to produce use values, but rather on the basis of investments in politics.

Beyond US domination by two sold-out political parties, in the US elections are determined by demographics. This is so for numerous reasons -- people behave politically as the political culture industry has buttonholed them to behave. The most important reason, though, is that the creative diversity that would otherwise be "the Left" is reduced to silence by the Democratic Party. The reduction to silence has gone on for so long that "the Left" has lost a lot of its creative impulse. The reduction to silence has been the elites' crowning political achievement of the past forty years, in which politics has been reduced to voting and voting to voting for the lesser of evils, which the Democrats pretend is good. Conversation about, say, what "good things" Joe Biden has in fact done, or what "competencies" are in fact displayed by Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg, or why the Democrats aren't in fact planning to hold debates -- well, those topics help the Republicans, so Democrats don't discuss them.

The actual Biden base reality looks like this:

In the midst of the Breaking Points discussion of "wow they're concerned now," Ryan Grim cited "one of the most robust economies of the last fifty years." I guess the basis for this assessment is a cluster of statistics that were cited last year:

November’s jobs report defied analysts’ expectations, adding 263,000 new roles and keeping America’s jobless rate at 3.7%, almost a half-century low.

The Federal Reserve’s favorite inflation gauge, the PCE Price Index, finally showed signs of cooling.

Gross domestic product grew at a 2.9% annualized rate last quarter, a sharp bounce back from shrinking in the first half of the year.

None of these statistics tells us anything about, say, the net worth of the working class, clearly the most important statistic. There can be a lot of jobs and -- at the same time -- none of them would pay enough for the workers to afford rents raised by decades of rent inflation. Sure, anyone can wash dishes for a restaurant for $15/hour today. Meanwhile, "inflation," by which is excluded a lot of actual inflations, is being solved by making it more expensive to take out a mortgage. And GDP doesn't tell us who actually gets this "gross domestic product." So we might assume that the statistics basically report upon a "poison bloom," a hurrah of the type the American economy saw in 2006, before the eventual downturn when the Saudis cut oil production to the point when the American economy starts to scream.

As for Europe, it looks like Aurelien has an idea or two about its fate. What this post says is echoed in a lot of other places:

Since the Left has thoughtfully committed suicide in those parts of Europe where it has not long been an active part of the (professional-managerial class) elite already, the field is open for parties of the Right (and even “extreme Right”) to take power, since they will be the only parties that even talk about the issues that interest ordinary people. (Hint: Ukraine is not one of them.)

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usefewersyllables's picture

I'd prefer that the Biden era go out with a whimper and not a bang. You're right that the repubs are going to win, though: the dems are going to shit on everyone except Biden. And as a result more of their votes than ever are going to either go to protests, Mickey Mouse, or the voters will simply stay home.

This could very easily be the first time that overall turnout drops below 50%. If nobody will run on peace as a plank, then why should anybody bother casting a ballot? The red shit burrito and the blue shit sandwich have finally converged. Red eternal war and blue eternal war are still eternal war.

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Cassiodorus's picture

@usefewersyllables whether or not anyone will run on peace as a plank. I am predicting that peace will be a really big winner next year, whereas Joe Biden's commitment to war appears rather ironclad even if he is forced to sue for peace in Ukraine.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

by trying to draw a separation along a horizontal axis. There is no left/right anymore. At this point that is a semantic argument.

The only separation we have in our society today is along the vertical axis. We have a uniparty in power with designated fake opponents on every issue. That's all there is. Nothing but lies. Nothing but distractions and propaganda to keep the rabble from storming the gates. The really important issues never come to a vote, not even a poll.

This business will not end with an election. As Caitlyn has pointed out... something that began without an election cannot be ended by an election.

On a parting note: The most depressing part is that nothing has changed in the last couple of millenia. The pyramids were replaced by churches and today we have sports stadiums.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@exindy by the name "the Left." I suppose I could have made that clear, though it is only a side-point. It's just that people do in actual practice call political diversity "the Left," because the last time political imagination appeared on a landscape that had been informed by political conformity, we had a number of phenomena associated with "the left." Such phenomena would include environmentalism, feminism, gay rights, anarchism, the Black Panthers, Food Not Bombs, co-operatives, communes, squats, freegans, and political theater, all of them "leftist" at least in the popular mind.

Yes, I recognize that all of those developments were a long time ago, but Occupy wasn't a long time ago, and Occupy was definitely not a right-wing phenomenon.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

Biden will start a direct shooting war between NATO/US and Russia before election. I am not sure how this will change the election as both parties are united in being war mongers. Domestic issues will probably be secondary at least as pushed by all the mass war mongering media.

BTW I thought/suspected that Biden would start a war with Russia before the 2020 election. Democrats hate the Russians because they think Putin installed Trump. And reading at least dailykos the hatred of the Russians is at insane levels. Also, if Biden has to bow out of the election, the DNC will anoint Hillary as his replacement.

I think war, big war, is in our futures.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@MrWebster Therefore I'm going to let you debate it out with Aurelien. Here's the link. I will argue this: further war or no further war, the Biden administration's current commitment to more war appears as stupid in a rather costly way. I might add that Aurelien's conclusion about the relative incapacity of NATO to wage a full-scale war with Russia is reinforced by Simplicius the Thinker's most recent post.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

@Cassiodorus Yes, from everything I have watched and read, NATO does not have the capacity to win any direct conflict. All the national armies are in pathetic shape. Thing is, American political leadership in particular believes their own bullshit about the state of the Russian military and think that Top Gun is the real deal. Mix that with utter stupidity and arrogance, the Western elites may fool themselves in believing they could vanquish the Russians totally out of the Ukraine.

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snoopydawg's picture


this will be the outcome.

And reading at least dailykos the hatred of the Russians is at insane levels.

I often tweet some of their most xenophobic diaries and asked how they would react if people said that about Israel. Or other minorities. You’d think that the management would crack down on the xenophobia, but if you read some of the things Kos himself writes you can see why it’s acceptable there. Funny how they love to show Russian tanks being blown up, but they never show any Ukrainian tanks being blown up or even talk about how many have been. Kos repeated what Austin said:

The Russians have shown us the same 6 Ukrainian tanks from different angles.

Lol.. I saw a picture that had 8 Ukrainian tanks that were destroyed. The only sources used there are from Ukraine ones.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@MrWebster a war before the 2020 election when he was out of office? Did u mean Trump? I thought he might, and according to one of his former natsec aides he intended just that -- to arrange an attack on Iran before Nov but he was thwarted.

And imo both Hillary and dKos are politically dead as major influencers. I think dk was last relevant about 15 yrs ago, when I last checked over in that Stalinist enclave.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@wokkamile all the way up to March of 2016, when Markos announced that at a certain point only "constructive criticism" of Hillary Clinton would be permitted. The idea of "constructive criticism" of Hillary Clinton brings to mind those scenes in "The Sopranos" in which Tony Soprano is in session with his psychotherapist Dr. Melfi. It doesn't work, of course, because Tony is a Mobster, whose word cannot be gainsaid. By the same token there is no such thing as "constructive criticism" of Hillary Clinton, who possesses the same Mob mentality as Tony Soprano, and so Markos' edict was used to enact a rather totalitarian censorship of Daily Kos's contents.

Before that, well, you had One Pissed Off Liberal, and you had me, and you had a number of others. Well, I read the edict and promptly deleted all of my diaries from Daily Kos and put about 95% of them in a WordPress blog. OPOL eventually died, bless him.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

snoopydawg's picture


Kos is going to be checking diaries for disinformation and misinformation. who decides what is the truth there because he himself has been spreading both in his diaries on the Ukraine conflict and telling his echo chamber that Ukraine is kicking Russian butt. Lots of the videos of Russian tanks being blown up are actually Ukrainian tanks being blown up. Plus the chances of Ukraine winning the conflict are just pure grade A disinformation! And the conflict is just one example of how many diaries there are totally bogus.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg "Aw jeez..."

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

the near future will be much worse, but it will be dominated by something we're being blissfully and intentionally ignorant and blind to. Four or five billion people will try (be forced to try) to migrate in the next few years - an increasingly hostile climate, rising sea levels, heat, famine, political and social instability, war - European nationalism cannot eventually work without force and America will soon be unable to cover our eyes and ears and say, "they're good for the economy" and, "bla bla lba you're just a racist!" It's racist to blame refugees, but not to see them.

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On to Biden since 1973