The OPCW Likely Will Report on Autopsies of Douma Chlorine Gas Victims — Executed by the Jihadis
Originally published Jun 5, 2018
It is reasonable to conclude from available evidence that the Syrian army did not commit an aerial gas attack in Douma. No victims from such an attack reported to the only functional hospital in Douma. Townspeople in Douma — with one notable exception — have no information about such an attack, aside from what they have heard on TV. If such an attack had used chlorine, the vast majority of those afflicted would have been expected to have survived, as chlorine is a respiratory irritant rather than a nerve agent; in accidental massive chlorine spills, only a very small fraction of the victims have died. And if a nerve agent had been used, the hospital would have been flooded with victims.
However, several MSM reporters in Douma — who apparently couldn’t be bothered to visit the hospital — interviewed a man named Nasr Hanan, who claimed that his entire family had died in his home after yellow canisters of gas were dropped on it. Two yellow cannisters in this building, alleged by the propagandists for the jihadis to be chemical bombs, have been photographed; one is sitting comfortably on an undamaged bed (after having seemingly plowed right through a concrete ceiling above it), the other rests at the edge of a hole it appears to have knocked in the roof — suggesting that, after plowing through the roof to create the hole, the bomb had popped back up, now held in place by a metal rod. Independent analysts have ridiculed these “bombs” as an obviously staged fraud by the jihadis.
Hanan’s report is also ridiculous. He claims that, after his family initially rushed out of their home when the bomb hit, they immediately ran back in, where they died. How many people would voluntarily run back into a building filling with yellow choking gas? He also claims that his brother had tried to wash off the gas in the kitchen, and then went downstairs and died.
But, when the Douma story first broke, hideous videos and photos were released on-line that showed a couple of dozen dead bodies in a basement, which is alleged to be the basement of Hanan’s home. The victims do not appear to have died from blunt trauma — some are foaming at the mouth, and might well have been gassed. If so, what is the explanation for this?
We know that the photographed yellow cannisters were not responsible — not only is their position evidently staged, but Japanese analysts have noted that they would have carried far too little chlorine to kill dozens of people — particularly if they had knocked holes in walls so that gas could diffuse out. The only way to kill that many people with chlorine is to trap them in a sealed room — like a prisoner in a gas chamber — and release large amounts of gas into it. This scenario would of course explain why there were no surviving victims for the hospital to treat.
Ask yourself — would the jihadis have any compunction about killing dozens of civilians in a false flag to incriminate the Assad government? Certainly not — indeed, this appears to have been what they did when victims near Khan Sheikhoun were gassed.
Did they have the means to gas civilians? Yes, the Russian army found a jihadi chemical weapons lab in Douma where chlorine and reagents for manufacture of other chemical weapons were stored.
Were the jihadis engaged in false-flag trickery in Douma? Evidently, as we know that the film of gassing victims at the Douma hospital was a theatrical production by the White Helmets. And claims by jihadi-affiliated medical aid groups that hundreds had been gassed in Douma are evident BS.
Here’s what else we know. The jihadis, prior to departing Douma, claimed to have buried the Douma gassing victims; the head of the White Helmets, Raed Saleh, stated that he gave the coordinates of the graves of these victims to the OPCW. And the OPCW announced their intention to autopsy the bodies of any gassing victims they could find.
So don’t be surprised if the OPCW’s upcoming report on Douma describes the autopsies of victims who appear to have died of respiratory toxicity consistent with chlorine poisoning. In which case, the MSM will immediately spin this as evidence that there was indeed a gas attack by Assad’s forces.
However, if there is such a report, the OPCW will have inadvertently turned up evidence of yet another gross atrocity committed by the jihadis. Just don’t expect them to acknowledge it.
The effective alliance of our MSM and our Deep State with the sociopathic jihadi invaders who have devastated Syria has been both grotesque and tragic. We have reason to hope and expect that the unraveling of the Douma gas attack narrative will enable many people finally to grasp that they have been lied to unremittingly regarding Syria — and that, more generally, our MSM are serving up propaganda rather than honest news analysis. Unfortunately, if the MSM is able twist the OPCW report on Douma to sustain the narrative that “Assad is gassing his own people”, that hope will be in vain. So let’s be prepared to fight back immediately and forcefully if the prediction of this essay comes to pass. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.