Way of the Bern: A Kremlin Asset?
Something appears fishy with conservative columnist running smears on behalf of a "Russian troll hunter" about an open pro-Bernie subreddit before the man even announces he's running.
Someone REALLY wants Trump to get a second term! (Thread) https://t.co/MFo6N7zuWe
— HootHootBerns #RunBernieRun(@HootHootBerns) February 15, 2019
Prominent pro-Sanders subreddit 'WayOfTheBern' compared to foreign trolling operation
Something appears fishy with WayOfTheBern, a prominent Reddit page dedicated to advancing the prospects of Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, according to experts who track political social media.
The second-largest Sanders fan page on the massive social media platform sometimes acts like a foreign trolling operation, they say, exposing its 24,000 members to the same pro-Moscow and American dissension stories associated with other fringe sites and suspect social media accounts, say experts who have studied the page.
“I consider it extremely suspicious,” said Josh Russell, a prominent analyst on social media politics who tweets about it as @Josh_Emerson. Mr. Russell thinks it more likely that WayOfTheBern is a false flag run by alt-right people than Russia, although he said the patterns of posts are quite similar.
“I don’t think these people give a rat’s ass about Bernie Sanders,.”” he said. “This is designed to divide Democrats
WayOfTheBern, started in 2016 as an alternative to the main SandersForPresident subreddit, remained faithful to its hero even after he lost the Democratic nomination that year. Now, as the Vermont independent ponders another presidential run, the forum is still committed, though it has added Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who announced her presidential bid last month.
The subreddit targets nearly every other potential candidate.
“We’ve seen large amounts of what we call ‘troll-bots,’ and a significant number of these accounts pushing Bernie and Gabbard,” said Christopher Bouzy of BotSentinel.com, which closely tracks political social media and has been a longtime critic of WayOfTheBern. “We do believe many of them are coming from foreign entities, particularly Russia or the Middle East.”
The critical mass of Twitter accounts that mimic WayOfTheBern by praising Mr. Sanders and savaging other top Democrats all point to coordinated activity of the sort Mr. Sanders has decried, Mr. Bouzy noted.
“We see more of this promoting him, and while they attack [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren and [Sen. Kamala D.] Harris they don’t attack Bernie,” he said. “The anti-Bernie traffic is almost non-existent, and usually this is part of a bigger conspiracy.”
There’s also nothing criminal about such activity, and First Amendment protections make it hard to curtail posts and tweets.Yet with such a large community associated with Mr. Sanders having such dubious provenance, and engaged in the identical sort of activity that he and other Democrats have so vigorously crusaded against, it seems odd that neither he nor his people have warned people about the Reddit site.
Mr. Sanders‘ 2016 campaign did have to deal with phony Facebook pages that employed similar tactics.
“Of course they know,” Mr. Russell said. “His campaign should definitely be aware of these things, and we know that nefarious things might be happening.”
Someone needs to tell this dude how WotB came into being. Hey. Maybe FThumb and Markos can be on Press the Meat together and have a discussion about this?
Way of the Bern discussion on this
FThumb describes the backstory
Two of the images in his essay
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Slide deck added
I added screenshots of the slide-deck being shopped around to various media (Varney shared it with me).
In my top comment replyWhat's interesting is that these"Dem unity" warriors were shoppong this around to rabid right-wing outlets that they would (and do) have fits over were we to link to them.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I certainly know The Way of the Bern
...from the beginning. They are us, essentially, with an unshakable loyalty toward Bernie Sanders.
Right away I spotted the key sentences that I think Thumb may be glossing over:
Then it ends with a threat
In other words, either denounce The Way of the Bern Reddit forum, or we will smear you with colluding with Russia.
This immediately tells me that this slander is a Democratic Party operation. Just a few facts:
1. Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.
2. The Democratic Party refuses to list Tulsi Gabbard on their official candidate list.
3. The lack of anti-Bernie people (to the extent there is such a thing) does not denote a Moscow-based website.
4. Most of these people did not fall for the Russia Hoax, which was promoted by the Democratic Party. They are smarter that you are, so pay attention.
5. There are only two candidates on the Left that are running for President. This forum is for people who are members of the Real Left. That does not imply they are from Russia or the Middle East.
6. The Democrats are already very divided. If you want to win in 2020, move to the Left and support one of the Real Left candidates. Don't make the same mistake you made in 2016 or you will hand Donald Trump a second term. The Independents will abandon you.
The illustration, below, helps explain the Democrat's cluelessness about how they are perceived by the American people: The Democrats are bound at the hip to the Republican Party and both Parties serve their Big Donors — The Corporations and the One Percent. They do not treat the American people as their constituents and do not represent their desires. Both Parties are deeply unpopular and they poses a threat to the wellbeing of the American people. That's how they feel.
The Way of the Bern supports candidates from the Real Left, who sincerely represent the needs and dreams of the American people. They do not support the Democratic Party without a Real Left candidate.
Carry a flame and share the light.
They are us
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
My first "essay" over at TOP included this diagram
Obviously, they didn't see it. Classic McCarthyism going on, now.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'm a Wayer but reddit is worse than dog barf
Sorry, how's that IPO going again? proxy war jeopardy theme
motley fool:
My first bold up there made me LOL, then I had to H4 the IPO part because transparency. Still independent yeah right. As the C-Suite edits their brain contents to match their policy propaganda, there's your capitalist free speech. Oh! I said the word policy, hope that Varney guy doesn't turn in to a pumpkin now. What a dumb ass bolshevik, failing his three letter agencies so hard. pwned once again
thanks snoopydawg
Edit: who is tencent? PU if it stinks like a social credit score....
ka-ching! nothing political, just a big social hug from the dopamine business philosophers.
Edit: once more because I didn't really know, or maybe I forgot who about the Washington Times, Varney's employer.
star wars! lol
and elliot fucking abrams is back now too
reagan retreads unite
You sound really different lately.
Engaged. I've been enjoying your comments. Onward.
Carry a flame and share the light.
Okay, we all know this is lunacy.
But let's give it a once-over, shall we?
So when the DNC and DailyKos promoted Hillary, never saying anything bad about her, while they demonized Trump (and Stein), would that make them "part of a bigger conspiracy?" Were they "coming from foreign entities, particularly Russia or the Middle East?"
That provenance, of course, was DailyKos, from which those WotBers migrated en masse in March 2016. Clearly suspicious, right? Investigate Markos then -- he runs the bot farm.
In other news...
Hillary subreddit has nothing nice to say about Sanders or other Dem candidates, shows signs of Russian bot activity.
(I know the idea is just to get the headline out there, not to have anyone apply critical thinking to this, but how stupid is this?)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Such an odd piece of writing
I found it almost incomprehensible. I kept scratching my head and thinking, "What's the writer's point?" It felt as though he was just taking dictation, writing down what his informants said without understanding any of it, or even thinking about it.
How else to explain a piece of writing that literally consists of things like this: "WayofTheBern criticizes Warren and Harris but not Bernie! That proves they're nefarious Russian agents!"![Scratch one-s head](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/scratch_one-s_head.gif)
I lived in New Orleans when the writer, James Varney, was working as a conservative columnist for the Times-Picayune newspaper. He was part of the TP reporting team that won a Pulitzer for their coverage of Katrina. In 2015, he was one of numerous TP employees laid off in a corporate restructuring. Judging from this latest effort (lacking any semblance of journalism), he seems to be ending his career on a sad note.
With respect to the piece about WayofTheBern, the obvious question is: what was the purpose? It has the pawprints of the Dem establishment all over it, but Varney is conservative, the WaTimes is conservative, and the main "expert" informant is apparently conservative. (Of course, we pretty much have a uniparty at present, and they all work for the oligarchy.)
But why go after WoTB, specifically?
Cui bono - Who benefits?
The admin of WoTB, FThumb, says he had a 45-minute interview with Varney, in which Thumb detailed how WoTB came into existence: refugees from DKos moved to the Kossacks4Bernie subreddit, then from there, a group left and created WoTB.
Yet Varney ignored all of that, and instead stated in his article that WoTB was started by people from the sanders4president subreddit.
I found the mention of S4P quite interesting. As many people here know, S4P was originally a very active place where Bernie supporters could exchange information and strategize. Immediately prior to the national convention in Philly, the S4P reddit was shut down, suddenly and without warning. Although it later re-opened, it bears little resemblance to its former incarnation.
There are questions as to who's behind it now, and for what purpose. Although they get relatively light traffic, they seem to be trying to position themselves as the "main" Bernie reddit group, based on their original reputation. I've found their AMAs disappointing, especially for the more progressive candidates. From what I can see, they're very Democratic Party-oriented.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
"Patriot Fans heap praise on New England's team!"
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
When the facts don't matter
Then just make shit up.
How do I get a piece of that sweet, sweet Kremlin cash?
I'm reminded of Heinlein's description of Pravda...
During the height of the soviet era.
Short Version: If you didn't agree with the current Pravda, you were considered an evil intending liar out to sway good citizens.
Did the US and Russia decide to swap roles this century or something?
I'm still waiting for Robert Downey Jr. to be persecuted for Tropical Thunder MSM... According to the current Pravda, of course...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I take this as an insult
If WotB is a Kremlin asset, then surely C99P should be a Kremlin asset, amirite?
Someone needs to contact Josh Russell and Christopher Bouzy to alert them of our malign tendencies.
I'm amazed at my prowess
in being a Rooskie-bot! Lurking around, peering around corners, jumping out screaming "BOT YA!" Yeah, baby - I'm a Rooskie-bot and proud of it!![Pleasantry](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/pleasantry.gif)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I read this as about driving a wedge between Dem Leadership,
the so-called Deep State, and Sanders--not really about Russia bots, or about Thumb's sub-Reddit account.
For instance, one of the folks quoted heavily in The Washington Times piece is (possibly) a Brit tech/PR type for-hire. Curiously, at
Russell's site, he advertises himself as advising on "community intelligence and designing community engagement." Whatever that means. (Googled it, and didn't get a very satisfactory definition.) The Dude's also working for folks trying to defeat Brexit, FWIW.
In one sense, he's between a rock and a hard place. If he denounces the Russia Ruse, then he holds himself open to hurting his status with the Dem Leadership and the DS, possibly resulting in expulsion from his current Leadership position.
OTOH, if he continues to espouse the Russia line, oppo folks of all stripes--Dem and Repub--could continue to run ridiculous stories like this one, in order to undermine him with some of his supporters.
Then, there's the folks who are trying to associate him with the Russia Ruse in order to make him appear tainted by the scandal, and "out of the mainstream." (by their definition)
There's no doubt in my mind that the MSM is determined to 'install' a corporatist/neoliberal warmongering Dem in 2020. Just watch/listen to Cable News for even an hour, or two. So-called journalists and/or "talking heads" appear to feel very empowered. IMO, they seem to believe that they're on a roll, in regards to rigging the next Presidential election.
Time will tell.
Blue Onyx
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
~~Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.