What's up with the Hillary PR blitz?

Undead Hillary refuses to slink back into the morass she came from. ICYMI she is hosting a masterclass, "the power of resilience," where she - tearfully - reads the acceptance speech she prepared for the 2016 election. This appears to be coordinated with Huma Abedin's book where she glowingly describes "Hillaryland" as a place of caring and compassion. And, oh, she made Ben Affleck blush!

Some are speculating that this is designed as a distraction from the Maxwell trial, but I'm afraid it's something with grander aspirations. The Democrats' prospects for 2024 are looking bleak, as it stands we're looking at either Biden, Harris, or Buttigieg and that's a losing ticket. My spidey senses are telling me she's trying to set the stage for a comeback despite her age, since she'll be as old as Joe Biden was when he took office.

Any other theories as to why she's trying to make herself relevant again? Maybe paving the way for Chelsea to make her move?

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What a pathetic ego trip!

The world is going crackers and she decides to make it about Her again. Good luck with that, Hills.

As to the motivation, first I have to say that I could not care less. But in the spirit in which she has always presented herself, she is just doing the same damn thing again. Maybe Her and her Brain Trust in Exile figure this creepy exercise in What About Me? will put her back in The Conversation. Or maybe she just likes to hear Herself talk about Herself on television.

More power to Her! She is amazing by any measure -- privileged to the max, qualified to start a whole raft of wars with a twitch of her nose, but somehow also a Victim, betrayed by people who did not bother to vote for Her who should have voted for Her - at least according to Her.

I hope she makes a comeback. She might even win the Big Banana and sit in that chair previously occupied by Sleepy Joe and Donnie Fucknuts.

Is this a great country or what?

16 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

janis b's picture

"Is this a great country or what?"

The whole of your comment is blindingly burning, and without doubt ignites the grotesque.

10 users have voted.

@janis b

On further thought, I believe that I have guessed her game plan. She is angling for the newly created position of Health Czarina. Once Fauci becomes a liability, Hillary will fire him for being too lenient on the subject of vaccination. Rather than let some weak-kneed medical doctor, encumbered by the hippocratic oath, to direct the operation to save lives, she will not have anybody replace Fauci. She will do it herself, the way it should have been done from the start.

Meanwhile, along the lines of her part in rehabilitating George Walker Bush, she will also recontextualize the work of that white male, George Orwell. She will change her title from Health Crzarina to Big Sister and all will be right with the Universe.


9 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

janis b's picture

@fire with fire

I enjoyed this especially -

Meanwhile, along the lines of her part in rehabilitating George Walker Bush, she will also recontextualize the work of that white male, George Orwell. She will change her title from Health Crzarina to Big Sister and all will be right with the Universe.


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

A snippet of her reading the speech made headlines because Hillary started to cry when she got to the part in the speech that saw her imagining telling her long-deceased mother that Hillary was America’s first woman president. Ironically, this emotional breakdown occurred in a masterclass the topic of which is “the power of resilience.” A woman who has spent the last five years whining about losing the election and now cries because she couldn’t, in her imagination, tell her mommy she won, is not resilient.

Still, any student who signs up for a MasterClass taught by Hillary Clinton has already drunk the Democrat Kool-Aid and will already have taken the side of a woman who rode her husband’s coattails as far as he could take her, at which point she fell down all by herself. A presidential candidate who calls at least half of the American electorate “deplorable” is a fool and deserves to lose.

And that gets us to Hillary’s prepared victory speech. You can listen to the part where she cries because that’s the newsworthy part, but I found most interesting what she told Willie Geist about her thinking as she wrote the thankfully unused speech (emphasis mine):

I worked on a speech that really was about my journey and that had a real emphasis on my mother’s life and journey as a way of, you know, making it clear that, yes, I would be the first woman president but I, like everybody, stood on the shoulders and lived the lives and experiences of those who came before us.

It must have grated on Hillary for decades to see Bill’s effortless political charm and eventual success when, in her own mind, it always should have been all about her.

An extended clip:



4 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

janis b's picture


to reach a place I can actually listen and watch.

In the meantime, I wonder what her mother would actually make of her daughter using her in this way.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

I think he covered most of what she said. I haven’t watched it yet, nor will I. I just can’t be bothered to care what the sorest loser thinks. She already took 5 years blaming everyone but herself for her historical and self owned loss to the game show host and I think it’s time for her and us to move on from her and her never ending grift Russia Gate. Neither her or her swarmy husband did anything that benifacted anyone except themselves and their friends and owners. I again suggest we invite them all to a private island and implement Marie’s ideas.

If you find something different or added please let me know. I’m watching a lovely snow storm and thinking of you moving into summer all warm and cozy.

2 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

janis b's picture


She's a terrible actor, nothing authentic about her.

Enjoy the snow you two. It's hot here, 80 in the shade.

2 users have voted.


It must have grated on Hillary for decades to see Bill’s effortless political charm and eventual success when, in her own mind, it always should have been all about her.


I always thought the story of Bill and Hillary would make a great Tracy and Hepburn movie. The Hepburn character marries the Rhodes Scholar with the inner confidence and easy going charm to take the world by storm. She decides that she will motivate him to greatness, but he is always, somehow, two steps ahead of her about everything. How could such a lazy, horny, smarmy Baptist Preacher always land on his feet?

She suffers through his presidency, a victim of irony as she gets the blame for creating Newt Gingrich and as she watches a goofy intern seduce Spencer right under her nose. Always doing her duty, Katey sucks up the humiliation and soldiers on as her infinitely Slick husband dances out of the perjury trap set by Ken Starr to end his Presidency on a high note.

Finally, Ms. Hepburn steps out from behind Spencer and starts her own career in public service. After punching her card in the Seante, the Bush Family name collapses and the Door is Open!

Not so fast as Sidney Portier, young, handsome, cool, black -- and even better at bullshit than her asshole husband -- kicks her ass in the Democratic Primary. And suddenly, by 2016, Hillary Clinton is too old, too obnoxious and too full of shit to win against a Freak Show called Trump.

And Bill as always gets the last laugh on Her.

4 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

snoopydawg's picture

@fire with fire

Hillary also got some of the blame for Bill stepping out on her did she not? True or not it’s a sad fact that she did get some.

Sidney Poitier! LMAO! Always good to start the morning with a giggle.

1 user has voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

TheOtherMaven's picture


2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.


I got another joke I wrote on that topic. I voted for Tulsi in the 2020 Democratic Primary, but I was really hoping that Bernie would be the nominee because the debates between him and Donnie Fucknuts would have been hilariious.

Imagine Bernie's Brooklyn accent --

Donald, with all due respect. That Alec Baldwin fellow on Saturday Night Live does a better you than you.

1 user has voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

I can't think about the Clintons without being reminded of Jim and Tammy Fae. How about the obscene amount of 2016 campaign money raised by HER? How much of that cash stayed with those stickey fingers?

If not kings, then kingmakers. So yeah, probably it's all about Chelsea.

12 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

shit on the living room rug a couple of years ago, and I can still smell it to this day. To this day!

This is kinda like that. There's not enough Nature's Miracle enzyme sanitizer in the world to get the stink of the Clintons out of US politics. We need to throw that rug out...

14 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@usefewersyllables Peroxide? 3%. It will be easier than removing the Clintons. Is the implication it is Hillary or Chelsea?


6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

usefewersyllables's picture

@Dawn's Meta

"po-tay-to", I say "po-tah-to"; let's call the whole thing off.

I've smelled enough dog shit for one lifetime. But, having said that, H202 does work pretty well. (;-)

We still have the dog. The rug's life, on the other hand, hangs in the balance...

8 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Azazello's picture

Hillary Clinton Announces MasterClass in Losing to Donald Trump

“My fellow Americans, today you sent a message to the whole world,” she read. “Our values endure. Our democracy stands strong. And our motto remains: e pluribus unum. Out of many, one.” Our values are garbage fit for the rats, a fact that put Trump in the White House for four long years. Look, my firm conviction that this country is a horror probably bars me from any kind of public office. Nevertheless, I maintain that Clinton’s inability to account for America’s basic nastiness is partly what cost her the presidency. What is she going to do now, teach a MasterClass in losing?

8 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

snoopydawg's picture


There is probably a small constituency for this class. The members live on Twitter, where they will bay for my head the moment they read this headline. That’s fine! Like Hillary, I am resilient. MasterClass, give me a call.

I love it when mornings start out with a chuckle…

Hillary Clinton Tears Up As She Reads Her 2016 Victory Speech For First Time

The former Democratic nominee choked up at times as she read the triumphant address, which celebrated the country’s choice of “decency” and her historical ascent to become the first female president.

Her dream, our Bête Noire.

“I am sure of this as anything I have ever known: America is the greatest country in the world,” she continued. “And from tonight going forward, together, we will make America even greater than it has ever been, for each and every one of us. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless America.”

Clinton said she decided to share the speech because it “helps to encapsulate who I am.”

Boy did she nail that! I’m sure people here can have a lot of fun with that "helps to encapsulate who I am. But it doesn’t tell us why she thought any of the deplorables would want to hear from her. Maybe it’s because the media insists on writing about Donald Effing Trump every f’cking day instead of letting him fade into history. Didn’t they tell us that they wanted him out of office so life could return to normal!

9 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

zed2's picture

exposed for lots of destructive dishonesty thats gone unrecognized, tragically. I consider it to be motivated by a scheme to steal "everything" and violate the Ninth Amendment in particular. Sufice it to say we've been seeing well coordinated, shameless deception of the entire country in a very important matter, the creation of an impossible conflict. A scheme that directly violates the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, explicitly and intentionally. Huh? What ? You heard me. To me this is a good theory of everything political and economic or imperium and domotium - or double government, this seems to be a good explanation for a great many of the strange events of the last several years. Its a lot like the Enclosure Act in England which took away the commons from the people and gave them to the British feudal nobility, a situation that persists to this day. Here in the US all of our rights seem to be formally getten taken away and given to corporations in a legal grab. Behind our backs, under the radar. People literally have no standing.

See these two web pages on GATS and TISA

See what I mean?

I see the Clintons as being deeply involved in acting like a fixer for those with the nmoney to pay them, in matters involving this global grab, or at least trying to not so subtly market themselves as such. I have nothing more than asuspicion here. No inside information. zthey are masters of ambiguity. But- follow the money.

Also massive conflicts of interest, between her and her husband, former President Clinton's extracurricular activities and hugely remonerated speaking jobs. Six figure fees paid to him by foreign entities in areas dealing with things which were before the governments and the trade arbitration panel UNCITRAL. Under these trade agreements. And they would get "fixed". Which were never understood by the people fully for whatever they were. Facts which should have been disclosed were routinely left out.

Several years ago former President Clinton gave a 45 minute (highly) paid speech to the Dutch insurance firm Achmea, whose timing was interesting. The outcome of their court case which involved one of the infamous IntraEUBITS, was declared to have been a victory by the firm, which was suing the Slovak REpublic over the recent election which a candidate had won a landslide in over a promise of returning the country to a public healthcare system, as after only two years people were regretting the switch to private insurance due to considerable pressure on on the small nation. It was also getting media attention drawing I am sure lots of unwanted media attention to the question of can a trade deal force a country to do something bthey clearly voted overwhelmingly to change. WHo owns the right to regulate? Well, eventually, Slovakia won but the insurance industry won the first case and lost the second only because they sued Slovakia too soon, the opinion said. Implying bthat as far as the importantwho iowns policy like this was decided, sot of in a way that didnt go to the core question. Read up on this, I would be interested in what you think. There were several other IntraEUBITS.

The #IntraEUBITS were all pretty bad and the Eastern European nations were desperately trying to get out of them when the EUropean Court of justice decided the IntraEUBITS were all invalidated. But they were only because of a technicality that only applied in the EU. The question of whether a contract can nullify the rights of an entire country to govern essential issues the way it sees fit, despite having signed a bad trade deal shortly after the fall of Communism. Anyway the filings in the case which can be seen at ITAlaw.com are interesting. Achmea or Eureko (the Dutch firm's older name) are worth reading. They show a wide gulf in the understanding of the two parties.
What was being rigged by this GATS? Well, there is anxiety among the rich that impossible economic situations might devalue their investments, that voters could viote to get out of a bad deal, after they had invested somewhere. Even when they had entered into an agreement, inn this case entitling them to a concession, a captive market. In a sense, they had bought the Slovakian health insure market. But then Slovakians voted overwhelmingly to do healthcare differently. So hey immeditely sued for indirect expropriation, I think, ad won and siezed a small sum the nations entire foreign currency assets which were I think around 13 million euros. I forget the whole story's exact turns and twists. It took a lot of investigation to suss it out.

You'll notice that we made similar commitments under the GATS to "open the US ervices markets up to global competition in a number of important areas.

We also signed the Understanding on Committments in Financial Services intended to give financial services forms of all kinds certainty in areas they invested in in nthis country, so that the terms of the deal would not change in the middkle of the game, for example, the government could not subsidize a service where any business was being conducted on a commercial basis, like inn the US. Countries where a service was not conducted on a commercial basis and no more than one entity were involved such as Canada with health care were out of the scope of the GATS. However, when Canada's province of Ontario stated discussing seting up a no fault single payer auto insurance plan (even though other Canadian provinces already had trhis) the US insurance industry made it clear they would sue them. So Ontario dropped the idea.

I should mention that Americans have been deceived that we had a right to regulate which we no longer have in order to hide this theft. Its been quite elaborate, this deception scheme. SOmething similar happened in South Africa, and I am fairly certain its never been brought to light, just like here.

The commotments made by the apartheid state live on and even a change in the government did not absolve the government of these obligations. So what we see is the shameful hiding of an important fact and set of facts.. in order to successfully pull off a theft of a super important right -right under the eyes of an entire nation, for the banking and insurance industry, Despite the country voting for hope and change. Instead they got corruption and lies.

Sound familliar?

Omissions of fact - what were they legally?

In both Slovakia anmd South Africa and the US we have seen Deliberate voter nullification?. Very nasty nullification of the peoples wishes by dishonesty. Because they had an open marriage, which the nation didn't know. So we fell for it. Imagine if they had told the country the truth when the Monica scandal emerged - Nothing to see here. We deserved the truth, not the usual hysterics.

So, what I think Monica said at the begin should have been listened to. They were adults, and should have acted as such. But it was dismissed. Unfortunately. So the whole country was cheated out of the second Bill Clinton term being productive. Given that the Merrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO was being finalized at the time in Geneva, which includes GATS which rigs the system in all sorts of ways and is very controversial globally, but virtually unknown here in the US. (They are obviously hiding it, for example, that seems to have been Bernie Sander's job, making opeople think it was still 1994 or earlier, and that we still had the right to regulate which we lost with Bill Clinton's signature on the URAA.
GATS , people need to know, nullifies a "democracy's" ability to make policy which is actually implemented without huge limitations. Its why we cant fix healthcare insurance without potentially paying huge sanctions to compensate other countries who would lose promised market access or promised jobs. Instead we must come to an agreement and compensate them based on the value of the service market they "lost" likely gioving up an equivalent service to make up for it. Healthcare is the one bright spoit in a dismal economy, ive heard said, so owing the market to other countries is a huge debt that has magically appeared. Why arent people dioscussing this, could it be that people dont know? I just have to assume that is the case. If that is there is a huge omission of perhaps one of the world's most odious material facts going on. Make no mistake, GATS is designed to be a very real trap that strips the world's nations of their right to govern themselves. Anybodty who hides it and wastes entire Presidential terms while hundreds of people die EACH DAY, before their time, should be guilty of a crime. its the real reason we cant have any kind of viable working health insurance. Instead, officially we are frozen at the level of regulation in 1998. Nothing more. Even the ACA is a violation and may have to be rolled back to what we had in Feb 1998.
Not just these financial services, all FS regulations may be. As far as I can tell. Lori Wallach, one of the US leading trade experts, which I am not -and I'm not an attornety, either, but she is, and you can see her describing this horrid "standstill" situation on A Democracy now segment about the Wikileaks TISA leak. Thats when we found out they were pushing a new, much more restrictive standstill for TISA.. Keep in mind that insurance is a financial service.

SO, I need to know hat people see and understand it, because ts super important. I need to know this news is not being ghosted. And by whose request and what they claimed "justified" it.

Additionally, its my understanding that substance is more important than optics. Lawyers in the US, as far as I know, even ones that work in government, are not supposed to sell out justice by figuring out ways rich or powerful global conspiracies of oligarchs or bankers - it seems putatively evil people can evade laws. And the country's expectations that the government is not stabbing them in the back by selling them and this captive market literally down the river for banks. Although it may have become the roles of some too often for comfort, whether its the letter or the SPIRIT of the law shouldn't matter. People shouldn't be rewarded for their slickness. The nation shouldn't become a battleground where the powerful try to and get away with defeating the weak and our democracy by sleazy lawyers tricks and the like. Reality show actors shouldnt be encouraged to become Presidents to distract people from and distort peoples knowledge.

To gain my respect, the entirety of what a politician does has to be consistent with what they say they want.

It has to pass the smell test, as it were.

BTW Clinton and Trump are old friends, don't let them fool you. But GATS predates Trump by more than 20 years so he seems to have nothing to do with that. The so called commpromise trading away/encumering jobs, potentially, is said to have occurred there, 15-20 September 1986. Ive also been told that an earlier standstill is supposed to have begun in 1981. Then in 1992-1994 GATS was the bait used to make a deal between the global South and North, to bring the less developed nations to the table by offering them something the children of their rich really needed, good jobs in their fields of study, in developed countries like the US and european countries. Jobs which we are constantly being told our young people are unqualified for or dont want. Especially now with coronavirus. Such good timing. . In exchange they were suposed to privatize innumerable once public services, particularly health care and higher education. And other services we committed. And freeze, deregulate financial services, setting the stage for the crash of 2008. Subsequent FS regulation (the ACA would be one of these) is described as protectionism by the US publicly, was evidently only temp-orary, and seems to be limited to ten years . Or so I have read.

Edit: filled in important contextual information and broadly applicable high density information, legal testimony by one of the nations leading trade experts (Robert K. Stumberg) before the California Sate Legsilature on GATS. Watch it closely, he deserves kudos for fitting so much information on only around seven minutes. The GATS has the impact of replacing our Constitution with a new corporate one, so watch closely. At 5:55 he tells us why the Democratic Party is sabotaging itself these days, and the GOP gets to keep on being itself under this so called "agreement" nobody in a million years would vote for and why that cant matter anymore, because we the people dont have standing in these trade fora, which were designed to nullify voters and the vote. In the world of these huge global deals, we have no standing, by design. And thats not right. They have gone to great lenths to rig the system and hide this. SO to them, one has to realize, contrary to all the hystrionics, we and our dreams and interests have been deprecated..We dont exist We're being fed to the sharks.

7 users have voted.

Trump reading his 2020 victory speech? Mitt Romney reading his? Meghan McCain reading her dad's? John Kerry? And Biden eulogizing that rat bastard Bob Dole by reading his previously undisclosed 1996 victory speech?

It takes a lot of chutzpah even to consider that the public wants to hear the loser's victory speech. Or did I miss all the clamoring calls to hear it for the past five years? And she couldn't even read it without crying (one of her trademark ploys for public empathy and support). Guess for the remainder of her life, she'll wallow in being deprived of being the first female POTUS and never accept that she lost to Donald fing Trump with no help from Putin.

I see no political future for Chelsea Clinton. In her own right, she ticks no boxes. The Clinton name has passed it sell by date with all but Clinton dead-enders.

5 users have voted.
bondibox's picture

@Marie I can only imagine the hours spent coaching her on how to choke up on cue. But I do think one day we'll see Chelsea face off against Barbara Bush. The elites love their nepotism.

5 users have voted.

“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

the tear are authentic. She cries easily when she feels hurt for herself. Recall that she cried continuously for hours after the election was called for Trump. There was no hiding that when twelve hours later she appeared to concede.

2 users have voted.

So Hillary reminding people...that she was a presidential candidate who was cheated out of the Oval Office..Kamala watchout.

3 users have voted.
zed2's picture

is working hard today, it seems.

I wish the people who regulate the regulators (if there remains any) and transnational corporations, who I dont think could actually restore our rights in this situation, would do so.

South Africa before they got rid of apartheid, signed away their rights via GATS, (I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS: ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE were sold off by the previous government forever, not for just a few years.

The only way out is the Article XXI procedure which promises to be really expensive as its based on the expected future profits.

Schedules of specific commitments and lists of Article II exemptions

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zed2's picture

That they would take turns at the Presidency.. I read once. Forget where. But it makes sense that she would get a taste of her own medicine.

Hence the tears. May I point out that narcissists are always transgressive personalities who disrespect others rights and limits in every way. Leaving a broad trail of tears behind them in destroyed lives.

Trade deals trade everything, not just the rights politicians are given. And they have no expiration dates so voting out a politician who deregulated all sorts of things, doesn't allow cancellation or rescission of any of the damage they did, (rescission, as in health insurance, remember? Thats coming back, I bet. Uh, only in fraud, as when you receive benefits youre not entitled to say you had some ebay income you ddnt disclose.. They will claw it all back, and hen REBILL YOU AT THE UNINSURED RATE.

Leaving many with seven figure debts, soon to be digitally collected, right out of your bank account. Zap. No money till its repaid by you. You have no choice, they are planning the elimination of cash. Globally. So unpayable debts will follow the poor schmucks everywhere. Even to the most remote places.; Many people will be struggling with these new arbitrary debts, for the rest of their lives.

It will be the poor's punishment for wanting a better life.

They never got rid of slavery, either. Just slavery by race.

It all locks in.. all deregulation in any area thats a subject of one of these horrible things locks in via a ratchet clause..Especially financial services Countries cant refuse it of they signed the 1998 Understanding. for example, policy space they sold off. No policy, once traded is supposed to remain corporate property forever. THis is like a ratchet or noose that only gets tighter, never looser. Thats why the ACA is challengeable and its ore expensive thanh the status quo on Feb 26, 1998 (In think, am not sure but thats what the WTO web site said in the past, but its been removed since I started writing about it. Lori Wallach when she speaks about this standstill, has been ambiguous, leading me to think that it might be Jan 1, 1995. Its likely one of the two, lets just say that. On financial services..

Rich people are using trade deals to lock in all the corrupt former oligarchs have stolen from the people of the world Creatiung for example, the odious Third World Debt. REad up on the ex British colonies "spiders web" of tax evasion. Look at South AFrica still not having the NHI they voted for.. even revolutions like we see in South Africa dont change the huge cost of the bum deal they got handed them.. It hasnt gotten the lost policy space back. The oligarchs claim that otherwise, investors wouldn't invest. Good! Just be rich, never poor, folks.

They are also trying to privatize or means testing things like public education. This will mean the end of the once-middle class as we knew it in the past. Even as they trade the jobs away. People will be stuck in a bidding war for the remaining decent entry level jobs.

God bless the chile who got his own. And those who dont, will be frustrated. The trade deals sell it all off and throw away the means of getting anything back. Its basically the tort of conversion or a straw man transaction whose goal is stealing the whole world from we the people behind our backs.

So say goodbye to all the positive changes you folks feel you have been promised or all the post 1920 improvements you thought we had for good that people in other countries dont have, they are all going to gto away so that we are soon at the lowest common denominator. Welcome to regulatory harmonization. That is their plan, and of course we being ahead of the pack have to give ALL that back up. Or at least allow our foreign investors to ignore all those expensive rules like they do at home. No wonder Clinton wants us to keep a close eye on "her constituency" What if they figure this out and why its happening? Suppose it was they who rigged the events of the recent past? Suppose they put Trump up to running and had a whole plan to divide the country along all sorts of scientifically calculated lines.

This is the face of global fascism's takeover of the planet. Destroy democracy's ability to do anything so it appears dysfunctional. Turn all the world's people against one another as they fight like rats for crumbs of a rapidly shrinking pie. Stolen by the self styled "global governance" and anti-democracy entities.

Edit:Added description of the tort of conversion /straw man transaction theft concept, to dishonestly sever the rights of its people in the world. By trickery

1 user has voted.
bondibox's picture

I wish I had remembered this when writing the article, but it dawned on me last night that one of the main reasons voters gave for not supporting Hillary was the likability factor. They thought she was callous, impersonable, and unfriendly. This PR blitz seems designed to redefine Hillary as more human and capable of empathy. Is she really that worried about her legacy? Well I'd say there are no bounds to her narcissism, but I hardly think it's worth the effort unless there was a second reason.

2 users have voted.

“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

zed2's picture

wasn't it?

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