Your tax dollars at work in Syria
The boy in that photo was 12 years old.
The U.S.-armed and supported "moderate" rebels that chopped his head off just minutes after the photo was taken announced that cutting off the boy's head was an "individual error".
An "error".
You know? Like "Oops! I spilled something."
The Jerusalem brigade posted a statement on its official Facebook page on Wednesday, identifying the boy as 12-year-old Abdullah Issa, who they said was not a fighter.
"He lived in al-Mashhad [Aleppo] with his family, among multiple poor families that live in the area under the control of terrorists," read the statement, adding that the boy was ill.
"By taking one glance at the child - the argument that he was a fighter is immediately disapproved," the group said.
In the video, one of the rebels shouts: "He sent us a child today, he no longer has men!" seemingly referring Assad.
"We will leave no one in Handarat," they added, referring to the city north of Aleppo where heavy fighting between rebels and government forces has been taking place.
By "no one" they include sick 12-year olds.
Now to be fair, the United States cut off funding of the Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement a few months ago. So your tax dollars no longer go to fund these child-killing "moderate rebels" fighting the Assad regime.
According to Wikipedia, the CIA funded them via the Turkey-based Military Operation Centre in 2014-2015.
The real kicker to this story is the official Obama Administration response.
"If we can prove that this was indeed what happened and this group was involved in it, I think it would certainly give us pause," State Department Spokesman Mark Toner told reporters, after being asked whether this incident would affect US assistance to this specific group.
"Give us pause"? Now there's a bold moral stand if I've ever heard one!
Next comes the drafting of a strongly-worded memo. Be sure to include the term "a few bad apples".
And speaking of investigating the slaughter of Syrian children, we've got another one to look into.
US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children, activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State...
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, activists described coalition aircraft hitting a cluster of houses in the village of Tokkhar, where nearly 200 people had gathered to seek shelter as the frontline shifted towards their homes. Most of those inside were killed or injured.
“The death toll is 117. We could document [the identity of] 73 civilians including 35 children and 20 women. The rest of the dead bodies are charred, or have been reduced to shreds,” said Adnan al-Housen, an activist from Manbij.
The good news is that it is likely the Administration will simply label the dead as "militants", like it normally does, and move on. That way Americans can continue to convince themselves that we are the good guys, while continuing to wonder why the terrorism problem keeps getting worse.
“This is likely the worst reported civilian toll of any coalition attack since the bombing campaign against Isis began nearly two years ago,” said AirWars director Chris Wood. The group had already warned of a rising civilian toll around Manbij.
“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods.

I can't even
Ditto, Iogrey. eom
Hillary might tell them to cut it out, but then she wouldn't get to send our kids over there to suffer the same fate.
Scotty, beam me up!
She did tell them to "Cut it out!"...
...but that obviously translated to "Cut it off." Look for more of the same over the next four years no matter who wins because of the oversized influence the MIC, Lukid and the Saudi Royal family have over our foreign policy...
I want my two dollars!
(no words)
from a reasonably stable genius.
I almost feel like I should apologize for posting this
OTOH, it's important to know where your tax dollars are going, and what is being done in your name.
It takes a village
to behead a little boy.
I'm sure our "news" will call this little boy a "man" or a "terrorist".
Fuck our country. Between the killer cops and the corrupt politicians... I'm more and more "radicalized".
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Good Lord. This photo is even more pathetic
I was actually close to throwing up with this second shot
Had to turn away, and will try to avoid looking for a while.
This is a seriously fucked-up world.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The boy looks like he should be on a hospital bed
It's only fucked up
'cause WE make it this way. Our gov't, our country, our FUCKING people that allow shit like this to happen! Including me. Kinda understanding the Tibetan monks torching themselves to point to the problem. Otherwise, how powerless are we really? FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK!!!!!!!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Sometime in the past maybe 7 days I saw a French photo
of 5 heads on a well wall. Pickups behind. Casual-looking, like Klan at an execution/desecration. I thought it was from a movie set (help me!).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sounds too incendiary (help me!)
not in France, somewhere E and S.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Romans started doing this during Sulla's proscriptions
Wealth disparities and power struggles had been tearing the republic apart for several decades at that point.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
In too many countries, the
In too many countries, the psychopaths are running what should be our asylum, as in our safe refuge. And create, enable/give power to psychopaths in other countries so that even sick children can be cold-bloodedly slaughtered. Certain American officials couldn't be more responsible for such atrocities than if they'd personally murdered that child - among all of the others - themselves.
Public servants/would-be top public servants continually make even outright fatal-for-others 'mistakes' invariably against the public interest, humanity and global survival over and over, time and again, all of the time and expect that the excuses will sufficiently cover for themselves and their corporate/billionaire masters so that they can continue making damaging/deadly 'errors', only worse and more so all the time.
The question is, will The American People let this and everything else stand as a 'done deal' yet again, to spiral downHill that much faster?
When your public servants are this revolting, that shows the need for The People to be revolting in the other sense.
A real American Political Revolution must take place while it's still possible to do peacefully.
As more and more better-informed Americans are determined to do, it's essential to vote against both evils and take the warning of a repeat of rampant cheating given by President Obama's Justice Department pulling election observers for the General.
Only The People have an interest in a fair election with fairly counted votes, so The People must somehow find ways to observe and record all related activities and ensure that if further electoral cheating occurs, the false President cheated in is not recognized.
The money and power may have been sucked out of the people up to the top few Greeds - but the odds are still essentially 99 to 1%. The People united, and all that jazz - something you can dance to.
And if screaming and crying into my pillow helped stop the psychopaths, this would all be fixed by now...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yellow cake.
We will conduct a thorough investigation.
The investigation will show the perps are not the droids we ever supported. The
investigation will show that, much as the Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet was able to show justification for war against Iraq.
In fact, I would not be surprised to be told that the investigated showed Putin supported the perps.