Were 4 Iranian tankers of fuel oil bound for VZ seized by the US?
Prop or Not? You decide. The story is everywhere, mainly reporting it like this:
‘DOJ confirms ‘largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel’ on 4 ships bound for Venezuela’, 14 Aug, 2020
“The US has seized some 1.116 mn barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela, the Justice Department has confirmed, hinting at “assistance” from “foreign partners” and declining to reveal where the grab took place.
The agency hailed what it called the largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel in a statement on Friday, revealing Washington had nabbed the sanctions-skirting cargo en route to Venezuela with the assistance of unspecified “foreign partners.”
The statement appeared to confirm a Wall Street Journal report, citing anonymous government and shipping sources, that claimed four tankers loaded with Iranian fuel had recently seen their cargo confiscated “without the use of military force.” The vessels were said to be re-routed to Houston, Texas, where they will reportedly be met by senior Trump administration officials.
Washington’s high-seas score stems from a July court complaint demanding the four tankers in question “forfeit all petroleum-product cargo” due to its having been shipped by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to the statement. The US designated the IRGC a terrorist organization last year at the behest of Israel as it ramped up its “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran.”
The press release from the DoJ adds photos of the ships the Bella, the Bering, the Pandi, and the Luna, and adds this (to me) odd-bodkkins paragraph:
“HSI’s Colorado Springs [Bingling kicks up a Homeland Security Investigations C Springs] and FBI’s Minneapolis field office are investigating the case. The case is being handled by the National Security Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Assistant U.S Attorneys Zia M. Faruqui, Brian Hudak, and Stuart Allen, and National Security Division Trial Attorney David Lim are litigating the case, with assistance from Paralegal Specialists Elizabeth Swienc and Legal Assistant Jessica McCormick.”
Oddly, Sputnik News didn’t cover it, nor did Telesur English or the Orinoco Tribune. South Front covered it straight from the WSJ’s and DoJ’s mouths. Iranian FM Javad Zarif on Twitter had zip about it, mainly his 5-part lecture series of ‘A world in transition’ in Tehran, and solidarity with Lebanon.
You’ll likely remember that Iran had successfully sent 5 ships of fuel to VZ in May and June, and amid all the bellicose threats from Pompeo and Co., they docked at a refinery in VZ over 4 days apart.
If this is all psychological warfare, is it due to Iran having executed the spy who’d helped locate IRGC Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, turned over his intel to Mossad and the CIA, and who was subsequently assassinated in a US airstrike at Baghdad airport on January 3?
‘Exclusive: Report of US seizure of Iranian fuel cargoes false’, Friday, 14 August 2020, presstv.com
“The informed source explained on Friday that the fuel shipments in question had already been purchased and paid for and that neither the vessels carrying them nor the shipments themselves were related to Iran.”
The photo the WSJ had added to their ‘News’; (I can’t read the ship’s name):
US seizes Iranian fuel cargoes for first time: WSJ
My apologies in advance if I'm delayed getting back. This took far more time than I'd hoped it would, and my RL chores have seriously backed up.

Here is a link to an Iran Press story that refutes the claim.
I think I will believe the Iranians on this one:
Edited to add this link the Tehran Times:
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
thanks, amigo,
and i'm sure glad you'd edited in the tehran times link. this was new, and as it turns out...key:
the original story was 'unnamed foreign help', no military actions, and all that jazz. (as a side note, i've been wondering why the DoJ's using the WSJ for their conduit on this fake news.) i'd be tempted to snark: 'it's just bidness'.
but i'd gone to sputnik news to see if i could find a simple paragraph about the US losing its bid at the UNSC to extend the iranian arms embargo, as they did. no US 'allies' voted with them, as all abstained, and only tiny dominican republic voted with the US. china and russia voted against. of course. pompeo hd told tehran that if the vote filed to go their way, they'd enact the 'snapback' on their own. pres rouhani, according to RT.com is quite mindful of that threat. 'do as you will' (or close) he's quoted as saying.
afterthought: iirc, trump's wrong: the US had seized other iranian vessels, including several at one in the straits of gibraltar a couple years ago (?), but i'd have to look up the particulars.
anyhoo: look what i found, and oy the plot thickens:
‘Greek Shippers Threatened With Sanctions, Forced to Hand Over Iranian Oil Cargo to US, Report Says', today, sputniknews.com
if you click through to their Wall Street Urinal link, it's by the same dynamic duo as the original story. WTF?
as rouhani, zarif, putin, Xi, even merkel, and many others say, the US is isolating herself on the world stage by failing to concede that the US empire is flailing and failing, this more dangerous a loose cannon than ever.
MSM confirmation ...or not
I won't bother to provide the links, but if one does a search for "largest-ever US seizure of Iranian fuel," I get many, many hits – BBC, CNBC, Fox News, Yahoo, Reuters, Xinhua, MSN, NY Times – claiming it's true.
Then I see other hits, some by the exact same sources, saying it isn't true. Reuters published a story claiming the cargo, but not the ships had been seized.
None of this is clear.
lol; thanks.
the iranian official seems to be right...as rain. no iranian ships or fuel....were seized. but the investigation will call the fuel 'iranian, shipped by the IRGS yes? and the 'proceeds', of course, will be used to pay the 'victims' of the scurrilous terrorist organization.
Aye me matey.
When you act like a pirate, you should at least speak the lingo.
If true, it's piracy. If not true, it's the sign of a failing empire.
Our current state of political afairs can only be called a hornswaggle.
Cheat, lie and abuse.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
avast, ye swabbie!
i'm going with your 'not true, door #2.
now that you've lost your bid at the UNSC, what's next in your bag of dark magic, you mafia thug?
i reckon he means the sauds and bibi's likud? are the sauds on their way to building their own nukes? seems i'd seen such a headline this week. (or do they have them already? hard to imagine not, really.)
Ha ha
pompous pompeo calling the kettle black
a politically expedient failure to admit
the u.s. is the world's top state sponsor
of terrorism. sanctions, bombs and now
piracy. leading the free world by example
Who buys this shite?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
pot/kettle, indeed.
a larger Q might be: for how much longer will they keep believing it? will they stop before...a nuclear conflagration? some cracks in Western Hegemony have begun, of course, but they only add fuel to the fire. piggy pompeo's in poland, trying to shore up NATO.
i'm sure that their were so many abstentions due to the fact that those leaders didn't want to risk the additional ire and sanctions of this administration.
fie, i've already forgotten
where id seen this...a whole hour ago:
bahrain: a 90% shiite population ruled by the 15% sunnis. home of the US navy's 5th fleet.
Thanks Wendy.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
it's almost too surreal a psyop, but...so is the new deal between the UAE and israel. bibi says now that annexing the west bank is more...just on hold for now, than an actual-factual deal.
crazy times. but when weren't they?
before dawn, the crescent moon (4 days past New) was golden ornge over the la platas, with venus as the morning star below and to the east.
guess it was due to the smoke from the many california wild fires, but colorado has plenty as well.
siberian forest fires are still raging, burning the peat in the permafrost. woe to gaia.
this author is assuming that
biden will win, but not a land war of course, and he names the many fires and explosions said to have come by way of mossad and others. it's quite long, but ends w/ the bits i've added below:
‘October Surprise: Will War With Iran Be Trump’s Election Eve Shocker?, August 15, 2020, bob dreyfuss, strategic culture