News about Germany - probably not written by Germans

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Good Morning !

I am supposed to write an Open Thread about News from Germany. So I was wondering, should I link to sources that write about Germany, but are not from genuine German print newspapers, but have a (partly) online English edition, or should I link to any publication who writes in Englisn about German news? (ie the Guardian for example)

I wanted it to be about the news in Germany, written by German print newspapers, who happen go have their own online English edition.

So I consicer the Guardian, or Frence 24 video links that cover German news NOT a German source.

Therefore I need to know what you consider a German source.

Here is a list of German print newspapers and magazines:

German Newspapers and Magazines

Open the link, if you like to get dizzy in your head.

Links to important German newspapers online.
German newspapers and magazines listed by Federal States. Get news and information on local and regional events, in the fields of politics, people, culture, and business covered by German newspaper.(mostly in German)

By the way, 0he World's first weekly newspaper was printed in German language in in Strasbourg by Johann Carolus, a German publisher. The worldwide first daily newspaper was published in 1650 by Timotheus Ritzsch in Leipzig, Germany. Oldest newspaper in Germany which is still published today is Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung (founded in 1705).

... hey, warms up my heart the Leipzis thingy. Wink

I am getting confused: Do you consider a story in the Guardian about Germany a German source or an English source?

There are few German newspaper who offer online sites in English. I will try to stick to them. I will not dare to translate an article from a German newspaper and post an excerpt of such a translation. I remember well someone on dailykos with the nickname "translatorpro" putting me down (to say it gently, for translting some article accorkding to my own level best.

So, never again.

Here a very German newspaper (nsit paper, I never read it) - "Die Welt"

Cyber terrorism: The Code of Evil ...

Oops it is from 2017. Well just to make it clear. In the seventies we demonstrated against those publications, the way I remember it against the whole "Axel Springer Press", of which 'Die Welt' was part of.

These are the German Papers I would consider reading ... (ha, ha in your dreams)

Nationwide Newspapers and Magazines

Stock exchange news.

Das Handelsblatt ... well I am not in business and finance much
Business and finance news (German-partly English).

News Magazines
Website of the weekly news magazine (in German).

SPIEGEL ... a must read
Since more than 70 years sophisticated News. First issue 4 January 1947.
(German, and Spiegel in English)

Stern ... nor really my thing
Weekly Magazine (German), founded in 1948.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ ... if you want it conservative, then this one is the one.
FAZ online (German-partly English). FAZ was founded November 1949.

Hamburger Morgenpost ... ridiculoue no way, just good for not falling asleep commuting in a train to your work)
Hamburg tabloid online.

Frankfurter Rundschau .. if you want it a bit more leftish and liberal, not really, but I would consier it
Frankfurter Rundschau online (in German).

Süddeutsche Zeitung ... that is a real newspaper with class.
Süddeutsche Zeitung in the Internet, Munich.

die tageszeitung ... if you want it leftist, this was the thing. I never read it, but lotlizard knows much about that paper, I think.
The taz, Berlin.

So I worked hard the whole day while being sick and now I am sick and tired to continue to write anything here that makes half-way sense.

With apologies.

I fall apart, but would be very interested as to what you consider to be a German source.

I will read your comments in eight hours.

Good Night from here. People here in my neighborhood use to call their region, "Der Wahre Norden" (The True North). they are a little strange they never smile at strangers.
Good Night.

PS: Please consider that I lived from 1982 til 2016 in the US. I really don'i know much about Germany. And what I have now learned in the last four years after coming back to Germany makes me mostly furious.

So that is the truth, nothing but the truth, I swear that on the bible of C99p.

PS2: I put this on the scheduler for Friday 6am. If it doesn't work it is the schedulers fault. /s

17 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Thanks for the news from Germany!

Appreciate your kindness in posting here today.

Wasn't sure if you would, so put up another one as well.

More the merrier!

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

mimi's picture

@QMS t
I hope C99p can survive two Open Threads at once. If not, shoot me. Wink

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

I hope I didn't came into cross fire with another Open Thread for Friday.

Just to let you know that I actually had written an Open Thread for this Friday that I courageously dumped into a black hole to never see the light again. That was actually a pretty good one, according to my standards. I informed JtC about it, me making a big pile of pooh with it, that's why I wrote this as a replacement, just to fulfill my obligations.

Ok, I am sorry for the mess. But I am happy to experience the scheduler to work in my favor.

Have all a very good Friday and I am happy to get any answers to all my stupid questions.

Meanwhile I answered some of them to myself, but I am glad to hear from you.

8 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@mimi I would vote for any news about Germany from real news in German papers, magazines and websites. But if the Guardian or France 24 has something, you could give your reaction or what other Germans are saying about the subject. If the Guardian got right or wrong.

Thanks for asking all of us. Have a good Freitag.

9 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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lotlizard's picture

… by having its German subsidiary buy Stern’s parent company, publisher Gruner + Jahr.

Also, Axel Springer just bought the U.S. website Politico for over $1 billion.

To my jaded eye, all German mainstream news channels are alike nowadays — globalist, Atlanticist, neoliberal on economic policy, and neocon on foreign policy. You might as well be reading the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Economist magazine, or the Associated Press. In the beginning, there was post-war Allied-occupation-imposed Bernaysian paternalism. More recently that has merged with Cass Sunstein’s notion of “nudging”. At any rate, everyone agrees that E.U. elite rule and reputation must be protected, U.S. woke ideology must be imported and promoted, and populism must be discredited.

The leading newspaper in Dresden where I live, the Sächsische Zeitung (“Saxon News”), is owned by a Social Democrat party-linked holding company, DDV.

The taz is the daily paper closest to the Greens. I’m not sure which media best reflect the Left Party (ex-communist / post-communist) milieu — the only one that comes to mind would be the daily Neues Deutschland, which grew out of the East German ruling communist party’s house organ.

Everybody has such an axe to grind these days that they’re all unreliable. All must be taken with a grain of salt, in full awareness of on which side the respective writers’ and editors’ bread is buttered when it comes to politics, money, and career.

10 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@lotlizard I was happy to see mimi so wholeheartedly recommend it; I was aware of it before, and from what I've seen of it (like this piece I discovered years ago:, I think highly of it.

My mother and I have been talking about learning a foreign language together, and I finally was able to convince her to start with German (she came of age at around the same time as the American public was learning the full scope of the Holocaust, and it basically tainted her view of everything German for most of her life - though I accept her saying this was not so since I asked about it, I did formerly wonder whether that all was a factor in, despite having had multiple husbands before my father, only finally settling down and having kids once she got around to the Nice Jewish Boy™ of her dreams).

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

lotlizard's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat  
its founder, who ran the magazine until he turned over the reins to Stefan Aust in 1994. A figure with Augstein’s guts and integrity hasn’t been seen in German journalism since. Aust in turn was followed by a succession of other editors-in-chief.

In 1962, Adenauer and his defense minister Franz-Josef Strauss accused Augstein of treason and jailed him for 103 days.

Even though Augstein personally supported the Free Democrat party, this didn’t stop him from exposing FDP party head Otto Graf Lambsdorff’s corrupt dealings in the Flick affair.

Laut einer Umfrage unter 1536 deutschen Journalisten im Frühjahr 2005 soll sich der Einfluss des Magazins verringert haben. 33,8 Prozent der Befragten bezeichneten das Blatt weiterhin als ihr Leitmedium, während für die Süddeutsche Zeitung 34,6 Prozent votierten. 1993 hatten noch zwei Drittel der befragten Journalisten für den Spiegel als Leitmedium gestimmt.


A poll of 1536 German journalists in early 2005 found that the magazine’s influence had waned, with 33.8% of respondents naming Der Spiegel as their #1 medium compared to 34.6% voting for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In 1993, Der Spiegel had still been ranked #1 by two-thirds of the journalists surveyed.

Part of the problem in both the U.S. and Germany seems to be editors who think it’s their duty to push society in a certain direction and consequently get conned by tellers of tales tailored to their and their audience’s prejudices. The tip of the problematic iceberg then surfaces when the award-winning, zeitgeist-capturing stories turn out to be made up.

At Der Spiegel, the scandal exposing the rot revolved around Claas Relotius; at the New York Times, Jayson Blair; at the New Republic, Stephen Glass…

And then there’s the opposite problem, suppressing true, real stories because they don’t suit a media outlet’s political line. Birk Meinhardt, reporter for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. from 1996 through 2012, has written a book detailing his frustration and disillusionment with practices at that newspaper.

5 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat .
said that "Der Spiegel" ist ein Scheißblatt. That was under Rudolf Augsteins rule. And that is a big praise.

Note: The only honest publications are generally all "Scheiße". Herber Wehner had also his love affair with "Der Spiegel". My frigging laptop constantly fucks with me. I give up. Can't find link in English about the Wehner quote.

Thansk lotlizard.

3 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

Willy Brandt was, after all, a politician, and if journalism isn’t publicizing things the political class doesn’t want publicized, it isn’t really journalism, is it? So being called a “Scheißblatt” by those in power for doing accurate, well-sourced reporting is indeed a badge of honor.

News is what somebody does not want you to print. All the rest is advertising.

The trouble is, five years ago, it’s almost as if Western elites rewrote that to read, “News is what Trump and Trump alone does not want you to print,” forgetting that (1) interpreting “somebody” to mean “only that one guy we don’t like” is ridiculous school-playground stuff, and (2) news also needs to be, like, you know, true. Not just lies sourced to anonymous people whose very profession is deception.

4 users have voted.
mimi's picture

but we are on the same wavelength. Thanks, lotlizard.

1 user has voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

Thanks for the OT about information from Germany. Give us your take on things there. Tell us what makes you mostly furious about Germany. I'm pretty furious about America, myself, so I'm interested in your ferocity!

Enjoy Friday! Pleasantry

9 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

They are all mostly global media giants spinning their pro-war, pro-consumerism, failed capitalist message. Nuggets of truth are about all that is to be found, but those sources are pretty much persecuted. They can't tolerate truth tellers.

'US goal is an endless war, not a successful war' – Julian Assange (5 min)

Take care. Octoberfest is around the corner.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

hmm, now I wonder if it wo it wouldn't be time to get a bit schmoozy with the Southerners. Wink

8 users have voted.
mimi's picture

what is going on, which is basically disgusting.

Also, Axel Springer just bought the U.S. website Politico for over $1 billion.

I think we are going to live under a perfect empire to oppress any freedom of expression. Fear and money. Divide and CONQUER your own people. Sure will work, til it doesn't.

I have to fight my common ivy and our brick walls right now. But I do read your links later.

Thank you, lotlizard.

8 users have voted.
CB's picture

pre-Iraq War days when they actually reported that Saddam was armed and supplied with precursors to make the chemical weapons he used on the Kurds by the western nations. The Germans and French had been against the war while the US and UK were for it. Eventually the US/UK brought Spiegal to heel and they have been a good little lap dog since. I gave up reading them when they started repeating the same lies as American MSM.

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

citizenship. My sonn was born in Germany and had always a German passport, but he lived just his first seven years in Germany and never visited a German school at that time. At that time the French were our 'occupiers' in the northern part of Berlin. Their schools system saved me, but made my son a perfect, but totally confused brain fuck, who spoke both languages fluent without being able to write any of the one. Anyhow I liked the French school system better.

In any case, when later in life in the US his life becams quite difficult and he joined the US Air Force, the Germans said enough is enough (without telling him or me in advance) and withraw his German citizenship. Well, I don't forgive that. Not then and not now. My son neither.

Fuck the Iraq war. My son fought in it, Papi Bush was an idiot, and we, especially my son knew it. End of story.

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

Die Zeit? Objective, US propaganda, or what?

You present an interesting conundrum. Consider a "newspaper" published in Germany, in Deutsch, that is simply a collection of Associated Press articles and US government agency memos and propaganda "leaks", versus some other paper, printed somewhere outside of Germany in some other language that is based on the reporting and interviews conducted by German correspondent reporters on the ground in Germany? And, of course, in both cases, somebody, somewhere has editorial control (Murdoch, Kushner?).

What is mimi's news? How's the weather, the price of brotchen, and the "atmosphere" where you are?

At any rate, this is an open thread, and, for the purposes thereof, pretty much as good as any other, non?

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

@enhydra lutris
price of a Brötchen between 25 and 45 cents.
Weather is nuts, unpredictable, and something is not quite right about it. Sun and dark dangerous looking clouds pass over our heads every other hour. Floods, but not in my woods yet, drought, but not much in my woods yet. We are exposed to the North Sea and the East See
that's the deal for 'balance between the east and the west', not that bad of a deal.

Atmosphere: my direct neighborhoo sucks with rich a*holes driving their Mercedes and BMW around. Average age group 65 and up. If they drive cabriolet version, age group 45 to 55.

Camping Caravans around and competing with bicycles and street warriors on foot for dominance, literally. Highways full to the brim with huge trucks who do the logistical task getting the Northerner their cheese from Greece os something like that.

Yesteday I was stuck for hours on the highway to Hamburg gettin gently scared by their incredible good driving skills but really scared by their temper tantrums, when a little old lady drives exactly 80 miles per hour like this would be a US highway. Not tolerable at all. So they honk me like I were a dog believing I would obey. "Denkste Puppe". I am no dog, especially not here, where every person has at least one dog up to three. But dare you let your dog shit on their garden fence.

Well, it was a rough driving day, yesterday, I was stuck on the highway with almost zero gasoline in the tank, and feverishly asking myself, can I make it to Ikea or not. I made it but it was a cliff hanger. And all that, knowing I had no OT thread ready to go, as I was so skillfull to push the wrong button and sent the 'good' OT on into the dark underground.

Oh yes, I could kill my laptop. Why has this thing buttons anyway.

Sigh. more mimi's news to follow occasionally.

8 users have voted.
QMS's picture


here we drive on the wrong side of the road
speeding until breaking, tailgating
running over anything in our way
including dogs and small children

having a car does not make one necessarily
kind, considerate or even a good driver

I learned to drive using a tractor in the fields
baling hay, I still like to go slow to this day

the youngns in their Benz and Beemers seem to be
impatient with my old chevy van, but hey, I may be slow
but I'm ahead of you. The tourist people are in a wicked
hurry, for some odd reason. We'll all get there soon enough.


6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture


bolillo run about 3 for a buck. Glad your gas held out.

So Die Zeit is still worth a read then I take it. I'll have to go unblock their ads and check them out (no can read with ad blocker unless subscribe, more and more common these days.)

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris
tobably the most thoughtful propaganda. So, tell me a newspaper, which has not a propagandistic little tooth, in your opinion.?

Ask lotlizard ... I pass.

6 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

@enhydra lutris  
as ineffectual hand-wringing status-quo apologists for U.S. empire. Living in Hesse in the greater Frankfurt area — where many Spontis morphed into Greens, yielding luminaries like Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit — I had no reason to question their view.

In the late 1990s, I do personally recall that Die Zeit’s foreign correspondent seemed alone in exposing the terrible pogroms against the Chinese under the eyes of the army in Indonesia, in lengthy reports sometimes running to a full page or longer.

Example (unfortunately paywalled):

As so often in the past, in Indonesia the Chinese minority is the scapegoat
In Suharto’s empire, scenes of people being hunted like animals

By Jochen Buchsteiner
19 February 1998

Everyone else in German media seemed to be looking away for economic, geopolitical, or even racially charged reasons. Helmut Kohl had famously gone on a fishing trip with Suharto to clinch a trade deal. The attitude seemed to be, “Who cares about Chinese, anyway? They’re not one of the minorities we in the West worry about protecting. They’re probably like the Koreans in L.A. — serves ’em right for hogging all the business success and keeping darker-skinned groups down.”

2 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

Hey mimi!

You said:

I will not dare to translate an article from a German newspaper and post an excerpt of such a translation. I remember well someone on dailykos with the nickname "translatorpro" putting me down (to say it gently, for translating some article according to my own level best.

So, never again.

spelling corrected to appease autocorrect

A couple of points:

1. This isn't dailykos, it's c99. Hereabouts, if you tell us that a translation is your work and according to your own level best, you should be met with nothing but respect and gratitude for your efforts. We're not some hell-hole where narcissistic dicks are encouraged to act, well, like "translatorpro" did.

2. Whoever (s)he might be, "translatorpro" can kiss my white Irish nether regions! (I'm not much of a fan of narcissistic dicks.) Diablo

3. We appreciate your bringing us German news. Our options for that service are limited hereabouts to efforts made by you and lotlizard to my best knowledge. I certainly am no Teutonophone, as my most recent foray into German makes painfully obvious. Wink

So, vielen dank for this, and don't let the bastards grind you down!

9 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

QMS's picture


don't let it bring you down

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

mimi's picture

thank you for your kind endcouragement. So basically I like to do it 'the Biko way', in Steve Bikos' words "I write what I like" Wink

Fine by me. I hope you are doing sufficiently great. Have a good weekend and coma again.

Good NIght.

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