How the War Against Dissent will be carried out.
It began with Trump giving brand name status to the meme "Fake News". The War Against Dissent is the elite's reaction to social media. This is how the war will be carried out:
Step One: define the truth. Establish what is an acceptable narrative and then brand anything else as disinformation.
A perfect example of this is Russia! Russia! Russia! The narrative is defined as "a Russian disinformation campaign". But disinformation is by definition, false. The hacks allegedly exposed by Russia were in fact exposing the truth about how the Democrats rigged the election.
Step Two: Silence Dissenters.
Step Three: Control the Narrative
Can't have Google algorithms that show people results that disagree with the acceptable narrative or are critical of the powers that be. So new algorithms are needed.
Between April and June, Google completed a major revision of its search engine that sharply curtails public access to Internet web sites that operate independently of the corporate and state-controlled media. Since the implementation of the changes, many left wing, anti-war and progressive web sites have experienced a sharp fall in traffic generated by Google searches.
The War Against Dissent is already well underway here in the U.S. It is just getting underway in Europe.
EU steps up efforts to fight fake news.
The European Union is stepping up its efforts to fight fake news on social media ahead of parliamentary elections next May. The European Commission unveiled an Action Plan to help the 28 member states counter disinformation, including a 'rapid alert' system to share information and coordinated responses among EU states
There will be the acceptable narrative and anything that deviates from that will be disinformation.
The government cannot be the final arbiter of truth.
The war against dissent has been going on since 1968
when the D-Pigs fucked over George McGovern, but 'Murica has punched down dissent and press freedom since the days of the Founding. Ben Franklin's grandson died in prison from Yellow Fever when John Adams declared war on the press through the Alien and Sedition acts.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Malcolm X and MLKj early 60s
Calls were bugged with Robert Kennedy's knowledge, but he was the AG at the time, not a judge, so iirc, those were illegal taps. Both men's orgs were infiltrated too.
Can't forget The Black Panthers either. California had a huge problem when, gasp, black men and women legally carried long guns. Had to nip that scariness in the bud, dontcha know?
Can't forget women's suffrage or simply being told how babies are made, and how to try to avoid making them. Jail time for both issues in the early 20th century.
The war on dissent has been going on since forever, I guess. Not just dissent, either. Pretty much anything TPTB damn well please. Hell, federal troops advanced on the Mormons back in the 1800s because, gasp again, more than one wife.
We've been screwed for a really long time!
Propagate the propaganda
Create online ringers to push your agenda.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
What the French are really thinking
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
THAT'S the vest I want! n/t