This is what causes revolutions
Submitted by gjohnsit on Mon, 03/07/2022 - 12:17am
Food prices went up nearly 21% last year, and have reached an all-time record.
Gas prices are expected to hit all-time highs this week, and then keep going. Some are estimating that gas prices could rise another 50% from here.
Rents in some cities went up 40% last year, and are rising at the fastest rate ever.
Meanwhile, corporate profits are at all-time highs, while corporations plan to continue to hold down wages.
after-tax corporate profits actually reached record levels as a share of economic output, said the U.S. Commerce Department.
According to the Wall Street Journal, nearly two thirds of publicly traded companies had higher profit margins after the pandemic.
...As these large companies raise prices and the CPI shows a 7 percent increase, surveys from and the Conference Board show that corporations are on average only planning to increase wages by 3 to 3.9 percent.“Many companies we’ve spoken to have seen their overall payrolls barely budge at all,” Pollak said. “They’ve lost their most experienced, highest paid people and replaced them with a younger cohort,” due to pandemic-related retirements.
What is the working class waiting for? For things to get better?

This seems apropos.
Biden's handlers are walking (or should I say Jumping up and
down on thin ice)
Interesting as to how this plays out.
That guy is Robert Habeck=1 of 2 co-leaders of the German Greens
and minister for the economy and climate protection in the new German pro-war, anti-Russia and anti-China coalition government.
The Greens’ platform in English as posted on their website:
They’re all in on ending sovereign nation-states in favor of a federal European superstate — a United States of Europe which, it goes without saying, would operate in the same fashion as Washington DC following World Economic Forum / Council on Foreign Relations / Atlantic Council plans and ideas.
Green in 2022 = surfing a neolib / neocon, globalist wave of young PMC (professional-managerial class) votes to power …
smallBIG is beautiful! As in one big borderless, frictionless global melting pot a.k.a. “free market” (shaking my head)…It's unfortunate that politicians have latched on the Green
philosophy what was good
Only to co-opt it to further their agenda. It has happened in the US, Canada and now it seems to be happening in Germany.
It is unfortunate for the environment and mankind.
1 of the few German counterculture writers who didn’t sell out
and become a relay station for mainstream thought control efforts after 9/11: Mathias Bröckers
His perspective is typical of what the German Green party and the nominally left-Green daily newspaper started out as. Quite a contrast to the establishment voice and fount of conventional Washington / Western wisdom both have become.
Sorry I can't help myself so here it is.
Missing from the bottom cartoon is the statement that said "NATO said that we would win"
Western nations will end up destroying themselves
So companies watch as their profits plummet?
All those companies targeting Russia are just going to sacrifice their profits or has the government made a deal to bail them out? MasterCard and visa loaned people money but will they get it back after the war is over? Breach of contract agreement! McDonald’s isn’t going to serve millions of hamburgers to Russians? And what happens to the company’s property in Russia after they have cut ties with them? Will Russia just take them? Does anyone have any answers?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Those questions are all coming attractions!
as for Visa/MC, I imagine Vlad might just give his fellow Russians
holding Visa/MC debt a debt jubilee.
The whole undertone to all of this worldwide is that the good ol
us of a will not honor anything, some rough sledding ahead until
Jeffersons call for revolution(peaceful of course NSA) occurs.
I've been wrong before ;-(
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Visa and Mastercards issued at Russian banks will continue to work in Russia. However, most Russians will convert immediately to Russian Mir (means world or peace) cards or convert to Union Card from China which are already integrated into Russia. Russia is quickly being deloused of all financial western blood suckers. The world is changing so fast that my head is spinning.
Russia's economy is extremely robust with manufacture/extraction of all of the basic commodities, energy, food, minerals, lumber, automobiles, trucks, aerospace, etc. The rest she can trade with China, Pakistan, India, Iran, Vietnam, most of the Far East, the Middle East, Africa, South America and Central America. Other than that she's in trouble??????
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Russia is ahead of the game
So who/what is this "channel"?
Reading what they're telling him, THAT must be why the Neocons are so livid at Putin: He's being greeted as a liberator!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I know there is some term out of game theory for this.
I think there is a term where "I am willing to harm my interests just so long as you the opponent loses out also." I guess the cliched "cut off your nose to spite your face" might work maybe? Xenophobia and bigotry have won over rationality and attempts at diplomacy. I just saw some figures that hundreds of Swedish companies import and export goods to Russia. Sanctions will shut them down. Sweden from what I understand has been take over by unhinged Russophobia.
But what worries me is that instead of blaming domestic power centers and elites, the media will convince people they are not eating because of the Russians. And it will be acceptable to hurt the Russians by no fly zones, etc.