Wow- must see- New web site and their excellent webinars..
This is partly copied from the CCPA web site.
A New Trade Vision for a Green New Deal (that is blocked by the last few years trade deals, unfortunately, Dont they see how important it is to tell people this?
Can the world agree to trade rules that help, rather than hinder, humanity? a fair and democratic transition away from fossil fuels and toward a Global Green New Deal? We can and we must, says a trinational project involving the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Trade and Investment Research Project.
In November 2021, the CCPA with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung New York launched a new web resource——to illustrate the trade and investment treaty threats to strong climate action and how we can diffuse them.
For example, visitors to the site will learn about:
trade challenges to Canadian, Indian and U.S. green transitions in the energy sector;
investor–state disputes against coal phaseouts and other just transition measures;
new threats to plastics management and other environmental and food security measures in CUSMA’s regulatory cooperation rules; and
five simple actions that would create space in global trade rules for a Green New Deal that benefits everyone.
The website is both a resource for climate justice activists on current trade challenges to GND and just transition policies around the world and a call for a just trade transformation—at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in country trade and investment treaties. The site is being launched to coincide with this month’s consecutive COP26 negotiations in Glasgow and the 12th WTO ministerial conference in Geneva.
The project follows a webinar series that the CCPA, IPS, IATP and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung held in Spring 2020, titled “With Everything Up For Grabs: The Global Green New Deals the World Needs Now,” and builds on recommendations in the organizations’ July 2019 joint publication, “Beyond NAFTA 2.0. – A Trade Agenda for People and Planet.”
OFFICES: CCPA National Office
PROJECTS: CCPA Trade and Investment Research Project