A Word to Code Pink: Peace is Wise
This is about a recent post by Code Pink:
There has been some confusion about an image that was taken w/ CODEPINK volunteers & Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green. MTG opportunistically approached our volunteers in a parking lot on the Hill and she requested they take a photo together (1/4)
— CODEPINK (@codepink) October 5, 2023
The responses to this Xing ("tweet") were about 80% "you're a Putin puppet" to about 20% "join forces with Marjorie Taylor Greene." Code Pink, on the other hand, wants to advocate peace without being Marjorie Taylor Greene, an understandable sentiment. I'm not going to go over the recent to-do in which Code Pink participants were arrested on orders of Bernie Sanders for doing a sit-in in the space near his Senate offices. I'm sure it was newsworthy.
So here is my advice to Code Pink.
Dear Code Pink,
What you're dealing with, with pro-war Democrats, is neoconservative liberals. Neoconservative liberals are liberals, a familiar category to be sure, but when it comes to discussing American foreign policy they're neoconservatives. They think Team Biden is "helping Ukraine," and that Ukraine is "defending itself" against Russia, whose leader Vladimir Putin is the Devil himself. (Here one thinks of Sean Penn). Mostly they are Democrats, the Republican Party having gone to the dogs sin their opinions some time ago.
Neoconservative liberals are all over America like Argentine ants on a picnic in southern California. The evidence of their omnipresence is in the continuing popularity of Joe Biden's re-election bid among a substantial minority of the population despite outcomes such as this:
One supports such a President's re-election bid out of ideological obligation, not sound judgment.
The neoconservative liberals have that "America is a moral beacon and so it's totally okay if it behaves like a bully" sentiment that one could see in the periods of Reagan's (and indeed George W. Bush's) greatest popularity. They combine that sentiment with a Progressive-era sentiment desiring earnestly to clean up the world while polishing their self-definitions of being nice people. I'm sure that many neoconservative liberals are of old pedigree -- here one looks at both the 1980 and 1984 Presidential elections and ponders how paltry the opposition to Reagan's regime was. A LOT of people supported Reagan, liberals included. In fact, it was only with the 1992 election that put Bill Clinton into the White House that the current distinction between "red" and "blue" states was cemented into Presidential election results.
Perhaps a good slogan to adopt in opposing the efforts of the neoconservative liberals would be "Peace Is Wise." There is little point in opposing the vision of the neoconservative liberals, because it's their idea of moral rectitude. What might bear fruit, however, is arguing that the neoconservative liberals' world-view is detached from the physical world. What comes out of this thought is a suggestion that a more effective strategy than war would involve peace, and peace right away, not peace conditional upon immediately getting everything they want.
Putin might or might not be Satan himself. The fact of his being or not being Satan is not the main concern. What's important is that Team Biden's current strategy of proxy war against Putin's regime, with sanctions, has only succeeded in making Putin stronger. Putin's popularity ratings are high among his people, his armed forces are full of volunteers, and his economy is expanding, which is something that can't be said of Germany, premier European member of the NATO alliance.
Ukraine may have gained some small amount of territory from its counter-offensives over the summer, and it may have forced Russia to retreat a bit. Neoconservative liberals love to crow over this phenomenon. Heather Cox Richardson's Substack argues in her most recent post that:
Today news broke that Ukrainian attacks have forced Russia to withdraw most of its Black Sea Fleet from occupied Crimea. This is a serious blow to Vladimir Putin’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
But Russian retreats are actually of little consequence because they do not forfeit substantial amounts of territory and are typically accompanied by vast slaughters of Ukrainian forces, to the point where Ukraine has lost at least 200,000 and possibly 490,000 troops -- the point being that, from the perspective that the Special Military Operation is a war of attrition, Ukraine has already lost the war. That is the primary fact of consequence.
The initial problem from the Ukrainian perspective was that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were conducting counter-offensives without benefit of air cover. The war has devolved to a point where the ability to rectify that situation passed into history some time ago.
The fundamental problem with the neoconservative liberal definition of "helping Ukraine" is that the US is goading Ukraine into US-directed "counter-offensives" which result in too many Ukrainian casualties. What might actually help Ukraine would be peace. A first step toward peace would be if the collective West stopped demanding the return of those portions of what we might call Ukraine of 1991.
The neoconservative liberals can expound 24/ 7 / 365.256 about the righteousness of Ukraine's demands. Letting neoconservative liberals feel righteous may be wise. None of it is of any consequence, however, because none of those demands are going to be fulfilled as long as the war keeps going. The war is lost for the West; no magic event, no number of public relations initiatives, no number of infusions of money or weapons will transform the war into a win. The Russians have, simply put, out-competed, for all of the evil they are imagined to be.
So you tell the neoconservative liberals this: "So you want to weaken Putin. Peace is the best way to achieve that goal, peace while salvaging the biggest chunk of Ukraine that you can possibly get at the bargaining table with the Russians. You will get peace through negotiations, if you get it at all. The opportunity to get rid of Putin through war disappeared some time ago if it was ever there in the first place, so you will have to do it through peace."
Such a strategy might not work. Americans, as George Carlin once pointed out, like war.
At any rate, peace is wise. Let it be your slogan. Who knows? It might be more effective than conducting sit-ins at Bernie Sanders' office.

I dont normally hit Control F
but when i searched "Obama"-
I had to rewrite this diary a bit.
Sometimes my most accurate work is not performed at 2am.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
It probably
has more to do with party politics, party unity and fear of being disloyal and primaried in the next election, as opposed to ideology or any ism. My sense is The Squad, various other progressives, haven't so much changed their ideology of prog-liberal principles, but have instead prioritized doing what they feel they must do, toe the party line in order to avoid a major primary challenger next election.
I can feel some measure of sympathy for this spineless group as they operate in a context of censorship in the MSM of opposing points of view (their private views) as the corp media has increasingly become the propaganda wing of the DNC. These congress critters must feel the deck is stacked against them, and resistance is futile, so they go along.
Meanwhile, Code Pink needs to grow up and learn to be a little less ideologically purist wrt the people it keeps company with. All the more important on the most important issue of all, war. No wonder the antiwar forces remain so small in number.
I do not think it wise --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Well how brave the Squad are
So their prime reason for being in congress is not to work for those who sent them there, but just to stay there? Doesn’t that sound silly to you? It sure does me.
Yeah I think they have definitely changed when they voted to supply the Nazis with more weapons and fund the Ukraine government while every day more Americans are shoved into poverty and more people and especially seniors join the ranks of the homeless. If they can’t stand against that then what good are they?
Then there was their refusal to force the vote and use the passing of MFA against Pelosi being speaker. Just what progressive values are they willing to stand up for?
Sheesh people who give democrats a pass for not doing what they promised they would are why they keep doing it. They pay no price for screwing their base.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Kos is upset about the tankies that were arrested
for protesting against Bernie and boy is it a doozy!
Here is the worst tankie that is usually included in every one of his tankie diaries.
In one of his diaries on Tankies he actually said this:
Wtf does he think happened during shock and awe? The rest of the first diary linked shows that the little dude is a CIA asset and he’s helping it to brainwash the members. It’s amazing how he is now for everything that he once said that he was against. The sad thing is that so are a lot of the brainwashed members. I remember when the site supported Code Pink for its anti war stance.
LMAO at this comment:
Maybe this will put the kibosh on insinuations that Bernie is a Russian agent.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have to wonder if anyone has asked Kos --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I don’t remember in which diary he wrote, but he did go there. Plus how the military spending for Ukraine is just a small amount of the military budget and besides it’s heading for $800 million because of Russia even though it’s gone higher every year. I highlighted that last week.
Did you see where he denies that Obama’s 2014 coup wasn’t actually true? For a CIA creep he’s not very well informed…oh wait. He’s helping to get the members to agree to rewrite history.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.