Vox of the Clintons
I stumbled on this cute little thing through the social media machines.
It is being royally, yet civilly raked over the coals by Bernie supporters for its deception. I took its calculator for a test spin and concluded that I'm insane for not supporting a Republican and definitely batshit insane for favoring Bernie over Hillary. The upshot of my situation is that Bernie's tax plan would effectively mean handing over one of my wife's monthly paychecks to the gummint.
I understand that it is impossible to project what would happen to our economy, wages, benefits, and expenses were the Bernie plan put into effect. I'm guessing Ezra Klein is wise enough to understand this, too. Which makes his posting of this crap nothing more than anti-Bernie propaganda. The timing is delicious, just as we enter the season in which Bernie states are ripening for the picking. And we should expect more of this in the coming weeks.

I took it and they want to scare me away
but I know I will pay more with Sanders and we will all get more. This shit is about we not me.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Isn't Vox Markos place?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Was...he sold his share nt
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
With Klein as the smart and pragmatic face. I used to watch msnbc and never fully understood just how far up the DNC's are their regulars were. Klein always seemed sensible and willing to break down complexities. Now, he does away with them.
How much would college and health care cost?
Under each candidate's plan, how much would you expect to pay for college? How about for health care? What would the federal minimum wage be?
Looking at only ONE aspect of where the money goes is why people still think paying lots of interest on your mortgage is a good thing - why just look at my tax refund! "By golly I sure am glad I gave the mortgage company $12,000 in interest because look at this here $3,000 refund check".
Everything is skewed against Bernie, which is due directly to the simple reality that Bernie is seriously "pro people".
BTW it told me I'd spend a gazillion dollars more in taxes under Bernie, and so what? WE would have a much better nation after 8 years of our dysfunctional congress feeling the Bern