Looks Like SHTF at DKos...

Oh the Hypocrisy of Kos...
Seems like he himself did not support the candidate in 2008...

What a tangled web he weaves...

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DerAmi's picture

I've locked up my username here!

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.. or his boosters. How very much like HRC herself. Shameless egotists and their enablers.

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Ken in MN's picture

...act like Stasi informers, wetting themselves in anticipation of The Great Purge. And here I thought deep authoritarianism was the exclusive province of Republican'ts. Silly me! I had forgotten about the Milgram Experiment! And Kos has turned the variac up to eleven...

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I want my two dollars!

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Certainly plunged bullheadedly along when he should have paused to...


It is certainly troubling to see a vibrant social media platform have a heart attack...
I believe he has doubled down enough, that the arterial plaque pretty much guarantees at best a serious impairment on the quality of life and at worst a fatality...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,

Well, I took my break in order to keep from being banned -- I'll probably head back during the convention, then bite my lip till it bleeds to avoid saying "I told you so" if Clinton loses to Trump, or if she manages to eke out a victory if/when she takes us into another Middle East quagmire that only gives the terrorists more fuel to use in their recruitment efforts and the only thing we "win" are more flag-draped coffins at Dover AFB. Will those who support her now march in the streets against her if she takes us into war? I've got bad feet -- I may have to support from the sidelines this time around.

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…Blame will be laid on those who supported Sanders, and anyone else they can blame. They will not lay the blame on the candidate or their blind support for the candidate either.

Everyone else will have failed Hillary Clinton and 'The Party'. Hillary Clinton has become just like 'Conservatism'. Conservatism never fails. People fail Conservatism.

But even with a Clinton win, look at all the problems coming, and how what she does will be denied, overlooked, apologized for, and then as some break away and say 'WTF did we do by voting for her', they'll be attacked for not towing the party line and supporting 'the first female President'. Accusations of hatred and sexism and misogyny will be leveled, even as Hillary Clinton 'gets things done' with republicans that do nothing more than hurt the American people.

Break out the popcorn. The decline is in full swing. Enjoy the ride down or suffer it, but we're all headed in the same direction whether we like it or not. Too pessimistic? OK, maybe i am a cynic, but that just means I am rarely disappointed and when something good does happen, I can appreciate it. But really, I'm not a cynic, or a pessimist. I'm just a realist not clouded by magical Partythink/Clintonthink ideals.

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Here I am! Where's the kiddie pool? Wink

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Hello fellow ex-DKer's!

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GreyWolf's picture

"Moulitsas is a different case. He's never pretended to be a journalist ... "I am part of the media. But a journalist? No." ..."

"... since he stopped cashing Dean's checks, he's gained a reputation as "the liberal Instapundit" ..."

"Which, if any, of them paid Moulitsas for the honor of directing his grassroots minions to part with their wallets? If you gave one of Moulitsas' preferred candidates money, wouldn't you like to know if Moulitsas' endorsement was purchased?"


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I don't see them anymore. Is this in the backroom with the rest of his "activist" activities? What exactly, or do I mean who exactly, does Chris Bower activist for?

I know Chris was to the right of most of the people on OpenLeft. Rosenberg, Stoller, and Mizner were there.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

TheOtherMaven's picture

(because they have - they even bought the Onion), and we know that Markos can be bought (because he has been, and reluctantly admitted it).

2 + 2 = ?

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.