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Michael Flynn vs the Deep State

Recent release of the transcripts of both General Flynn's December 29, 2016 conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and FBI Director Comey's testimony to Congress of March 2, 2017 add immeasurably to our understanding of what happened with Flynn and the Ambassador and with Comey, Congress, and the public's perception.

Twitter Censorship, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

by Caitlin Johnstone

I've never encountered anyone online with whom I consistently agree, and if you're an independent thinker you won't either. Spend less energy concerning yourself with which individuals are good or bad and more on what information and ideas are true and helpful.

Trump Republicans are now the Lesser Evil

First I want to clarify a few things.
Trump Republicans are still an evil that I won't support.
Secondly, if you identify with the cultural left then the Trump Republicans are still the greater evil.
What I'm talking about here is the Traditional Left that identifies with the working class.
