Bernie went there with Neera. Again

Bernie: "You have made personal attacks against not only republicans, but viscous attacks made against progressives and ones I worked with as well as against me, so as you come before this committee to assume a serious role in government and there are serious issues and not personal attacks on anyone from either the left or right. that we have to address can you reflect on some of your personal statements that you have made in recent years?"

Neera: "Yes senator I really appreciate the question and I realize that my language on social media and I feel badly about that."


Breaking news, Physicists have made a major scientific breakthrough in discovering that gravity is no longer nature's weakest force' ... that distinction fallen to the stunning weakness of Tanden's 'ability' to even feign sincerity'!



He keeps hammering the issue and asks her IF she is elected OMB will her approach be much different?

Neera does finally apologize to those on the left and right that she hurt and will clean up her act. However social media brings out the worst in people and I ...Umm...and I ...I’ll do better. Sorry but her tone just isn’t there. Unless she can’t make that tone?

Bernie talks about how there is too much special interest money and when Neera at CAP she took gobs and gobs of money from ...well whoever threw it at her.


I’m trying to find the whole video. But at least he called her out and she issued a semi apology to Bernie. She now should offer the Twit universe an apology and unblock every person she has blocked because they fought back against her derisions and personal attacks. But she still shouldn’t be appointed because she is one of the most crookedest people in Washington, but mostly because of her strong connections to Israel and some very bad countries and people.. which Krystal outlined in her radar today.

24 users have voted.


with the second coming Impeachment of Donald Trump. The first vote, determining that the impeachment can proceed, garnered 6 Republican cross-over votes. 17 Republicans will be needed, in addition to every Democratic Senator, to actually impeach Trump. I can’t imagine that actually happening.

Good timing for the impeachment “drama” to be rolling as Biden packs one of the most despicable neoliberals of the Clinton era into a position requiring high ethical standards and strong understanding of finance and budget, both of which are sorely lacking with Ms. Tanden.

Biden is giving progressives a giant F**K YOU! with this appointment.

22 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


Turley has shown this trial for the farce it is. He questions why democrats didn’t line up any witnesses before they sent the papers to the senate. This is a good question because there were none during the house part nor did Trump have a chance to defend himself from the charges. And in the last 2 days democrats have been showing scenes from the 6th and playing on people’s emotions instead of showing what laws Trump actually broke. And just to play devils advocate here what if republicans did vote to convict? If Trump is found guilty of insurrection and sedition then will he be tried in the criminal court? If not why not? Seems like most people who went to the capital are being charged there. If Trump instigated the riots then he should be too.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

lotlizard's picture

and the rest of the Chicago Seven.

Don’t leftists / liberals / progressives get it? Don’t they (we) understand that, if this Trump thing goes through, there can never be another “March on Washington”? — Unless, of course, it’s theater orchestrated and pre-approved by the power elite / the Deep State…

11 users have voted.

@lotlizard as he attended the same Ashram as I did, however there never was anything said by him about politics, past or present.
I didn't bring it up even though I'd followed that trial, and I was just one of many Americans there dodging the draft, so the war on Vietnam was still a very hot topic.

I'll add this, he really was high on spirituality, or at least that's how it looked to me when I turned to look at him when he was speaking one day in the back seat of the car on our way to an event.
He was seated between two men from India dressed in robes (members of the Ashram) and looking at his eyes I thought he looked like he'd been smoking hash (pot wasn't around back then in Van), he was high.
I knew it wasn't hash or any other drug because they were very much frowned upon in this group, and with that aside he looked very happy, stoned looking eyes and all.

I'd just learned yesterday, totally by accident, when I spotted an article saying Rennie Davis had died.
I had totally forgotten about him and that time in Vancouver.
What a memory.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Unless, of course, it’s theater orchestrated and pre-approved by the power elite / the Deep State…

Now you’re not hinting that people were allowed to go inside the capital just so Biden can throw the new patriot act at us are you? Now that’s cynical. I’m right there with you on it. Why? Because they knew help was needed immediately, but it took hours for someone to release the kraken. Who kept holding it back? Where are the inquiries about what happened that day? Will we ever see them? Congress has plenty of time to get it done. Did y’all know that congress only works 3 days a week and 158 days a year? F’cking great gig if you can get it. Just think. You have access to really nice amenities for free including per diems that can be used for almost everything. A private gym without having to pay dues and every other nice thing they get whilst they refuse to let us have the same.

Utah is making rules to let congress member’s funds to be used for child care while they are working on your election or just working. Imagine how many women would love to see themselves getting that perk. And dad’s too.

What do they get that we have no idea about?

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


see where it meets the parameters set out by Brandenburg v. Ohio

We also saw an interview on NPR with a former judge (conservative) who noted that the Dems picked the wrong charge to make against Trump... that he should have been impeached based on his call to election officials in GA asking them to tinker with the voting process. If Trump was being "tried" in a regular court of law, he most likely would not be convicted. You have to prove a direct line between what was actually said right before the actions and those words have to fit the tests of Brandenburg.

9 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture


there can never be another “March on Washington”?

I am torn on wanting people prosecuted for their being at the capital on the 6th. People had the right to listen to Trump and to be on the capital grounds if they stayed outside where the barriers were originally placed. How many people got caught up in the 'gang' mood and went with the flow, but stayed totally peaceful? Should they be charged? I don't think so. But then I hate our justice/prison system so I am biased. But if they are and Trump is found guilty of orchestrating it then he too must be charged.

@Fishtroller 02

This is helpful:

that he should have been impeached based on his call to election officials in GA asking them to tinker with the voting process. If Trump was being "tried" in a regular court of law, he most likely would not be convicted. You have to prove a direct line between what was actually said right before the actions and those words have to fit the tests of Brandenburg.

I agree. And today Georgia's AG has brought charges against Trump for that. From what was heard that sounded very iffy, but were there things left out from the call that made it seem less than it sounded.

Turley thinks that dems are giving repubs a way out by charging Trump with the top most charge instead of offering them something less that they can live with. I see his point.

I am not watching the trial, just seeing tweets that come through my timeline. Why pay attention to kabuki when the real show is going on behind the scenes. Like how long has it been since those $2k checks have not gone out the door immediately?

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

ggersh's picture

Sen. Kennedy to Neera Tanden: "You called Bernie everything but an ignorant slut"!

17 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

appointing unqualified women to important jobs.

Does anyone here know why this particular person (Tanden) for this particular job? Couldn't the Biden team find some lucrative perch where she won't be able to influence policy?

Would anyone here like to venture a guess as to from whom Tanden will be taking orders?

Is there any chance Tanden might not be confirmed? If all the Republicans vote against her, it would only take one or two Democrats joining them not to confirm. If I were an ambitious Democratic senator, I think would be doing some very hard bargaining right now. Like, eg, the full $2000 and no means testing, just like we promised, or its no on this nomination.

Has any senator even asked exactly, besides being a sycophant and running dog for Killary, what are her qualifications?

10 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

snoopydawg's picture


Does anyone here know why this particular person (Tanden) for this particular job? Couldn't the Biden team find some lucrative perch where she won't be able to influence policy?

One word. Hillary.

Who will she take orders from? Hillary. See her quote in the main body of the essay. She has tied herself to Hillary's apron strings and been drugged up the rungs to where she was supposed to be when Hillary won in 2016. CAP is the Clinton's wallet for running things here in the states for their foreign friends like her foundation was when she was SOS. It is all grift.

13 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Hillary Clinton was visited on us.

7 users have voted.

Mary Bennett

snoopydawg's picture


I want someone to tell me what I did to deserve having HerHeinous in my life? Hadn't I suffered enough as a child?

Won't someone rid us of this meddlesome woman? Oh well... seems like we are losing a great or 2 every week. Hold on......

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Benny's picture

is below.

But if you want to watch a great smackdown, here's the clip you may prefer instead:

That senator was the star member in that hearing.

Here's a quick account of the video, per Slate:

Kennedy was the final, and typically showiest, Republican to question her. He suggested that there may be a perception that “if you took Wall Street, turned them upside down, and shook ’em, you’d fall out of their pockets.” When he said that “you called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut”—Graham, in the background, followed up with “I wouldn’t’ve said ‘ignorant’ ”—Tanden showed her anger for the first time, saying, “That is not true, Senator.”

Kennedy then asked her repeatedly whether she meant the insults she tweeted when she tweeted them.

She tried a few different dodges between reiterations of the question. “I really feel badly about them, Senator.” “Social media is a terrible discourse.” “I feel terribly about them.” “I look back at them, I said them, I feel badly about them, I deleted tweets.”

She finally relented.

“Senator, I must have meant them,” she said. “But I really regret them.”

Bernie was a mensch, and his responsibility was to get this hearing completed in 2 hours. But I would have asked questions, can you talk to us about your leadership style?

That would have played well into the next questioner, the GOP ranking member Lindsay Graham, who read complaints about her leadership on Glassdoor.

Is she qualified for the position? Absolutely not. Party hack homage to the baroness.

4 users have voted.

One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

wendy davis's picture

i'd seen you'd brought krystal ball on tanden, but as i'm unable to partake...i was left in the dark ; )

sounds like a real treat, she does. but then biden's stuffing his cabinet and staff with the most diverse bunch of neocons, warmongers, and even another torture apologist!

he's appointed two of the three harpies: when does clinton get tapped? or is tanden good enough for her?

gonna be a wild ride, and all the while biden will be another teflon prez to the media because: Not Trump.

4 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

In any society that actually gave half a shit about learning from history and "doing better", these 3 words alone might well be enough to get her ass kicked to the curb. My studies of the Nuremberg Trials left me with a revelation: Loyalty is the problem. Loyalty is not a virtue at all, but an evil: It is a value that ceases to be warranted at the exact same threshold at which it ceases to be redundant. I reached this conclusion without ever thinking of the Clintons, and well before I felt the way about them that I do now - telling, I therefore suppose, that they should just happen to be known for especially valuing it.

You know who WASN'T a loyal soldier? George Washington.
You know who WAS? Benedict Arnold.

3 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...if social media are to blame, then isn't now a good time to talk about shutting it all down? As I've said before, it's a 21st-Century "Broad Street pump"....

ASIDE: What's up with the "Mr. Weeks" Tweet? I don't get how it fits with everything else.

1 user has voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

We are talking about Neera and Bernie’s meeting today. Who’s blaming social media?

1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture


Neera does finally apologize to those on the left and right that she hurt and will clean up her act. However social media brings out the worst in people and I ...Umm...and I ...I’ll do better. Sorry but her tone just isn’t there. Unless she can’t make that tone?

My take is that this is a sarcastic imitation of Tanden trying to make excuses?

I'm playing along and saying "Well, in that case...."

Also, tell me about "Origami Joe" - knowing his singular track record (which, I have to say, it's weird I never heard ANYTHING about it until the last 2-3 years), wouldn't it be a good thing if he [feld???] easily?

1 user has voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

no clue to what I was thinking.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.