Transphobe to take case to Michigan Supreme Court
Yvette Cormier sued Planet Fitness of Midland back in February of 2015 after she encountered a transgender woman in the common area of the women's locker room.
She left the locker room and notified the front desk that a “man” was using the women’s locker room, and was told the gym’s policy is that people are allowed to use the corresponding facilities of whatever sex they identify with, court documents state.
One should note that transgender women are not men and at the time of their encounter, both women were fully dressed. Cormier took her concerns to the Planet Fitness corporate office, which told her of the company's "no judgment policy."
Cormier spent several days proselytizing other members, which led to Planet Fitness canceling her membership.
Cormier's lawyer, David A. Kallman filed a lawsuit charging Invasion of privacy, hostile environment, retaliation, breach of contract, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violations of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and the Michigan Consumer Protection Act.
In January of 2016, Judge Michael J. Beale dismissed Cormier's suit.
Beale pointed out more than once that his ruling had to with the legal issues of the case, rather than the side issues associated with the case — namely, rights for those identifying themselves as transgender. The opinion stated that Cormier’s claims on numerous issues centered on the concept of what could have occurred, rather than stating sexual harassment actually occurred.
Kallman appealed to the Michigan Court of Appeals. On June 1, 2017, that court upheld Judge Beale's ruling.
“The Yvette Cormiers of the world are being told you are going to accept our point of view and it is being crammed down their throats. It shouldn’t be one side wins and the other side loses. There needs to be some middle ground here. The courts need to step in and provide some clarity.
No, Mr. Kallman. The Yvette Cormier's of the world are trying to cram their bigotry down eveyone else's throats.
Kallman filed for permission to appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court last Monday.

Two years on....!!?
This individual must be a very fragile soul.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Planet Fitness is privately-owned, not an
instrumentality of government. It's policy is "no judgment." If you can't deal with "no judgment," join another gym. Or buy you some nice exercise videos.
As an aside, that "no judgment," aka "judge not" stuff seems so familiar. Seems to me I learned about it when I was a kid, but I just can't remember where.
Huh, wonder how much money
she's looking for? And as Henry stated, it's a privately owned company not a government owned gym. Go find another gym lady and grow up and get over yourself.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur