October Surprise: Battle of the Giants--Godzilla vs. Mothra
My aunt Alithea, a very wise gator with long-standing swamp knowledge of slimy snakes and other venomous reptiles, has predicted, with the aid of sophisticated alligatorithms, fearlessly about the Presidential Primary. The presidential primary is famous for 11th hour or October Surprises, in which a new candidate suddenly appears as if from nowhere. This candidate will arise from the smoke and ashes of candidate immolation.
Right now, as we speak (metaphorically, that is), great forces are mounting to save the Democrat Partei from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah--turning the Epstein-tainted pols into pillars of salt. What fine representatives these two last gasp contenders are of the savior class for the elites. I can only wish them unwell.
Seeing that the Klown Kavalcade has produced no astounding surge in popularity (so they say) for any particular candidate, the Great Minds of Democratic Politics (GMDP) have split into two camps--because they can't abide each other.
One camp, harboring enormous grudges against a certain eastern European-Asian nation, is favoring the fire-breathing Godzilla of Demokracy: Hillary Rodham Clinton. The other camp, swathed in fervor only the worshippers of a minor god can attain, promotes Mothra, flying in from lands unknown to do mortal battle with Godzilla. Mothra in human form is known as Michelle the Obaminator Obama. You know, the one who says "when they go low, we get go high".
This looming battle explains why the Prince of Kenya* Amerika has not endorsed his own erstwhile Vice-President. (I love the word erstwhile, yet get so little opportunity to use it.) He is saving his benediction for his dear spouse the Obaminator--sung to the tune of "My Michelle". With the opportunity for lucrative book deals, as the money launderers are prone to describe their wash and rinse, diminishing as time and Trump dim the memory of BHO's past achievements, BHO is seeking a reversal of fortune--i.e., get the money train rolling again.
No love is lost between the two camps, as described above. Some of the reasons are well-known. Such as Killary spitting on every independent initiative by BHO unless they met her personal approval. You know, like basement computer servers or utilizing Sid Blumenthal. Plus, HRC obtained from National Geographic photographers, pictures of No. 44 in "native garb". Plus she was the first Birther in the Nation, aside from Drumpf.
There will be blood, Arkancide, chases, thrills, spills, more blood, blackmail, threats, more blood. It will be like the New York crime families battling for Supremacy--but, oh so much more civilized (?)
Now, Alithea made it clear that when two such duplicitous and sneaky rivals combat each other, the outcome will be partially uncertain.
What is certain is that Herr Drumpf will triumph über alles.
But then there is the treasure from the DNC and affiliates, in the form of "campaign donations", to be plundered by the winner.
*About the Birther thingy, interesting how Helen Fuddy, the Hawaiian Registrar of Births died in a plane crash, fatal to only herself.
Definition: campaign contributions = B R _ B _ R _. Pat, can I buy a vowel?
The real winner of both debates was--wait for it--two people: Tulsi and El Trumpo. Tulsi is being buried by the MSM, despite being most-searched after both Klown Debacles Debates.
Harris is slowly sinking, burdened by her prosecutorial anchors.
I won't delve into the eventual disappearance of candidates until the Two Giants of The Universe battle it out.

When elephants battle, it is the ants that suffers.
No idea where that phrase came from, but it seems to apply.
Personally, I'm for library building at this point. Because it's harder to censor the printed word than to censor the ethereal, ephemeral word.
Find it interesting that it's such high level politicking. Do you believe in the lord obama, bringer of hope and change, or grand dame hillary, who is more qualified than any other? Choose your side wisely, for if you choose falsely you are foul indeed...
Civil war starting up, and all I can think is smother's brothers.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't get it, Michelle Obama is black and female, that's
enough for everybody to be impressed and fearful of her supposed power in the future?
More ID political shenanigans you can't come up with. Nothing against her personally, but if she runs on the basis of her race or gender, there is no way she will win, imho.
At least she would never get my vote, if I could vote. I remember her well. The only one I would have voted for would be Sasha, the chubby little one of the Obama's. But I have lost track of her. Is she a revolutionary? Or just the next best thing Harvard could make out of these girls?
If not, forget it. We need no more kids from elite rich families, be they white or black families and be they boys or girls.
I share your opinion
Michelle would lose
The loathing she has for the non-rich may be even more apparent than hrc's. On the money grubbing tour for her ghost written memoir, she said supporting Trump was like living with a divorced dad, they feed you candy and it's fun for a weekend but then you want to go home! Funny how in this supposedly politically correct era it's okay to spit on the millions of single and divorced dads out there. But don't worry, Michelle isn't a sexist, she also bashed women for not being with Her, saying there's something wrong inside of you if you voted against the Drone Queen. So she's an equal opportunity elitist and misanthrope -- must be why she gets along so well with old Georgie the war criminal. If she wants to preserve the Obama "legacy" she'd be better off sticking with following W's lead by painting pictures of dogs and feet rather than reentering the public sphere.
It's always been ok to shit on single dads.
Lets see... on Father's Day I've been asked if I properly thanked the kids mom, who obviously did all the work...
Had the standard "Pizza every night" jokes.
Always extremely paranoid about hugging my kids in public thanks to overzealous social workers.
Constantly told that it's Fathers that do all the abusing.
That dad will "Never grow up".
The idea that raising kids isn't "Men's work" so clearly I'm just lazy, and only doing half the work a woman does because they would hold down a nine to five job at least, probably two to support their kids...
What's that, I have a girlfriend? Better be sure I'm not giving my daughter or son any bad ideas on how to treat women.
What's that? You're teaching your kids Judo? Toxic Masculinity city...
I got more. I've heard a LOT of them in the last Eleven years of being a single dad.
So, thanks Michelle, glad to know that you feel so well about me. I remember when you said you were going to stand up for military families in your first year on the job. Don't remember that? Don't worry, it's been successfully memory holed.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't remember when
the gender wars started. I long for the days when men and women didn't compete for anything and rather worked together. I am sorry what you have to go through, DMW. I can't relate easily to what you write, because I am from another planet and another time, but with what you described here in this comment I can very easily relate.
Just saying.
I'm doing my best...
Fortunately, I have good people around me, good hobbies, and purpose. I'm writing every day again and doing basic calisthenics, dying to fire up the forge, and doing my Judo. (Need to clear it with the landlord. All set up, but I'm not taking any chances, because he can be occasionally difficult.)
I don't mind that you don't always get me, for as they say, the past is a different country. I try to learn to speak as much of the language as I can, but unfortunately, I tend to get my eras mixed up, and as result, end up talking a pidgin that's really only relatable to people that read WAAAAY too many books.
Frustrations aside, the only way to defeat a stereotype I find is to live in a way that doesn't embrace it. Hence why I work in mediums and ideas that are not stereotypical. I lived far too long in the stereotype of the traumatized veteran. Now, I hope I'm becoming something a bit better.
Plus I got a cool new tattoo last month, So I'm really stoked about that. (NSFW, minor nudity. Aphrodite Tattoo, original piece drawn by a wonderful woman from Vancouver.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
'but it's amazing how you learn to just shrug it off'
after a while. I am glad you can and the ways and means you found for yourself. I always look for clues in your comments of how they could help my Vet son to escape the stereotype of a traumatized Iraq war vet. He tries to shrug it off, but it seems to be not easy.
"The only way to defeat a stereotype I find is to live in a way that doesn't embrace it". Well, one escapes into some activities, but then they make that kind of escape a stereotype too. What the heck. Best not to care about all of it.
So, congratulations. You are doing great I conclude. All the best, you are a great Dad. That counts bigly and hugely in my books.
Link to actual news story about Obama’s birth registrar
(Perhaps someone can post a U.S. link? The USA Today website seems to be forcing upon me, because I’m in Germany, a version of the link specifically for the E.U.)
Here is a Hawaiian link to Fuddy's demise
The official NTSB report is appended to the article. I couldn't cut and paste that report but it is long and legible in the link.
Fuddy was passenger 3, the number corresponding to the seat number on the plane. According to the NTSB report, she had been wearing an infant top life preserver of which only one of the two CO2 cartridges had inflated the vest. Fuddy weighed 220 pounds at the time. Passenger 4 stated that even with the life vest inflated it was hard to keep one's head above the water. Passenger 4 was wearing an adult size vest. Passenger 5 reported her life vest was choking her. She weighed 210 pounds. Read the link for more info.
I also came across a video, reputed to have been taken by a survivor's with cell phone camera, allegedly showing a dark figure pulling Fuddy down under the water. The film is very suspicious and might be faked. But I don't have the YouTube link, sorry.