Tidal Wave of BS Incoming — New York Times Investigation Finds that Syrian Government Dropped a Chlorine Bomb in Douma
Originally posted Jun 26, 2018
Here’s a video report:
This may be behind a paywall:
The NYT claims that its investigation shows that the chlorine canister depicted was dropped from the air. Other analyses I have seen on-line dispute this conclusion.
And has the NYT explained why the second chlorine canister photographed in that building was resting comfortably on an undamaged bed, after having allegedly plowed through a concrete ceiling? Russian military analysts who were soon on the scene claimed there were scrape marks on the floor showing how the canister had been dragged to the bed.
In any case, the claim that several dozen Doumans — the victims photographed in a basement by the jihadis before they fled the city — were killed by a couple of chlorine gas bombs dropped from the air, are total BS. Chlorine is a relatively weak respiratory toxin, not a nerve gas, and in instances where vast amounts of chlorine gas have been released by accident, the large majority of victims have survived. Yet reporters on the ground in Douma could find no evidence whatever of survivors, and the only hospital in Douma was unaware of any gassing. Furthermore, Japanese analysts stated that the amount of chlorine contained in the two canisters found in the attacked building could carry far too little chlorine to cause dozens of deaths.
However, the victims depicted in the basement do appear to have been gassed to death. Since the jihadis had chlorine, and the ability to make other lethal gases, the evident explanation is that the victims were held in a sealed chamber and large amounts of gas were released into it. In other words, they were slaughtered execution style by the jihadis for yet another great White Helmets production. This scenario explains why there were no survivors. If you keep people in a sealed chamber for a long enough time, while a sufficient quantity of chlorine is released into it, they will die. According to Wikipedia, “Concentrations of about 400 ppm and beyond are generally fatal over 30 minutes, and at 1,000 ppm and above, fatality ensues within only a few minutes.”
If you are in a building when it is struck with a chlorine bomb — what do you do? You hold your breath and get the hell out of the building, of course. In which case you are very likely to be a survivor of a chlorine attack. Yet there were no known survivors in Douma.
Expect the OPCW to report on autopsies of the victims. The jidahis buried their victims after they had taken their grisly photographs, and the White Helmet then helpfully provided the coordinates of their grave sites to the OPCW.
Here’s what I wrote 3 weeks ago predicting this:
And here’s another analysis of the unfolding scam:
And of course everyone who has been paying even peripheral attention knows that the White Helmet film of the “”gas victims” in the Douma hospital was an overt fraud. Why would the White Helmets need to stoop to such fakery if there had been an actual gas bombing?
Buckle up, because we’re about to be slammed with another tidal wave of mainstream media BS regarding Douma once the OPCW releases its report, which almost certainly will omit all evidence and analysis that contradicts the Deep State narrative.