Yes, Democrats & Hillary Have a Problem with Young Voters

Despite the irrational exuberance of certain self-proclaimed gate crashers, the Democratic Party has a serious problem with young voters, i.e., the so-called Millenial and Gen X generations. Take a look at this report by the Pew Research Center and tell me they shouldn't be concerned about voter turnout and support for Hillary Clinton.

Among Millennials, the youngest generational group (born 1981-1994), 45% say they are independents, a jump of six points since 2008. At the same time, the share of Millennials who identify as Democrats has dropped from a peak of 35% in the year Obama was elected to 31% today.

There is a similar pattern among Gen Xers (born 1965-1980). Currently, 42% say they are independents, 29% are Democrats and 24% align with the GOP. In 2008, 34% each said they were independents or Democrats, while 25% said they were Republicans.

So, since 2008, the election that swept Obama and many Democrats into office, due in large part to the votes of young people, with 66% of those who voted voting for him, we've seen a not insignificant decline in Millenials and Gen Xers who say they are Democrats. This is occurring even in liberal bastions such as California, as reported by the Los Angeles Times on February 29th of this year. The title of the article is quite apt: A threat ahead: California Democrats losing the fight for younger voters

The state Democratic Party convention held here over the weekend presented an occasionally jarring contrast: Democrats gathered at what seemed like a 50th college reunion for veteran politicians, and at the same time one of the biggest rounds of applause came at the mention of Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate few of those politicians support.

At a Saturday convention panel focused on millennial voters — roughly those 35 and under — voting analyst Paul Mitchell issued a warning to Democrats. [...]

“... Democrats aren’t converting ... young minority voters who are the base of the Democratic Party.”

Of the 10 cities with the highest percentages of independent voters, he said, all but one are Latino-majority cities. That is jarring, since Democratic strength in the last generation has been built on the growing Latino population. [...]

“Regardless of whether you’re with Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton, there’s no question that right how Bernie Sanders has the overwhelming majority of the millennials,” said [Eric Swalwell (D-CA 15th Dist.)], who endorsed Clinton after his first choice, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, dropped out. “Whoever is the candidate, as a party we have to understand why that is the case.”

Why that’s the case is the candidates themselves. To young voters for whom she has been a life-long presence, Clinton looks like a captive of establishment politics. Sanders, with his call to “political revolution,” is the blunt-speaking fresh face.

Among millenials voting in the Democratic party, Bernie Sanders has consistently won the millenial vote by a wide margin, even among women and minority millenials. Even though Sanders lost 4 states (with one tie) on Tuesday, he dominated Clinton among younger voters. In Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio, Missouri and Florida. Here's the breakdown by state:

Florida: Sanders won 65% of voters under 30.

Illinois: Sanders won 86% of voters under 30, and 58% of those 30 - 44.

Missouri: Sanders won 78% of voters under 30, and 61% of those 30 - 44.

North Carolina: Sanders won 81% of voters age 17-24. He also won 65% of those aged 25-29 age group, and 51% of those 30-39.

Ohio: Sanders won 87% of voters aged 18-24; 76% aged 25-29; and 57% aged 30-39.

But that is only among millenials who voted in the primaries. Unfortunately, more millenials are independents than belong to either party by a large margin. Arizona is a typical example, with "... 50.5% of all voters under the age of 30 ... registered independent." And in 2016, millenials have surpassed Boomers as the largest voting bloc in the country. Yet in the 2014 election, only 21% voted. That is a shocking statistic.

Now, it's true that in presidential election years, turnout among all groups is higher, and in 2012 around 55% of millenials voted, with 60% of them voting for Obama (down from 66% of the youth vote he won in 2008, but still significant). However, Obama was a once in a lifetime candidate who brought record numbers of Americans to the polls either to vote for him or against him. Thankfully, because of high voter turnout among minorities and millenials, he won those two elections handily. But can the current front runner for the Democratic Party's nomination, Hillary Clinton, realistically hope to achieve the same level of participation and support among the largest group of voters in America in 2016? That is a question still to be answered.

Obviously, this year, only one campaign and one candidate has inspired millenials to become passionately involved in the political process in 2016: Bernie Sanders. However, what if he is not on the ballot come November? One can hope that millenials will turn out in large numbers this year to vote for Clinton, if only to defeat the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, but there are no guarantees that will indeed happen, despite some recent polling that shows her leading Trump among by "a margin of 52-19 percent among voters under the age of 35."

A lot can happen between now and November. Even many Clinton supporters recognize she is a deeply flawed candidate with many vulnerabilities, including her ties to Wall Street. Those ties are an anchor on her ability to woo Sanders supporters. Indeed, in the recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, 33 percent of Sanders' supporters stated that they would not vote for her in the general election. Again, it is early, and who knows what will happen over the course of the next 7 months. But to suggest that Clinton will have little difficulty gaining the trust and support of younger voters is, frankly, delusional thinking on the part of her supporters.

Without that support, and in light of all the barriers to voting by minorities and other Democratic party constituencies created by Republican controlled statehouses across the nation, Hillary's path to the Oval Office is far from a sure thing, regardless of her opponent in the Fall.

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detroitmechworks's picture

If there is one thing I will freely admit to being a problem among Gen-X folks is that we hold grudges for a LONG time. (Still Pissed at Metallica for Killing Napster) (Still Pissed at Clinton For the Telecommunications Act)(Still Pissed at Gore for the Porn Rock Hearings) (Still pissed.... You get the idea)

Obama's betrayal is going to be in our memory for a LONG fucking time. Worst thing Sanders can do is do a follow-up act. We expect shit from Hillary, and we've been mad at her for decades...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

angel d's picture

I'm STILL mad about having to switch from WordPerfect to Word. Really. That might be one of my life's longest, but not very ugly or intense, grudges. LOL.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Did you know that Corel bought up WordPerfect and brought it back up to speed? You can get a "Home & Student" version of "WordPerfect Office X7" for $99.99.

Corel is very sharp about acquiring useful software and offering it at a more or less reasonable price. (They're also based in Canada - wonder if there's any connection.)

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

detroitmechworks's picture

But I like open source software in general.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

TheOtherMaven's picture

but there's a few things it just can't do (yet) which even MS Office 2003(!) can. Am considering the Corel product and will probably take them up on it sooner or later.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

angel d's picture

and while there have always been a few WordPerfect holdouts, Word is the industry standard. Sharing, emailing, editing, redlining ... all that gets mucked up when trying to work on a doc created in WP but edited in Word.

I have no real word processing needs at home, things I write don't require much formatting, indices, etc.

But I'm happy to know that I can still buy WordPerfect!

I use Open Office at home too ... I love open source sharing

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Perhaps Hillary's message of defeatism and lesser evil-ism will bring them around. Ya think?


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Ken in MN's picture

...dreaming of a future where they can't buy a house, buy a new car or start a family because their student loan payments consume all of their income to have any time to vote. Skin in the game! HA! How are you supposed to put skin in the game when your whole god-damned body is already in the game from now until forever???

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I want my two dollars!

mawnjilla's picture

as a millennial, nothing infuriates me more than this tack. AS IF we aren't already going to be the ones picking up the pieces in the future.

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bern baby bern disco inberno

by large margins as well.

Independent can be, by itself, a misleading term. I am curious if there is an increase in liberal independents among the under 40 crowd.

Having worked in Iowa where you see the generational divide first hand, it is truly amazing. Clinton had little support among anyone under 30, and not all that much under 40.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Who essentially are conservative republicans who disagree on drug, sex, and social issues from the religious right.

Course some of them also have come to the realization that Corporate giveaways from government are a blatant betrayal of their free market ideals... Not ENOUGH, but some.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

The left leaning independents who voted for Obama in 2008 will stay home.

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Steven D's picture

will happen.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

mightily since 1992.

It used to be a whole lot of "independents" were ideologically somewhere between the at-that-time-actually-liberal-Democratic party and the conservative-reagan-Republican party. There was actually some space in there. Unlike today, where you could barely fit a noodle between Romney and Clinton.

Since then, both parties lurched to the right, and a the most liberal member of both parties have left in droves.

Between the two, the majority of "independents" might well be to the left of the Dem party now. IMO they are, solidly.

This is why HRC's attempts at triangulation have backfired. It's why independents favor Sanders by huge margins over every other candidate, Dem and Repub. It's why the DNC/DLC are jumping through hoops to lock out independents.

I believe the popular progressive wave will continue to grow by leaps & bounds, but I'm also very worried the establishment will continue disenfranchising them until things get really ugly. There's a sore lack of charismatic leaders of Sanders' stature, and that means the movement will be fragmented and more easily manipulated and divided and more easily disenfranchised. If things get ugly enough, a lot will turn to the next Trump, and that's really scary.

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90's(the Clinton Wars and Scandals.....the definition of "is".....right wing conspiracies that turned out to be code for Bill can't control himself so I have to do the wounded wife routine one more time) and they still see through the BS. Good on them...I am much older but I also do not forgive being lied to....and Hillary has lied a lot.

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The conventional wisdom says independents are in the middle, between Democratic Party and Tea-GOP. But actually most independents are politically left of the Dems, because that party has gone too far right. Another (I think smaller and older) group of independents can be found to the right of the Tea-GOP.

I confess I'm a little bit puzzled why Hillary does well with the over-30 voters. We actually remember the last Clinton administration. Wall Street deregulation, ending welfare "as we know it," the war on drugs and the crime bill that kicked off mass incarceration, NAFTA(!), DOMA, "shock doctrine" economic policies in Eastern Europe, the Lincoln Bedroom, cruise missile strikes that presaged the drone wars, U.S. sanctions that decimated the Iraqi economy, failure to stop the Rwanda genocide, etc.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Raggedy Ann's picture

you describe me:

most independents are politically left of the Dems, because that party has gone too far right

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

TheOtherMaven's picture

and I'm older than GenX. So it's not just the young'uns who are alienated.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Raggedy Ann's picture

63yo. I switched to Independent about 10-12 years ago. We have closed primaries, but I just switch to vote in the primary if I'm invested in someone. This year, I will switch to vote for Bernie, then switch back. I really don't want that Dem label. I abhor labels as it is...

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Moved, registered unaffiliated, reregistered D only because new state has closed primary. Not gonna miss a chance to vote Sanders as many times as I can. That includes November as write-in if necessary. Cannot in conscience vote for Clinton no matter who the R is.

My D party ship reflagged and sailed to ports off my itinerary years ago. Time to find, or join others in building, a more seaworthy vessel that will take us where we want to go--even if it's a slow boat to that unrigged economy and a better approximation of justice for all. [for any who made it through that tortured imagery, you deserve a life saver]

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

triv33's picture

but I still have to register "D" because my stupid state has closed primaries. Ugh!

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

Raggedy Ann's picture

if I'm invested in a primary candidate. I'll be switching for Bernie, but right back to I after our June 7th primary.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

NWIA's picture

That's it exactly. When Clinton moved the Dems to the "center," Newt and his white boys decided to push farther right. What's ridiculous is that the Dems have followed, giving them just enough distance to claim a legitimate difference. It's also what drives me insane about Hillary supporters' claims that Sanders supporters are merely regurgitating RW talking points. The fuck? When you move so far to the right, it is actually easier to poke holes in your positions from the left than from the right. This is why the GOP relies on scandals to attack her while Bernie only uses actual issues.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

discourage Bernie supporters. I have never been so disgusted with a group of people in my life like I am with them. I don't care to interact with them ever again. They leave a disgusting taste in my mouth.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Tommymac's picture

They are a reflection of the one they support.

If they are the majority of the Dem party at the convention then I want no part of that party after the convention.

I will not eat shit sandwiches any longer. I will not be motivated by fear. If an elected President gets out of control then there are legal measures to stop them. We survived GW Bush's fascist regime, We will survive Trump as long as he would last...which would not be long at all. But I seriously doubt the Rethug Establishments will allow him to prevail; they are waiting for HRC to be the confirmed nominee to stop Bernie, then they will come out with the scandal that will sink Trump, since they feel any of their more mainstream clowns can beat HRC.

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

PriceRip's picture

I hail from the 1950s and 60s. I am way too liberal (lefty or idealistic?) for the Democrats.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

a bleeding heart liberal - many moons ago. I concur. I am and am proud of it.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

NWIA's picture

I'm an old Xer, born in 65, the perfect age for understanding the shit brought to the D party courtesy of the Clintons. My first depressing vote was in the slaughter of 84, followed by the spectacle of watching Reagan Jr. In 88. Clinton's election in 92 was so joyful, since it had felt as if the reign of the GOP would never end. Even knowing that he was not a true Dem, the relief of not GHWB was immense.

But then the reality. With or without a GOP president, we got a GOP economic platform with no significant balance on the socisl-cultural side beyond feel good speeches. Anyone my age should have been able to understand what was happening, yet even the Gore implosion didn't wake up the party enough to realize that being Not A Conservative is uninspiring without a clear set of guiding principles.

I've been baffled by the MSM's insistence that Independents are somehow centrist. I'm a skinny dude, but even I can't slide into the space between the Clintonite Dems and establishment GOPers.

I still have faith for the future, as the social awareness of the country continues to progress and new generations are plugged into alternative news sources. But this year is shaping up to be a colossal disappointment.

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angel d's picture

the "lesser of two evils."

That is why I, Angelina, shall never ...

EVER ...

Cast a vote for Hillary Clinton

Not even to save the world from Trump.

Guess what? It's not my job to save the world from Trump.

As a voter, my job is to vote for the person I feel is best for the job.

That's all I'm required to do with my vote, not weaponize it, not cheapen it, no waste it, not ignore it.

But guess what?

Not that worried about it because I'm with Sanders all the way, and he still has a chance to win and where there is a will there is a way and thousands and thousands of people marching through the streets all over America in support of Bernie Sanders tells me there is a will. We may have to find another way though.

I'm in the revolution, be it political or pitchforked. Wink

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triv33's picture

My vote is my vote, and I'm not voting against my conscience ever again.

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

angel d's picture

oligarchs. With a dash of brainwashing.


Nope. I'm voting FOR the person I think would make the BEST PRESIDENT.

I'm certainly not wasting my vote on someone incrementally "better" than the other guy.

If he's such a fucking super villain, why did she and the big sleazedog to his wedding? He's supposed to be the "villain of our lifetimes?"

Such wickedly brainwashy hyperbole.

Shoulda left dk when you did.

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There will be only 7 battleground states in the 2016 general election: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Virginia. If you vote anywhere else, no one can ever accuse you of making a mistake by voting for the presidential candidate of your choice.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

thanatokephaloides's picture

I live in El Paso County (seat Colorado Springs).

No matter how I vote, my County's electoral impact will always go to the most conservative, right-wing GOPper available.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Raggedy Ann's picture

Very clever, young lady - very clever indeed!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

angel d's picture

the new avatar lets you know what I think!

I logged into DK, changed it to that, and logged back out, just for shitz & gigglez.

Love you sisterfriend, so glad we are here together today!


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thanatokephaloides's picture

I'm a skinny dude, but even I can't slide into the space between the Clintonite Dems and establishment GOPers.

Neutrinos have problems doing that.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

angel d's picture

I confess I'm a little bit puzzled why Hillary does well with the over-30 voters.

Because ... brainwashed by corporate news. People still "trust" MSNBC as being one of the "last" MSM outlets that can be "trusted."

Don't fall for it, it's brainwashing.

My advice to all of us here at caucus99percent:


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TheOtherMaven's picture

Did that years ago, haven't missed it one bit. Anything I really want to know, I can find out online.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

WheninRome's picture

I want to keep tabs on the enemy. So I do.

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Thumb's picture

Solomon Ashe (conformity study) explains why so many over 40 support Hillary.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

These entrenched moderates are comfortable and in order to foment them into a lather ready for revolution they need to be made uncomfortable.

It seems the folks most against revolution are comfortable. What would make these folks uncomfortable? What would make them agitated to the point that they start to seek real change?

Would President Trump or Cruz do it? Maybe if they did away with Social Security, Medicare and medicaid. That might do the trick.

It looks like we lost about 5% of registered millennials as they didn't see much "Change" during the Obama administration. I believe that his breaking the ceiling as the first AA President the Stimulus and the ACA were enough Change to get him a second term however we got shutout in the second term regarding "change".
If we elect Hillary and we get no substantive change that actually has everyday positive impacts for the lives of the 99% then we will just continue to lose more over 8 years, but it won't be the one we need to lose. We need to lose the moderates because they prevent us from nominating the most progressive candidate every cycle.

How do we rid ourselves of the moderates that plague us or how do we get these moderates uncomfortable enough to demand revolution?

Do we need to elect Drumpf or Cruz???

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Steven D's picture

is that with fewer young voters registering as Democrats and getting involved with the Democratic Party apparatus, the ones who dominate are the older groups - Boomers and higher. And those older party members are all in on Clinton and Conservadems.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Demonhype's picture

When the younger generation does join the group, wanting to get involved, those older people tell them to shut up and sit down, the adults are talking. Sure, they want that younger vote and the money and time of those younger voters, but only if they follow the rules and never deviate from the script the older Dems have created. Dare to talk back and they put you over a knee then stand you n the corner, while stating sternly that this is their house and they will make the rules, and of course you're totally free to add your views to the party, so long as they are identical to the old brigade. Don't agree with it? Too bad. Say and do as your told, until you damn well believe it. See, you have free choice in the De!ocratic party! You can agree with them our you can repeat and fight for what you don't agree with until you do agree!

Then they're stunned when those victims of "parental" abuse pack a knapsack and shinny down the drainpipe. Damn ungrateful runaways!

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PriceRip's picture

I'm not so sure "cycle" quite captures the sinking feeling I have had for soooooo loooong. Younger generation joins, gets shoved through the industrial strength die, becomes the new more acceptable "tool" to shape the next Gen. And the downward spiral continues.

Feeling helpless, I stepped out of that assembly line for many years. I hate the notion of losing another cohort to the "inevitability" machine by not helping to create a successful outcome. I personally know some that my be permanently lost, this is not acceptable.

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angel d's picture

They've lain with the corporate dogs & the dogs of war and they now have fleas!

Let the party go ... let it go ... the whole duopoly is rigged.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…both here and throughout the country, strip away every remnant of Party identity (including the sticky co-opted substance of the label, "Independent") — the people will regain their center and their moral compass. They will find their dignity.

There is something magical and disinfecting about a public Vote of No Confidence. To me, that is the primary goal. It stops time and gains the attention of the entire world and captures the focus of the UN. The People can hold a citizen's Referendum on this government any time they damn please.

A successful Vote on No Confidence triggers an array of legal events and in effect delegitimizes specific parts of the government until the people's concerns are fully redressed. Key is an an immediate moratorium on any and all private funding of elections or legislative activity and a mandate that the government funds all subsequent elections and ratifications. Otherwise, the government will continue to function normally.

I think the people would rise to the occasion and begin dealing with the most pressing issues, specifically the drastic defunding of the active military and the suspension of all non-vital military contracts. As a result, the US treasury will be flooded with unspent monetary assets. All individuals impacted will be generously transitioned to civilian roles.

Steadily many new political Parties will be assembled, and the government will fund their formation by request. The people will find their true voices within these many Parties, and unique coalitions will will form between them across an array of issues. Current politicians may participate, but will be barred for ever again accepting private funds and must rely on government funding only. Influence and gift audits will be performed constantly.

Then, the nationalization of public services and utilities, natural resources, and monopolies in banking and media, and their respective profits and bounty will be given to the people along with applicable human rights. Finally, all social programs will be replaced by a national sustaining income that is distributed equally to every American man, woman, and child, regardless of their means. The national income will augment what they earn, but will cover basic but comprehensive human rights to food, affordable shelter, medical care, education, Internet access, and modest needs and recreation. The national income will also release a flood of money into the US treasury, for it costs a great deal less than the cumbersome means-tested, bureaucratic and politicized social programs currently in place. And so forth to the next then.

All that is necessary is for citizens to strip the divisive Prison of Party affiliation from their minds, and walk forward as free men with full Human Rights. All this without social or economic disruption, and with enormous benefits to all.

(I'm not sure why this goes here, but here it is.)

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Carry a flame and share the light.


Steven D's picture


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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

WheninRome's picture

Cruz would be the one thing that would make me vote for Hillary [barf]

Trump I am fine with. It would severely wrong foot the R's and the D's. Works for me.

Tear it all down.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Of the American Empire, methinks.

So, Hail Portlandia, or Cascadia, or whatever we end up calling ourselves!

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Steven D's picture

Wants us all to move to New Zealand.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

I could MAYBE see my way to moving to Perth, but I want to stay as far from Lord of The Rings Land as I can. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

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Steven D's picture

So that does have something to do with her attraction to NZ.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

thanatokephaloides's picture

Drumpf versus Cruz?

"Would you rather die by cyanide or hemlock?"


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

less dangerous that Cruz.

Trump is, above all, a self-absorbed attention sponge. If he gets in the WH he'll spend most of his time mugging for the camera and picking arguments with anyone nearby.

Cruz on the other hand, seems dangerously power-mad.

One guy wants attention, one wants power. I think the latter is far more dangerous.

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Thumb's picture

This I agree with. At least Trump isn't a Bible-thumper.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

If Hillary ultimately is nominated, the young people who are over-the-moon for Bernie - and rightly so - are going to feel utterly betrayed, after all the roadblocks that the Dem establishment and their fellow travelers in the media have thrown in Bernie's path. The constant stream of deception that Hillary and her surrogates have directed against Bernie is simply intolerable to them. Joining a third party may be the way forward, and the Greens already have an infrastructure; their views by and large are compatible with Bernie's except that they dare to be more forthright in opposing our military empire and our obeisance to Israel. So the Greens could be a good option, and the Democratic Party could find itself with no future as its older members gradually shuffle off the mortal coil.

On the other hand, if the FBI recommends indictment of Hillary or her aides before the final primaries - a very real possibility, in my judgement - this could be a game changer that might enable Bernie to become the nominee. In that case, young people may see the possibility of working within the Democratic party to return it to its true mission of representing the 99%. However, if that recommendation come too late in the cycle, such that Hillary has already achieved a majority of the delegates needed for nomination, the HIllary delegates may simply exchange Hillary for Biden or some other Dem acceptable to the oligarchy, and Bernie will be stiffed. If that happened, it would be Armageddon for the Democratic party, with young people feeling absolutely outraged.

Stay tuned, should be interesting.

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Mark F. McCarty

Steven D's picture

Since even Obama is saying to donors she has the nomination in the bag.

That's the way they roll after all.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Tommymac's picture

That was another NYT swiftboat attack. Since been denied stoutly by the White House.

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521

rezolution's picture

Nixon was given a break, too -- the Watergate burglars were caught before his second election, but as I remember, the court hearing the case agreed to put off the trial until after the election.

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Comey vastly prefers Clinton in office. If the investigation bears fruit, he'll be rubbing his hands together over the leverage.

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Borkrom's picture

Thank you for this detailed diary.

I truly believe the democratic just think the young voters will fall in line, they will not. No one in the leadership role at the DNC has worked to cultivate the new and upcoming generation. Moreover, they have lorded over everyone with their powerful. Therefore, this will be their downfall.

This is one of the factors I made in my diary about why Clinton will not win the General Election.

We need to be ready to pick up the pieces.

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Steven D's picture

They will.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

That our inevitable invasion of Syria will be bloodless and met with flowers and chocolates.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Tommymac's picture

I feel like I need a shower after reading the comments. They (HRC trolls) are descending like rabid hyenas on any diary that goes against their world view.

I think Kos is leaving a lot of Bernie diaries up just to satisfy the appetites of the more voracious HRC trolls. He must enjoy the feeding frenzy. Well at least he thinks the rox/sux is still driving traffic to the site...once he milks that trend dry the banhammer will start falling fast and hard.

TG for sites like this one.

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FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521


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rezolution's picture

does get the nomination they have NO clue how much the GOTV will be hurt by the memory of all the roadblocks that were put in Bernie's way.
I've been spending my hours at DKOS this past week and most of them are basically patting each other on the back, saying "We did it." They have no idea what they may have done.

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Remember kids, Liberals have nothing to do with any victory and are the sole cause of any Democratic loss.

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I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it."

John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)

triv33's picture

Like I said in another comment, they better take some selfies of their self-satisfied smirks from this primary season, so that when they go looking for some hippies to punch we can direct them back to where to aim, because I, for one, ain't having any.

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I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~

gendjinn's picture

Studies of the relative turnout of the US and various European countries since WW2 show that the people that vote in the EU but not the US are of the Left. Socialist, communist, anarchist, trade union, etc stopped bothering to vote for either of the two corporate parties. A big enough slice of voters, that turnout in Europe where they have politicians that represent their politics, don't in the US.

Obama promised to be progressive on economics and they showed up to vote in '08. By '10 that lie was obvious to all, and they didn't bother to show up.

Dukakis, Gore, Kerry. Clinton.

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Thumb's picture

Dukakis, Gore, Kerry.

Yeah, but Dems lost with McGovern, so we can never, ever risk running a liberal ever again.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

gendjinn's picture

Clinton & Blair had nothing to do with the victories in the 90s. The people were ready to turn away from Reagan/Bush/Thatcher/Majors anyway. They would have gone with anyone not entirely gormless.

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