Well, It's Official – We've Been Betrayed by Progressives, Yet Again!
Nancy Pelosi is on her way to being Speaker of the House. This is because, yet again, our so called progressives seemed to have been elected to congress to go along to get along, and not really fight for "the people".
Queen Pelosi has held that position since 2003, and I must say, her horrible track record rather proves she does not care about the American people. And the so called "progressives" that gave her their vote, BETRAYED, all of those that help get them elected.
If feels like a big, long knife in the back I tell ya.
The so called "progressives" in congress have proved they do not have the conviction of their principles. Something the Tea Party has in spades, which enabled them to take over the republican party in congress in just two years.
Ironically, all under the stewardship of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, under whose leadership saw the Democrats lose over 1,000 state legislators across the nation.
Not to mention losing the super majority they wasted on bringing about the worst Neoliberal healthcare plan, which seemed to be fresh from the Heritage Foundation's facelift of something resurrected from from Nixon's closet!
We didn't elected these people to congress to start a new career, but it's looking more and more like that is exactly what we did.
And it's rather understandable after all the time, effort, energy, not to mention our money wasted helping these people get elected, that many are rather upset and using foul language to express the deep sense of betrayal.
I don't blame them, I feel that deep sense of betrayal too. I just want to scream FUCK as loud as I can. And that's what this really is, a betrayal by these so called "progressives" to "we the people" that help get them elected.
The bar of expectation is so low, they themselves are making all kinds of excuses to continue to deny the American people, Healthcare for All! My goodness, we have had to endure a string of betrayals and the accompanying gut punches that go with it for years now. (It's abuse I tell ya!)
It was bad enough in 2016 to have Senator Sanders capitulate to the establishment and campaign for Hillary Clinton. And not once raise the issue of being tossed out of the presidential race by an entirely rigged Democratic Primary. Gee, and what did we do, voted for Hillary only to have her totally screw it up because she so god damn arrogant!
Then we elected some "progressives" to congress, for the sole purpose to take on and challenge the establishment, because the establishment hasn't been representing "we the people", and to help support Saint Bernie's political revolution, by electing more "progressives"!
Hell, Bernie told us, if we want to change the system, we have to come out and vote, and by golly vote we did. Gee Saint Bernie, do we have to show for it? We did what you asked but the so called progressives keep failing to deliver, falling all over themselves to go along, to get along.
We got some "progressives" elected to congress, but their voting record, like AOC's whose has only voted against the party less that 6% of the time, which looks more like they have voted to go along, to get along. How does change happen, if you don't fight for it?
Did Mama Bear share that "secret" with you AOC?
Heck, they have supported the most horrible legislation. The Patriot Act, endlessly voting for the NDAA, and the horrible crap that piece of legislative bovine droppings contains. Heck, they have voted to give Trump just about everything he has asked for. Even going to far as 180 democrats voting to give him MORE money for the military budget, 120 billion more than Obama's last military budget. It's absurd!
These are not "progressives", but careerists. More worried about committee assignments and back room dealing than engaging in actual "Democracy", and fighting for the people who got them elected in the first place!
Is that really too much to ask of people we elect to congress, to actually represent us? To fight for us, like they said they would do on the campaign trails?
I am so tired of being betrayed by those who claim to represent us. And most especially by the so called progressives. They have proven themselves to be all talk and no conviction what so ever.
Firey speeches don't mean a hill a beans if you don't have any convictions, which the #ForceTheVote brew haha has exposed. You've lost my trust, my faith, and my support.
You'll now have me, and the Republicans to worry about, because I'm going to be on you like stink on poo poo, holding your feet to the fire, because you lack conviction!
We see you now with eyes wide open!
Apologies but from now on, this is my motto!
(I'll be nice to my fellow people here at C99, but everyone else, well, STFU and GTFO!)
Let the chaos begin!

I've got something to sell you.
We'll change the party from the inside.
We'll fight for M4A.
The list goes on and on and the only thing that will change is the faces of the corrupt.
I don't care if it's local, regional or national. It's a great bet that if a politician tells you something, it's a lie.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
And that's the ugly truth
Doesn't mean I have to like it, much less put up with it. The "line has been crossed"!
But I do try to offset my rage with Flatbush Cats
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I want to be really clear: I would like another party to vote
However, the big question for me is: how did the Tea Party take over the Republicans so quickly? I know Koch money and others were in there. Do we possibly have any similar path???
Boehner had to resign toute suite. And Paul Ryan lost. They looked like long termers.
Also the House is on a two year term. Why can't we get them out???
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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Disappointing outcome
But AOC thought she was selling us something when she voted no. But then voted yes. Games. Bush and the other black that just got in and voted yes after their coyness on TV.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
@snoopydawg If I'm not mistaken, she
I truly do not understand. I mean Nancy's record should be reason enough to her exist stage left. I mean, wow, just wow.
The "silver lining" I reckon, is now we know their true colors, they've been exposed as lacking any moral conviction of their principles, and we can adjust our strategies and tactics accordingly.
And I think we now know, additionally, new strategies and tactics should include, shall we say, special operations.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Yeah that’s what happened
People thought she voted no, but they found out later she answer. Not sure if she was waiting to see if there were enough votes, but I guess that doesn’t make sense either. Pelosi didn’t need her vote from what I know.
As for 3rd parties I don’t know how they can complete with AIPAC and other pacs and funding groups. The power behind the government is very entrenched. Then they have to get through the dems and republicans and stay on the ballot.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The only answer
is to form a No Incumbent Party and never vote for anyone who already holds office.
Term limits hillbillie style.
Always vote in the candidate with the smallist campaigh chest.
Weaponize the wealth. The more wealthy you are the less likely you will be voted for.
Hell, a damn drunk couldn't cause as much damage to our democracy.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Feckless F*cks
I'm ready to vote Republican against my congressfickles Jayapal, Murray, and Cantwell. Screw them.
Vote Republican, it will bring the collapse of the Empire sooner, and at least you know your enemies.
The R's stab you in the chest, The Dims stab you in the back.
You are exactly correct of the "Progressive"'s craven lack of their Conviction of their "Principles" (which in reality seems to get themselves hooked up on the taxpayers teat, with a side of opportunistic insider trading, while perpetuating the smokescreen).
We need an actual radical Left movement that will Take No Prisoners, Scorch the Earth dying on a Hill that is actually fighting for.
There has been a Class War raging my entire working life, and my side sure ain't winning it.
We have lost so much, there's hardly anything left to lose.
It's high time to take the war to their front door.
Did Gabbard vote for Pelosi?
She endorsed Biden, a stab in the back, did she stab me twice?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No, because as of yesterday Tulsi is no longer in the House. n/t
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
As of Jan. 1 Tulsi is now a former congresswoman
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Job well done, Congresswoman
Perhaps she will have time to do the mom thing.
Would love to see her put Mazie Hirono out of a job.
Or even better:
Hawley/Gabbard (or the other way around)
Reform Party 2024!
Standby (looks like rain)
So you sold me out
And you sold your brother out again
The sun it shines all the time
And my grass is always green
And people don’t seem to mind
That I don't say what I mean
From this far away it kinda looks like rain
Get back inside, it's coming down
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
I see
you turned over a new Leaf.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Over at NC, Jimmy Dore vs. AOC blows up in the comments section
One of the infrequent cases where Lambert Strether (Water Cooler / corrente) and Yves Smith (Naked Capitalism’s proprietor) appear to be on opposite sides, with the latter losing her cool.
Lambert seemed relatively sympathetic to what Jimmy Dore was trying to do.
In contrast, Yves became frustrated, intervening to denounce Jimmy Dore as “a troll” — taking the side of a few of my least favorite and — in my opinion and gut feeling — most deliberately obtuse and disingenuous NC comment-thread regulars:
Ultimately becoming angry enough to shut off comments:
Quite surprising to me.
@lotlizard How "Fearless" of them.
In fairness to Yves and Lambert, they actually moderate comments
personally and hold their commenters to standards much higher than is the norm for internet forums.
When they shut off comments, it’s usually simply to give themselves and their few staffers time off from a demanding task — not because of the content of the comments.
That is tough to take.
Even if M4A got a vote, it is doubtful it would have passed, but it would have been more obvious to we, the 99%, who is against us.
I am so fed up with politicians at this point, I doubt I will ever take any of them seriously.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The whole "Links" thread today
was an amusing read.
I tend to believe Yves had a bad holiday experience and is taking the ball home for a while.
I also believe shutting down the comment section was a mistake.
But hey. It's their right to do so.
Yada yada yada.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Clean Congress Manifesto
Vote against every incumbent in every election regardless of Party.
After three election cycles, congress will start to look like a uniform sea of Freshmen — One-Term Representatives — eager to do the right thing. The Freshmen are the least likely to be thoroughly rotten with corruption. When the majority of congress are in their First Term, the original vision of a better nation that is decent and fair will return. The future will begin to reflect exciting possibilities that were there all along. The voices of the People will finally be heard.
The Big Donors and corporate operatives will eventually swoop in with easy money and gifts to bankroll the re-election campaigns of the Freshmen. It is in their Second Term, when members of congress suck up to AIPAC and acquiesce to indoctrination. They will scramble to sell their empty souls to the War Profiteers, and help them steal the People's wealth and use it to spread suffering across the world. During the Second Term, they start start deceiving the People with meaningless weasel words and, without explanation, they vote against the People's wellbeing and their human rights.
Let the Clean Congress Voting Bloc make sure that incumbents leave the Federal government and do not come back.
This is the most
reasonable thing said, to date. Thanks,
!"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The cream would rise to the top
House freshmen who do a great job for two years would be elected to the Senate. And after six years of outstanding service they would become candidates for either vice POTUS or POTUS.
After four years as POTUS, they can go on to building homes for the poor.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
State Legislators
The loss of 1,000 state legislators is Pelosi's most damaging legacy. Loss of Dem legislators means Republicans are in charge of redistricting Congressional districts. Their gerrymandering results in little or no opportunity for progressives to run and win in those districts.
Also, state legislatures turn Republican and enact laws that disenfranchise voters and reduce progressive chances even more. For example, Michigan, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by 13%, has a Republican state legislature and a 50/50 US House delegation.
It's almost like Pelosi wants only a slim majority in the House of Representative and the loss of more and more states.
you said the quiet part out loud.
This is Pelosi's legacy as well as just watching as the country was asset stripped by the elite. Of course she didn't do it by her lonesome. Imagine how many people signed on to the deal after it was thought up. Be nice to pin the date down, but at least we can point to the Reagan revolution for the rich.
BTW this is what I thought was the plan when dems got the GP kicked of the ballot. They did not want people voting for dems down ballot. Yeah that's the cynic in me, but can you blame it?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
These people keep stealing our language. We must begin to fight
back by refusing to let them take it and by plain truth telling. Progresive is already certainly lost, as was "liberal" before it (if we ever actually had that one).
For example, we need to start to speak of "The Actual Left"(tm) - No congressperson can qualify as a member or even aspiring member in "The Actual Left".
Soon there will be foreclosures, evictions and repercussions. We should be blunt that Nancy wanted this to happen, that she wanted each and every one to happen, and not only Nancy, but the bulk of the Democratic Party. There is no room for babble about "strategies" and "politics", the Democrats in Congress wanted these bad things to happen, just as they want to deprive the populace of real healthcare.
Actions, not words or elections, have consequences. it is ever the case that in a situation where if I do A, then x, y, and/or z will happen, and I go ahead and do A, then there can be no excuses or waffling, I wanted x, y and z to happen, because I acted in such fashion as to bring them about. It doesn't matter what I claim to think or believe, if I pull the trigger, then I own the consequences.
So, ye of the Actual Left, remember always that Congresspersons may not belong and may not claim to do so, and tell it like it is about what the political classes demonstrably want to happen. They wan't death and destruction abroad, sickness, hunger and homelessness at home, a lack of jobs and a lack of actual health care, they affirmatively want these things, they are not side effects, they are the direct result of policy decisions they made and are making.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Marianne agrees w/you 110% on Katie Halper
[video:I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley