World Beyond War: NoWar2016 Conference

Last weekend was the NoWar2016 conference in DC. I got this follow-up email this morning (many embedded links didn't copy - follow the wbw-dot-org link in the quote and look for links there):

Wow! We've never had such overwhelmingly positive feedback on anything. People loved the #NoWar2016 conference!

You can now plan your own event using the videos, or just watch the videos yourself for free at home here:

We'll be producing a highlight video too.

We owe a huge thank you to American University School of International Service, Jeff Bachman, Barbara Wien, Karen Ives, Brienne Kordis, and all of our volunteers organized by Pat Elder, and all of our speakers, MCs, workshop leaders and participants for pulling this event off, plus a lot of gratitude to all of our partners and cosponsors listed on the website and below!

We've been flooded with new interest and support because of this exposure.

The tough part is that we're also being looked to now to lead the way and follow through on what we've started. We're looking into launching a campaign for divestment from war industries, as well as campaigns based on the topics of the seven workshops held this past Sunday: closing foreign bases, adding U.S. to ICC, countering recruitment, banning nukes, freeing Palestine, creating friendship with Russia, and developing the work of A Global Security System: An Alternative to War.

Participants in the sold-out conference received a free copy of the new edition of that book. It lays out all of our thinking on how to replace war with nonviolent conflict resolution. It makes a terrific text book, already being used at American University. You can buy it in bulk here and we will send you the new edition. Just get 10 or more and share them or sell them at a local event. Or get a single copy from your local bookstore or

World Beyond War began as a volunteer operation. It is still mostly volunteer. Our whole coordinating committee, advisory board, and all of our country coordinators around the world are volunteer. Our director is our sole part-time employee.

If we are going to take on the work that needs to be done, we're going to need to hire a full-time organizer. We're going to need to raise $50,000. Can you get us started by donating a little or a lot on our donate page?

Thank you for everything you're doing to end war!

There may be a vote in the U.S. Congress tomorrow to override President Obama's veto of the unanimously passed bill that would allow family members of 911 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. If you think war victims around the world suing war-making governments is preferable to responses of more terrorism and war, phone the U.S. Congress, both houses, and tell them to override the veto!
(202) 224-3121.

Partners of #NoWar2016 Included: Jubitz Family Foundation, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,, Code Pink, International Peace Bureau, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Jane Addams Peace Association, Veterans For Peace, Delaware Peace Club, United for Peace and Justice.

Co-Sponsors Included: Washington Peace Center, Pace e Bene/Campaign Nonviolence, Liberty Tree Foundation,, Nonviolence International, Peace Action Montgomery, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Military Families Speak Out, Peace Action, WILPF-DC, International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Center for Bangladesh Studies, Society for Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University, Nuke Watch, Friends of Franz Jagerstatter, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR), WILPF-DC, International Society for Inter Cultural Study and Research (ISISAR), Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, On Earth Peace, The Virginia Defenders, UNAC, Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund/Peace Tax Foundation.

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Support World Beyond War's work by clicking here.

The link to the money beg is: David Swanson & WBW seem like stand-up folks - I've followed David for about a decade and a half, so if you're inclined to, and able to, donate a few bucks for Peace, consider WBW.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

wendy davis's picture

GreatLakeSailor. I'd missed (or couldn't access) the live-streaming I'd thought TRNN had done, so today I booted up the events and videos page w/ an eye toward posting about it my home website. Oh, I wish there were transcripts, the videos are soooo long. Maurice Carney interested me the most, given that Congo and mineral-rich Central Africa are being turned into failed states (aided by the US) as I type. Some pivot, eh, added to China and Russia.

I ended up watching far too many videos on Congo this a.m., and am depressed enough again to feel the need to go out and pick the last of the flowers (smile).

Thank you for featuring the conference, and adding the contents of the email.

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