What is the real pledged delegate count? (please help)
Sorry to ask this of someone, but what is the real count and difference of pledged delegates between Clinton and Sanders? I am at work and need to write 3 diaries on my Washington state caucus experience.
The reason I am asking is because no one seems to have an answer to this question. Moreover, there was a news report on CNN this morning that said that Bernie reduced the delegate lead (no true number given just around 60 or so- great piece of journalism at work- not) and said that for him to win the nomination he would need to win 75% of the remaining delegates. While Clinton would only need to win 35% of them. Okay, it is early in the morning on the west coast and I do not have my coffee, but these numbers just do not sound right. First, of all 75 + 35 is 110 (I figured that out without my calculator). Therefore, can someone please take a look at the real numbers and post them here, so we can publish the truth. I know the media is supporting Clinton, but damn do your job. I guess that is why their industry is dying.
Thank you.

The Ever-Slanted AP..
..has it like this:
Bernie is a win-win.
so the CNN math includes super delegates
I don't quite agree with the 1243-975 because Washington's additional 70 delegates should get Bernie quite a bit closer. But...using those numbers, with the goal being 2383, Hillary would need 45% of the remaining delegates, including supers, Bernie would need 55%.
With the supers as they are now then yeah, Hillary would need about 32% of the remaining delegates. But then that's pretty dishonest. If Bernie wins 55% of the remaining delegates to go ahead in *pledged* delegates then the party would risk complete revolt for the supers to stay 469-29 for Hillary.
Thank you!!!
I knew someone on this site would be able to provide me with a real picture of the situation.
The news reporter on CNN this morning said Bernie would need 75% and Hillary 35% of the remaining delegates- what a bunch of freaking bull shit (sorry for the language, but damn it speak the truth)!
That is What We are Up Against
I have come to believe that they think the spoils will go to the most tricky.
On TOS, I read that Rachel Maddow is toeing the MSNBC Corporate line, and slanting towards Hillary. I really find objectivity to be the most important quality in a newsroom and a reporter. Diogenes carries on..
I am reminded of Nixon.
Bernie is a win-win.
as of yesterday...
Here's my info..
After the WA, HI and AK caucuses, the delegate deficit has dropped to 226.
MARCH 25 934 1228 294 1889 15.56%
MARCH 261039 1265 226 1747 13.05%
Bernie picked up 105 delegates Saturday.
So this past week we went from 320 delegate behind to 226.
Sorry I can't get my table to display correctly.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have the green papers
(http://www.thegreenpapers.com/P16/D-PU.phtml) and demrace.com (http://demrace.com/?share=LuiSUCJ6) bookmarked as they seem to have the most current stats. Green papers updates as they get confirmed delegates and new gains and losses, plus they have a pledged and unpledged column, so easier to analyze..
WA delegates
My understanding is that Washington will not finalize the majority of its delegates until May 21. We csn assume that all of them will be apportioned based on the caucus results. But it is only an assumption. Cannot remember where I read this, because I'd been frustrated.
I'm trying to keep my spreadsheet current and correct
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Based on the proportional
allotments, and the green papers, that Bernie is behind by 219 delegates once I used my calculator taking the silly Google counter of 1234 for Hillary and Bernie going up to 1024, subtract, and she still has a big lead, but that he dropped her by 100 is an amazing bit of work! FEEL THAT BERN!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
You are on point
He reduced her lead by at least 25% in one week, and to me that is remarkable. But yet by all the media it is playing it off as just "Move along folks nothing to see here".
Even were the reduction (closer to 33% actually) not true
Such whopping landslides in all three states should have been news worthy if the "news" was anything more than propaganda.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard