Why I can't listen to Jimmy Dore anymore
I used to listen to every single one of Jimmy's videos. I was a dedicated fan.
Now today, I just can't face listening to him. What changed?
Essentially it started with Jimmy's crusade against AOC.
I'm not a fan boy of AOC, although I am tickled how she infuriates all the right wing and the establishment Democrats. AOC has let me down several times this year.
But unlike Jimmy, I don't view AOC is my enemy.
Nor do I view the radical right wing militias as my potential allies, unlike Jimmy.
Jimmy has lost touch with political reality.
If Jimmy was in the Spanish Civil War, he'd be a Trotskyist telling us that the Stalinists were the real enemies, while Franco's fascist were potential allies.
I understand that you have to have standards. That's normal.
I agreed with Jimmy about the forcethevote.
But because the squad didn't agree with that doesn't mean they aren't allies.
Jimmy believes that all that is needed is to start a third party.
That hasn't happened in 170 years. Putting all your eggs in that basket is foolhardy.
But let's say it successful. We have a third party.
Do you know how long it took the last third-party to go from idealists to extremely corrupt establishment politicians? About a decade.
I want to see third-party succeed, but I don't expect it to, and if it did succeed the fight isn't over.
The real measuring stick of Jimmy's stick is how it makes you feel.
Does Jimmy make you want to go out and fight the man? Does he inspire you?
Personally he depresses the shit out of me. He makes me want to give up.
And I just don't need that. I can't be the only one.
But this isn't just about Jimmy. This is about a faction on the left that simply isn't helpful.
The DSA, justice dems, various other progressive groups, they are working their asses off. They are fighting very very long odds. And in some cases they are winning.
Are they making compromises during the process? Yes. Some of those compromises are too big, and they need to have their feet held to the fire.
But there is a certain faction on the left that will tell you that the most active activists on the left are your enemies. This is not new, nor will it go away.
Unlike the right, left always has these factional infighting. It's a big reason why the Democratic establishment will never take the left seriously. They don't have to.
So what's my point? I don't know I just felt this needed to be said.

Don't watch him if he irritates you.
Let him go.
But I have found zero fault in his criticism of AOC. I watched that infamous Boogaloo Boy interview, and exactly how would Jimmy have challenged the guy when they were both seeking the same goals? (My goals, as well.)
All the time, day in and day out, I see and hear left and right arguments.
I do not view it this way, maybe for the last 5 years or so. I view it as up and down. Rich against everyone who is not rich, which is the 99% of this country.
Why Dore gets all this negative attention is beyond my comprehension, when Rachel (Russia!) Maddow is still on the air and still given room and benefit of the doubt.
Anyway, bottom line, no use is letting Dore get under your skin. He has no power. He is a comedian.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Because he was most likely full of sh*t.
And that would have been obvious if Jimmy stopped pretending to do journalism, and actually did some journalism.
When some leader from a group takes public stands that are in direct opposition to the group that they are representing, then someone is lying.
A real journalist would know that and responded accordingly.
This was the moment I broke with Jimmy.
If Jimmy used the EXACT SAME STANDARDS with the Boogaloo Boy that he uses with AOC, then he would have openly called the Boogaloo Boy a liar.
Instead he pitched him softball questions, like CNN and Biden.
That's implicit bias. And if I wanted that I could watch the major networks.
What I know about the Boogaloo Boys
So, questions of general inquiry by Jimmy, for me, were appreciated.
I do not recall the man saying anything that required a hard question in furtherance of the discusion of the issues. What I saw was Jimmy being absolutely floored by the whole reality of an actual Boogaloo Boy being so damn normal. Well, so was I. The guy was someone I just might want in my neighborhood.
So, you might have had some info about that group that was so hardened that Jimmy appeared to be cheering them on.
After that interview that angered and disgusted you so much, I became even more committed to Jimmy's crusade, and to listening to people in groups being labelled as this and that by the media.
Friend, to each his own.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Broken Record?
Seems like we've heard this from you before. Think Jimmy is too confrontational? Fine, don't listen to him. But don't pretend this current cadre of "progressives" that are unwilling to take risks and actually fight the power structure are going to change anything.
You can't change a rigged system playing by its rules. Power concedes nothing when you ask nicely. AOC had it right when she said we needed to "cause a ruckus," but she let herself be captured by the system and rendered useless. The most she'll ever get is consolation crumbs for being a "good little progressive."
Maybe you're doing ok financially and can play the long game of "incremental change." Hah! But for every one like you there are ten others who are barely scraping by and can't wait any longer for healthcare or a decent job to put food on the table for their family. People are hurting and dying, pushed closer to the cliff every day! And the powers that be aren't going to change shit until we make them scared and uncomfortable.
Jimmy does that, and I will continue to support him for it, regardless of specific points I may disagree on. We need fighters, not more "clever commentators."
I decided for myself it is ok to be
an avoiding social platform unsocial socialist. That helps.
Be well. Take care.
Like AverageJoe said --
-- we have heard this before.
Richard Wolff was on YouTube yesterday. His message was, basically, that government is in the hands of the super-rich, and that this time around they're giving us a couple of crumbs while the super-rich get billions of dollars richer, each, individually, during a recession and a pandemic. And that this was why capitalism is crumbling. We've heard that before, too.
All of the big "left" organizations, by the way, are pushing the rank-and-file to get legislatures to support HR1. One such organization found my email account yesterday. Here's the People's Party on HR1:
Oh, but the People's Party is "Jimmy Dore's grift," right? Or at least that's what one rather high-profile idiot said on my Facebook profile. Y'know, voting rights don't mean a lot if all you get out of them is the right to vote for the neoliberal social climber of your choice.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Toxic for a lot of reasons - thank you for listing some.
Quite a few more can be found here:
Complaining just to complain.
Secondly, there really isn't a problem with uniform election standards, as long as those standards require a return to paper ballots and a complete ban on computerized voting machines. Universal by-mail voting like what we have here in Oregon would be a plus.
Here's a meaningful critique:
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
What Jimmy is fighting for is messy.
It's not easy being the lone voice in the room that is trying to affect change. I've been in those shoes. I saw the eyes roll when I started speaking truth to power. Today, I am thanked for my effort. Walk in Jimmy's shoes or don't listen.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
They were
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Cart before horse
I made that example for a very specific reason
No, they weren't their "enemies". They were their "rivals".
Yes, at one or two points they fought nasty, bloody battles. But they also fought together against the fascists dozens of times.
Now compare that to the absolute unrestrained slaughter committed by Franco's men after their victory. THAT is what an enemy does.
If you still don't see the difference, then you have the same condition that Jimmy does.
Did the Trotskyists
[video:https://brandnewtube.com/watch/boogaloo-leader-shocks-alex-jones_LZv5Mea... do that?
Thought I was semi-conversant with the Spanish Civil War, but I guess I missed that bit.
I'd have had them both down as enemies.
Went to a presentation one time by a Republican volunteer, Abe Osheroff. His ship was torpedoed by a German submarine off near Barcelona. Survived that, swam ashore, caught a ride into town and there was street fighting going on - he thought it was Republican versus Nationalist but it turned out to be anarchists fighting communists (who were at other times fighting each other, of course).
The more things change...
Doesn't look like the third party thing is going anywhere anytime soon. But if the Matt Gaetz's , Marjory Taylor Greene's, Rand Paul's, Josh Hawley's somehow manage to wrest power from the Mitch McConnell's and Liz Cheney's - the Republican Party is going to be a very different critter than what we've had for the last few decades.
As will the Dems, if the Squad insurgency goes anywhere. I wouldn't miss the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, or Harry Reid - but to the extent that Dems continue to lead with identitarian wokeness, cancel culture, open borders, big tech censorship and the like, they will continue the process of marginalizing themselves and distracting from more fundamental problems.
Which, as OtC points out, are more up-down than left-right in nature.
Can't seem to embed, but here is another interview of (Boogaloo Boi) Magnus Panvidya - this one on Infowars (Jan. 29).
Come on, gjohnsit, even if you're burned out on Jimmy D. I *know* you can't be tired of Alex Jones...
"Speculation is always warranted as long as it is so identified.
Speculation is at the foundation of most discoveries not originally based upon proven facts. There must be an inductive process to expand the information produced by deductive processes."
- Alligator Ed
I rather think that
Mary Bennett
Very refreshing to read your post this morning
Thank you
Ranting as a profession: nice work if you can get it
I agree with @gjohnsit. Dore seems to epitomize parts of the left which seem to be angry with everybody and everything. And stylistically, Dore is a blunt instrument: he seems to think hammering a targets speech word by word is something rather clever and intellectual but it quickly becomes tedious, obsessive and devolves into pettiness. Dore has become a left wing rodeo-clown akin to some right wing performers I can think of.
Here's a question worth asking
"Who does meet Jimmy's standards?"
If the answer is "no one in politics today", well, that is consistent and understandable.
But also completely useless.
If there isn't a single active politician that meets his standards, and I don't think that there is, then he serves no useful purpose, politically.
He is promoting a third party.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That sounds to me like the only reasonable course.
Everything else within the two party system seems to be either wishful thinking or deflection.
Not productive in the least.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Someone told me was a comedian
I am still waiting for the great Jimmy rant calling out Reps. Judy Chu and Adam Schiff, both of whom represent parts of Jimmy's own home town. Hmm. Dare I think some folks, or make that some categories of folks, are off limits to criticism. Reminds me a bit of Wasserman Schultz saying she doesn't get protested.
Mary Bennett
Jimmy Dore is stuck on the major issues as seem by a real Lefty
Economic Justice, Social Justice and Peace. Kinda tough to do that in this environment. On the other hand would you prefer to follow someone with known and consistent principles? Do you believe that the Real Left goes nowhere because they don't act on their beliefs, instead thinking that they will have more influence if they play along? We have a huge set of the latter and a few examples of the former, maybe a few dozen of the latter. We can name most of them. Yeah, I'm willing to put up with his abrasive monologue, although I wish that it was focused more just on on facts. Then again we are not in his shoes and we do not know what works for him. There is a lot of justified anger out there and he is clearly channeling it. I've been to two of his live shows and you can just feel it in the audience.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
no argument there
I'll stick with JD. JD talks to boogaloo boy bad
biden wants to have bipartisanship party (R's) good
Force the Vote, JD got it right
$15 min wage, again JD got it right
NDAA passes w/all of the squad, just us democrats, voting for approval
same for War Dept budget
Name one thing that the "Squad" has won besides for maybe a tweet here or there
JD is a comedian working out of his garage, not a politician working in the "DC Green Zone"
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
So why are you still paying attention to him?
No offense but, this isn't the first time you've made this point here (as others noted.) It's too bad he bums you out but to tell the truth, the DSA, the Justice Dems, the Squad, AOC, etc., bum me out and I'm not the only one. They're supposed to be on my side and "fighting for" (shudder) the things I believe in, but increasingly this does not look like the case. Where are those wins? Because it looks to me like nothing is fundamentally changing.
If anything, JD has kind of proved all these professional progressives are great on social media but are otherwise rudderless and devoid of any strategy or planning to actually accomplish anything. #forcethevote was about more than just not voting for Pelosi. IMHO, it revealed the disorganization among the so called progressives and that they didn't even have a plan other than trusting the Dems would do the right thing. To me, that is simply unacceptable. It's not that they didn't do what Jimmy was suggesting. It's that they had no alternative. (And they've been in office long enough they should have been thinking along these lines.)
And I fail to see how "putting all your eggs" in the idea of a third party is any more foolhardy than putting those same eggs in the Democrats basket. It seems like all my life I've heard how the Dems were just on the verge of moving leftward, yet the ratchet effect to the right keeps happening. Merely electing more and better progressives isn't changing this, and I've not heard of a plan beyond that.
I do get it if you don't dig his style. Frankly, I get a little tired of his ask someone a question, then rant for five minutes and say "wouldn't you agree?" style. But he's not a professional journalist, nor does he claim to be. But if you have issues with his substance, let's hear where he's wrong? I see him as one of the few people holding the professional progressive's feet to the fire. I would prefer someone a little less bombastic, but I think that's getting people to pay attention. But it seems like there's plenty of alternatives to Jimmy out there and he's easy enough to ignore if you don't like him.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Outside of right-wing news sources (who still think that Obama was a socialist), where have you heard that?
Many of the Dems themselves --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
You seem to have forgotten "most progressive canidate ever"
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Now the media is comparing Biden to FDR
Take a look at Huff Beast today and see how they are spinning his Covid bailout. Lifts millions out of poverty. 50% of people will still be in poverty after dems bailed on the bailout is a headline you will never read. If they want to cure poverty then cure all of it at the levels where people get stuck. It's pure grade B bullcrap that they are spreading.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Richard Wolff did a broadcast yesterday --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Jeez. let Jimmy handle Jimmy, he knows best how,
and if is all above my pay grade (easy if you are at minimum wage)
Time to get fresh air and a nice walk outside of the garage.
Lots of great info in the video
Weiggle is a republican working for Bezos to smear progressives. That stood out.
Hearing from someone on the other side is what I have advocated forever. It just make sense since this is class war.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What changed?
I reckon you changed. I used to listen to him everyday as well.
But here lately, there really isn't a reason to listen, because he's just repeating himself. And that's really not his fault per say, I've gotten used to his style and pretty much know what he's going to say anyway.
I read the vid description, if it's interesting, I'll watch, but most videos now days are basically covering pretty much the same ground. Democrats say one thing, and Jimmy points out how they did another thing.
It's the same story over and over.
The "message" is clear, the Democrats are not our friend and we have more in common with our fellow citizens, than we do with ANY politicians.
"Other" progressive media are just chasing daily news, and lately, they been giving way too much cover for the Democrats.
I mean good heavens, the Democrats promised back in November, the 2K checks would go out immediately if we gave them the Senate. We delivered. We are still waiting for those 2K check, that are now going to be $1,400, hey because we let the democrats just stream roll us.
I mean AOC and every one of the justice democrats, the squad or who ever, just went along with it. Gee, Bernie likes to rant but doesn't do anything else.
I mean FUCK! we are bombing Syria again, and again in blatant violation of the AUMF, the 1973 War Power Act as well as the constitution. There is no legal justification for launching an attack on Syria. FUCK, there NEVER was ANY legal justification for bombing / attacking Syria!
If we could just find someone with Jimmy's fire and Professor Wolff's intellect, we would have a bonafided Revolutionary leader this country so desperately needs.
Out of all of the so called progressive media I listen / watch, Jimmy is the only one bringing any fire that's worth a damn. The rest of so called progressive media is too afraid to speak out directly and risk the wrath Youtube overlords or risk access.
Our entire government should be rotting in prison for the Social Murder of over a 1/2 million of our own citizens, because we had to save the Economy, not our own fellow citizens.
Think for a moment, and the oath our Top brass must swear, Defend the constitution against all enemies. The morons at the Capital on Jan.6th were enemies of the constitution, and not one general lifted a finger to stop any of it. Hell, they indirectly helped it by their lack of action.
Why the hell are they still at their post? They should all at least be fired under Article 92 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), for Dereliction of Duty and failure to uphold their oath of office! They should all be fired and lose their pensions!
But not even Jimmy has picked up on that little nugget! No one has. It's like the issue doesn't even exist.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Extremely well said, RR
Wolff did say in one of their interviews that he believed it best to "work with" the Democrats, rather than freeze them out of the conversation and out of office. In other words, he is a variation on the theme of blue no matter who. Same thing with Noam Chomsky.
As for the mighty military, who stood down during the riot, they now surround the Capital. DC looks like a prison compound, giving that appearance of being perpetually terrified and terrorized. Nice gig.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
There are others willing to step
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There you are. You've been missed.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
I have always said that I can take him in little doses,
and then I need to walk away. I was on that Zoom meeting with the People's Party when they first started organizing and he was there as a board member of the party. He went on about some personal life/health experience and he really exhibited a problem with anger management. I walked away again, but this time for good. That man is unstable.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Politics and Societies
I'm glad you said what you said. A society collapses without a political system, so Somebody is always going to be in charge. Hopefully, one lives in a society where that Somebody can be voted out and replaced with a new Somebody that governs without a lot of harm being done. There are always compromises in politics, unless you live under a totalitarian system.
I have said it here previously
Jimmy Dore is not for everyone. His style can be very abrasive and self serving, but on substance, he is right on nearly everything he talks about on his channel. There is an enormous anger out there because our own government, both parties and both administrations have lied to us and let us down in so many ways. The US is a powder keg waiting to explode.
The ONLY opportunity to actually substantively push for Medicare for All and a $15/hour minimum wage (which is far too low even today, let alone in 2025) was for the squad and/or progressives in the House to withhold their votes until these things were put into the bills. They did not and they got basically nothing. Joe Manchin threatened to withhold his vote in the Senate and he got what he wanted. It is a basic political strategy and AOC and company refused to use it.
AOC f*cking angers the hell out of me. She tweets a lot and does nothing. Football player Justin Jackson owned her on that. Other squad members also do the same thing, but to a lesser extent. Outside the squad, Pramila Jayapal and Ro Khanna do the same thing, but they never act on their tweets. AOC has a lot of power. These last two votes were unique opportunities in which she could have used that power and she has refused to do so. That is not courage or leadership.
Now AOC is saying that the expansion and subsidy of COBRA is a great thing. No it is not. It is just another big giveaway to the insurance companies instead of helping people directly or better yet, Medicare for All. Bottom line, tweeting is NOT legislating!
The problems we have in this country are so deep and structurally rooted, that a third party will not be the solution. The whole system has to be dismantled. It is up to the ruling class to decide how they want to do it because it is inevitable and it could be very ugly if they do not start caring for the citizens of this country.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It is a basic political strategy
you have stated it so well GG
couldn't agree more
good to see you here again
or us to make a decision on who survives this cataclysm
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
i'd rec your comment
12 times if i could, esp this:
biden, bernie, and aoc are modern day Elmer Gantrys promoting the Covid Rescue Plan.
on edit: and yes, i should have said how good it is to see you again; i'd thought your laptop may have finally given up the ghost.
Here’s AOC championing Biden’s cobra subsidies after her years long spiel of running on MFA.
"Yay! You guys get free cobra for 6 months. You happy now bitches? Well sure you still have to pay lots of out of pocket expenses, but sheesh it’s at least something."
Blehh! But by golly she’s still tweeting about getting it for us. And $15 and monthly checks that will be retroactive. Ro is doing it too. Yay. Blehh.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
good gawd all friday,
that's sick. i've been collecting tweets and quotes for a separate post on the D 'best voices' flogging their Glorious Covid Rescue Plan! #Surreal.
Notice anything....
I did. I forgot to include the tweet of her doing it which would have made the comment rock. DOH...life with my brain...
Oh well. But this embrace of cobra after pushing basically for a universal type health plan is beyond ridiculous for her and now she's still pushing for better things. Duplicitous twit.
As too Hedges I too found his work to be dark and with no hints of what we can do. But he used to tell us things to do, but he got so much flak he just puts the info out and let's us decide. As it should be. We could use some help from congress if they are sincere, but since I don't see them doing everything in their power to get Amazon unionized then they are just empty words to keep people living with false hope from them. I have given up all hope from congress and it is their fault not mine.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Many have said they can't stand Chris Hedges either.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Guilty here
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
i've held grudges against
Old Sourpuss for years; Mr. wd points out that he often pins the nail on the donkey on the right place/s. once in awhile i even deign to scan one of his epistles. ; )
Anyone Here Remember Mort Sahl?
That's who Jimmy reminds me of the most. Mort had a great way of using humor to poke fun at the political elite, much in the same way Jimmy does. Now, Mort did have a point of view and his career got derailed by the MSM, I think, mainly for his support of Jim Garrison and JFK assassination conspiracy theories (which I also subscribe to). However, even though he might go off what some might consider the "deep end" of the political spectrum at times, I really appreciated his support of Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 primary campaign at a time when she was either being ignored or unfairly maligned by most of the establishment voices out there. So, for that alone, he gets a pass on some of the other stuff in my book.
PS. Although you don't see or hear from him much any more, Mort Sahl is stil around, in his 90s.
I Get It -- Kinda
Dore's style is going to really rankle you, if you're on the other side. I had a taste of this early in 2020. I'm anti-lockdown and Dore was full-throttle "shut it down". I had to take a break from him.
But he's absolutely right about Force the Vote and even the larger point about a third party and the gentrification of the Left. The Squad has signed onto Imperialist bullshit time and again, they're getting compromised into a re-branding effort for the Democrats.
I've been pretty active in the DSA and watched as the bourgie kids started to push out the old working-class organizer types. the low point for me is when the students as the $50K/yr Day School I worked at formed a DSA chapter.
It's weird that a lot of the Left doesn't actually get class on the instinctual lever the Right does.
Like the Bull