While it won't happen, Greens offer slot to Bernie

Bernie Sanders has been invited to continue his underdog bid for the White House by the Green party’s probable presidential candidate, who has offered to step aside to let him run.

Jill Stein, who is expected to be endorsed at the party’s August convention in Houston, told Guardian US that “overwhelming” numbers of Sanders supporters are flocking to the Greens rather than Hillary Clinton.

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mimi's picture

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OLinda's picture

Jill 2016
More at link.

We have repeatedly asked to meet with Senator Sanders to discuss the possibilities for collaboration to continue to build a progressive revolution in the US.

We have said we were willing to discuss a variety of cooperative approaches, including the possibility of creating a united ticket. At no point however have we simply offered that we would just step aside and give the Presidential nomination of the Green Party to Senator Sanders without serious discussions of issues and strategies. And of course, ultimately the nomination decision rests in the hands of the delegates to the Green Party convention, though most of them are pledged to Jill Stein.

However, the offer of a joint ticket was conditioned on discussing and agreeing on a joint program moving forward.

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Alphalop's picture

Clinton is indicted for lying to congress, which could indeed happen.

In that case he could legitimately say, "I still believe that we must do everything we can to stop Trump (or any other republican) from becoming President and it no longer appears that Hillary Clinton is going to be a viable means to do so, therefor I have decided to accept the kind offer issued by Jill Stein and the Green Party to join them in the attempt to (Insert stump speech here.) .

And who knows, maybe he is hedging his bets and figures the best way to get the Hillary SD's to flip to him if it happens before the convention is by showing that he is a team player now.

It's all speculation, but hey, that's kinda what we do here right? Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

mimi's picture

up and down ... wouldn't it be nice to see some justice been done coming from the Justice department?

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It would begin with this:

Clinton is indicted for lying to congress, which could indeed happen.

...but would have to continue with , say, Biden/Kerry getting the nomination.

But now that Bernie has officially endorsed Hillary, I read this as Bernie is done with this campaign. He stated in his message (presented by MsGwin as "Message From Bernie") that his goal is now to establish a permanence of our political movement as a watchdog on the Democratic Party.

Watching Bernie's campaign for the past many months, I believe him when he says this. His actions, I expect, will match his words. He will do what he can toward this goal.

And should the nomination go to Biden/Kerry as some have suggested, or even to any other Democrat, I think the Party has demonstrated that they won't turn to Bernie. He thus joins William Jennings Bryan and Eugene Debs as men who would have been good for the nation yet thwarted by the wealthy to defend greed.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

ngant17's picture

at heart, despite retreating into the corporate side of politics and the Hillary campaign. But hardly a factor to support the oligarchy under Clinton.

I didn't want to believe he has transformed himself into a Gompersite fakir. I'm hoping he will start to move away from the Hillary campaign and be done with all of her flawed substance and style.

I'm with Jill as that is the only progressive alternative available to the left. With the scatter-brained character of Ms. Clinton, it's absurd to put any faith in those unpredictable, extreme variances of policy positions.

OTOH I accept the fact of unpredictable, extreme variances of today's climate as a fact of life, it is a system that will no longer be controlled by our best efforts.

However, this perpetual zig-zagging by Hillary, it's not natural like our weather, it isn't uncontrollable like we're seeing with carbon emissions and global temps, it is something that is totally voluntary on her part and I won't condone it by voting for the Democrats.

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