
I'm posting this, because I cannot sleep.


I wanted to say, THANK YOU, to C99! Everyone here. For being the lifeboat after the Ides of March.

I couldn't sleep, and I had exhausted all the mainstream media web videos to be found, looking for more delicious nectar. More deliriously good crosstabs. Slack jaws. Bewildered looks. But also people who looked surprised to have come to terms with something. And it wasn't something ugly. It was something beautiful.

So I ran out of webclips to watch, and still I couldn't sleep. He's ahead by 27%! But how would the remaining 50% come in?

So I ended up at ToP.

I don't know if I went to see a crater, or to find out which old, nasty voices still held sway. But instead, what I saw there was beautiful too.

Take a look.

I swear. Or don't. I certainly wouldn't blame you. I had my browser in private mode, just so that I wouldn't feel dirty.

But tonight, we are having our moment. And I think the world is okay with that.


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mimi's picture

because making you have insomnia makes your mind go nuts.

3 users have voted.


I just want to leave this thread open as a celebration. Thanks again to the entire community.

7 users have voted.

This Week with George Snuffalupagus. And apparently the most important story in the country this morning is Russian interference.


12 users have voted.
RantingRooster's picture

google news home page, and the lead story is Mayor Bettercup making the case against Bernie.

I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere it was pretty historic that someone won the popular vote in the 1st 3 primaries...

I just kept posting my video on everyone's tweet (instead of "arguing" with anyone)

Bernie Sander - Revolution Calling - [video:]

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

To watch Chris fucking Christie yucking it up next to Rahm Emanuel in a blue tie!


7 users have voted.

was Obama's chief of staff. Never forget.

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to hear from anyone who watched a lot of the MSM coverage yesterday either on CNN or MSNBC and maybe noticed a change in the Bernie coverage.

Just dipping into both for a while, I noticed that on Msnbc some of their commenters/hosts were drifting away from the usual reflexive anti-Bernie commentary to one of acceptance of reality. Joy Reid especially seemed to undergo a sudden transformation from anti-Bernie shill to a fairly reasonable commenter who talked about the younger generation being angry about their economic status and finding Bernie as their candidate who spoke to their grievances. I also didn't hear her trying to balance her remarks with more anti-Sanders comments.

Even guest Jennifer Palmieri, representing the Clinton wing, seemed to accept that the moderate wing may need to suck it up and get behind a Bernie nomination.

Perhaps interesting too, in checking the twitter feeds of Chris Hayes, Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Matthews, there is silence in the past 12-14 hours, as if they are waiting to read the corporate tea leaves to see how they should comment going forward, whether the previous unspoken marching orders about Bernie still apply.

As for Matthews and his appalling Fall of France to the Nazis comment, he's probably going to survive this one too, as he's long been a favorite of the NBC corporate suits. He might have to suffer issuing an insincere semi-apology for "excessive rhetoric in the heat of the moment" to get rid of the PR embarrassment, but that's likely the extent of his punishment.

Also to consider: if Bernie does get the nom, will the out-of-touch and behind-the-times Msnbc, loaded 99% with NeverTrumpers and Clinton wing moderate Ds and cautious centrists, need to add a true progressive analyst or two to acknowledge the shifting political tides?

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9 users have voted.

Something like Sanders' voters are stupid and will drive the country off a cliff? Or is that the nicer version of what he said?

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GreatLakeSailor's picture



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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

@GreatLakeSailor Have loathed Carville ever since I learned of the Greenberg Carville Shrum 2002 campaign marketing in Bolivia. They succeeded in getting a rightwinger elected -- a man so detested by the general public that he fled to the US less than fifteen months later.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

that will give the NV DP permission to hold off on reporting the remaining 40% of precincts until after the SC primary. The DP honchos in SC can then pitch the revival of Biden to the voters there that almost always vote in lock-step with the honchos. And Mayo Pete can pitch his fake IA tie, NH second place, and a phenomenal and strong third place in NV (he could also try kumbaya.)

A 55% Sanders win in NV would give those SC Biden voters a bit more of a pause.

This all assumes that SC Republicans don't show up and vote for ?? The weakest? That would be Tulsi. Secondarily Amy. To piss off SC Democrats, they could go for Sanders. Mayo Pete is probably to much of a leap for them. Or why not Biden who if nominated will be road kill in the general election. (I should note that Republicans seem to be less into choosing the Democratic nominee than Democrats that do their darndest to get what they believe is the weakest possible Republican nominee. Unfortunately, Democratic elites have as much trouble determining the weakest Republican opponent as they do selecting the strongest Democratic nominee; probably because they only pay attention to those in their little circle and can't be bothered to talk to real people.)

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Delegate count was 18 Bernie, 7 Biden, 2 Buttigieg. That more than balances out the delegate allocation nonsense from Iowa.

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