OT 2-25-16: How to Fix the World
Bear with me. I'll get to the point eventually!
I've mentioned here before that a friend of ours held high office here in Oregon and ran for both United States Senator and Governor. When he ran for the Senate, as a Democrat of course, it took forever for Democratic Senator Ron Wyden to endorse our friend because Wyden is a j@$#%^^ss. I'll get back to our pal Billy's campaign in a second but I want to quote Wyden from this past week. Somewhere around here I posted that the two main Mayoral candidates gave limp explanations of their neutrality between Bernie and Hillary. Here's Wyden's
“A number of new forces have emerged in American politics, forces that deny science, forces that believe constitutional protections are only for their own beliefs, forces that reject bipartisanship,” Wyden told The Oregonian in January. “Clinton, as president, has the passion and the energy and the skills to push back on those developments and offer an alternative.”
Bipartisanship! what a goofball!
Ok, so Billy ran for the Senate against Gordon Smith in 2002 and I wrote a pretty blistery paper on how to fight the Republicans which I gave to the Assistant Chairperson of the Oregon Democratic Party. I guess it was too blistery because he seemed shocked. It contained a bunch of truth and involved calling the Republicans on everything. Most of all the plan was to push hard for everything that we wanted, to be the Party of something, not just the Party Against Republicans (oh dear me! I'm a-scared! Look out for those Republicans!)
Too bad that paper is long gone, on a hard drive of a long dead computer. It was 14 years ago, after all. I've got tons of stuff from 2007 on, thanks to these little whatch-a-ma-call-it drives that fit in the USB ports. Back in 2002 I think the big deal storage unit was the Zip drive that held a whopping 700 megs of info on disks that cost $10 each. So maybe it's on one of those disks...in a dump somewhere.
But consider this: For a few months I had a direct line to the Party hierarchy. My ideas weren't adopted but they were listened to and I think if I'd been patient I could have worked my way into a position where ....well, where they would have booted me out or something. Maybe I could have snuck some stuff into the state Party agenda. Once Billy lost and then, later, when I lost interest in the slow-moving bureaucracy, I gave up the opportunity. I think if I wanted to I could still get in there again but....hmmm...no.
Maybe I should, though. Can you tell I'm of two minds on this? It's a terrible waste of time and yet it seems like it's right there to grasp. I guess it won't be me but it should be somebody. But then, why not me? Maybe I should re-register as a Democrat anyway, just to vote against Hillary as many times as I can, but also I could get back to being a Precinct Person. That's something like a Ward worker where you get the names of the Democrats in a certain area and you push them to vote. As a Precinct Person I could go to meetings again and state my case for People's action. Who has the time, though, right? It would mean giving up valuable blogging time! So I guess I could do it...and I guess I should do it. Here's why...
You know that a spinning record (a spinning anything!) moves fastest along the outside rim and slowest in the middle. If you're in a park that has a kiddie carousel and it's spinning fast it's hard to jump onto it unless you run alongside it as quickly as you can. Back in my rock n roll days I pictured the record industry as something like that and I thought "Boy, it'll be tough to start from the outside. Why don't I figure out a way to get to the inside and just drop down there?" So rather than play in dive bars for a bunch of years I made phone calls to big shots and pushed demo tapes. Which kind of worked. Not well enough, obviously! (or I'd be having my flunky write this as I'd be too busy sleeping) But it got me to a point where if I'd been good enough and crazy enough I could have been successful at that.
And I think that's how we have to handle this political thing. We can't influence the people in power. We have to BE the people in power, at least on a local level. Those blank-blanks are not going to do what we want them to do. We've got to take it from them. If we're too busy, if we're too tired, too lazy, then the power goes to those who aren't as busy, aren't as tired, aren't as lazy. Dang. I don't like where this is going. It means real action.
Which reminds me of Network. That Paddy Chayefsky sure could write. That's sort of joke because in Marty, which Chayefsky wrote, he has a character say that of Mickey Spillane. Anyway, Network...that Peter Finch character summoned up a lot of the Trump fans anger.
But that's easily ignored. Nope. We've got to do it. It's icky. Local parties are slog work. I know because I've been involved before. But it needs a commitment. In the meantime we can continue to be loudmouths here and other places. But someone has to fix the world, right? And who's gonna do it? Them? Not likely. It's got to be us. I'm afraid it's the only way.
Another parody comes true
Ok, I am mad as hell and I can't take it anymore! Go for it!
At least you know what you are doing. Fix the world. Please report back (![Smile](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
when it's done).Good Luck, I like your plans...
Thanks Shahryar
Sadly, I have concluded that the world is run by:
The wealthy, egomaniacs, narcissists and the loud mouths from high school.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
the gang to infiltrate might not be the political parties
We might have to figure out how to become "friends" with the rich people, get them to trust us....somehow!
I can't find this clip I'm looking for, from Heaven Can Wait (the Warren Beatty one) where he's asking the board of directors "Why can't we be the good guys?" and says it'll make them more money in the long run.
A few, usually smal, usually niche, companies
have had moderate success with being the good guys. Starting with being good to the employees. One, IIRC, did camshafts. Nobody does camshafts because the market is small. That means that they do all the camshafts and can get by since there is always some demand. I cannot recall if they are a co-op of not, but there are some co-ops dong ok in various fields and trades too.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It all depends on the units of measure
True for linear units, but moving the exact same RPM.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I am NOT a superpredator! - Video of FSC Fund Raiser
[Black Lives Matter Activist Interrupts Hillary Clinton [2/24/16] "I am NOT a Superpredator." #NotASuperpredator ]
Continued from The Guardian . . .
Thanks for the OT, Shah. Excellent points.
Have nice afternoon, Everyone!
Over and out . . .
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
shaz gets a timeout!
a lucky break for her! A timeout for accumulated something or others in a short time span. Meanwhile Phoenix Woman, with 295 flags is still posting.
Thankfully c99 exists as a sane place to land.
No..no she isn't.
She's in TO as well. And so is BBB, and Christin.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
thanks! That's good to know. Also, amusing
I thought...
well, I might wonder over and see if that would prove interesting, yeah. Considering.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
The Message said
I was being put in time out for accumulated inappropriate behavior. While it might be true that I have over my lifetime accumulated and engaged in 'inappropriate behavior', in this case it's kind of funny that the most authoritarian, inappropriate behavior on the net comes from dkkos. The administrators seem to have a full on open insurrection within the Democratic party on their hands. I did on the Saturday night live blog of the town hall say 'Hillary looks nuts.' and then went on to say it was hard to figure out if she is scarier when she wins or when she's pissed off. I got 12 flags and a warning the next morning which I acknowledged.
Then at 11:00 this morning in the middle of a thread they cut me off after I commented that Hillary's treatment of the young woman from BLM was just her usual mo. and they don't call her a bad ass for nothing. One rec no flags. Who knows whats up over there. I am actually kind of gleeful about the whole thing. My first thought was 'ask and you shall receive.' Second thought was 'a bit of luck for Cindy.' Then I giggled and felt like a school kid who gets a week suspension from arguing with a nasty nun about religion, without any parental or legal consequences. Freedom! yeah! Maybe this will help break my addiction to arguing with RW assholes disguised as Democrats.
It's complete bullshit.
Come on, it's a some from here, some from there kind of bullshit "teach them darn kids a lesson" thing, and next is going to be the--don't make me come down there!--post from kos. BFD. It's not gonna help what's going on there.
But I did want you to know you weren't singled out. It seems really weird and random to me.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
it IS Hillary Clinton's usual modus operandi
sounding tough, condescending and allmighty and desinterested. So, good on you. Yes, it would be nice, if we all could get a handle on our addictions. Good luck. I still read over there a bit. Couldn't even find your comments that were supposedly so horrible. What a shame. Don't worry. The gos is good organic shit, fertilizing hate feelings and enhancing racism. It's a profitable enterprise.
The main problem I see with focusing on the local level,
at least primarily, is that it does little to stop the rulers/controllers from their murderous rampage across the planet. It's almost like being a prepper in that while the world explodes the goal is to insure survival in small sustainable communities. I don't see us slowly taking over the power that way, it's going to have to be a real revolution where the power is changed in a relatively short period of time.
If not, the rich will just keep getting rich and the wars will continue to kill and displace other humans.
During the 20th century, over 300 million people were killed by democide (murder by government). We've got 84 more years to top that, I bet we will.
Sad but true Big Al
During the time we we're active in our county Democratic party we supported campaigned for and donated to local and state level pols who we're running on Obama's so called progressive coat tales. They we're inspired by Dean who was a hands on DNC chair at the time. He said in person at the local Democratic party meetings and functions 'We're taking it back, precinct by precinct'. Eric towards the end of our Democratic activism had the nerve in 2007 at one of his DNC speeches here to ask him what he should tell the community of dkos about the refusal of Reid or Pelosi to fight for and oppose the Republicans. He tasered Eric with his eyeballs and said Tell them to elect more Democrat's. He was really pissed off that a lowly precinct person had the nerve to question the Democrat's direction, policies and agenda.
Today years later and a lot wiser and less naive we took a walk though New SE Portland on Division, the street they call 'the canyon' due to the demolition and re- building of a great little neighborhood to be only giant high rise and end condos and apt. builiings. We found a local free paper on a corner stand whose headline was about a young Democratic politician we had supported, donated to and campaigned for. He convinced us he was a progressive liberal pol and was attached to Dean's so called progressive DNC. Six years later he is out of the state house after quitting to become a city supervisor for the demolished district we we're walking in. He's now running for major. The story was about his influence peddling and corrupt lobbyist 'clents' masquerading as environmental NGO's. The very same corrupt company's who Gov. Kitzhaber had to resign over. To top it off it seems he is now some kind of evangelical reborn Christain convert and a freaking yuppie hipster to boot. So there you go even on a local level it is not possible to elect better Democrat's they do not exist. I'm sure Jules the majorial candidate I'm talking about is behind the War on Terra and as major will back up our out of control police cause law and order. My rant
My rant about local politics in which I express my belief that I do not believe it is possible for any Democratic pol local, state or national who is not a war monger, establishment and crazy as a loon to get elected as even dog catcher. big money on all levels makes it always a choice between which freaking crooked asshole will be less evil.