Video evidence of ballots that were whited out
Submitted by NorthSide on Mon, 07/04/2016 - 3:54pm
Saw this on Reddit S4P, also referenced at Kossacks for Sanders.
This looks to be a follow up interview.
Amazing stuff here folks. I am curious what the official 'explanation' for all this is. I don't know what to say. Completely freaking flabbergasted.
In the video, pay attention to the Presidential section in the upper left hand corner. At least two come through clearly whited out in addition to the one they show you up close. Making the video full screen helps.
Also, in the video, Patricia states that she has seen boxes with 120 to 129 out of 300 that were whited out.

Excellent diary, thanks for sharing
Spread the news, keep it up!
I have never (in NY) seen anything in the booth but a marker
Is white-out supplied in CA? Snark, yes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I was given a pencil once in Tx <20 yrs ago
Took my now 21 yr old daughter with me to vote on the mainland in Galveston county. Given a paper ballot and a pencil. I recall that Quanah Parker was also on the ballot.
Being a descendant of Cynthia Ann Parker, I had to ask if it was a joke. (It's not - there's really a Texas pol with that name.) But, I was treated as if I had tried to steal the damn ballot box!
For those who don't know, here's who Quanah Parker was (and his mom, Cynthia Ann.) Sorry for the mobile link but the interwebz knowz I iz on a phone
This is frickin' scary.
Nobody is supposed to alter a ballot after a person has voted! How can the person who's responsible for the election (county clerk?) not be arrested? White-out??? Really?? Why doesn't the election administrator just fill out all the ballots him/herself?
Susana Martinez (our present governor) used to be the district attorney for Doña Ana County. Being a good Repuke, she used her power to force our Dem county clerk out of office. The charge had to do with how he handled the election. What I found about the case on the googles doesn't agree with my memory. I clearly remember that he was set up by one of his employees who did several things to make the election looked rigged, including stuffing unused (that's UNUSED) ballots into a drain pipe in a bathroom in the courthouse (where the county clerk's office was). If you want to look it up, the clerk's name is Ruben Ceballos, and it happened in 2002 or 2004. Note: Susana Martinez used her position many, many times to screw people over. Best part of her being governor is that she can no longer terrorize people with the law.
Despite the fact there is abundant evidence and plenty of poll workers willing to testify, none of this is hitting MSM. They are in on the rig and are even blatant about it to those who know better because of all the alternative information sources.
These are prosecutable offenses. We can hope they all pay the piper, but TPTB are depending upon it will all be too late and Hillary will be in with all the power to make sure they don't go down.
Absolutefreakingly amazing.
And the most amazing aspect of all? They are sooo freaking brazen about it. They act like there will be no consequences at all, no matter what. We could all vote for Trump and the vote is still rigged.
When our nation is doomed, so is the entire planet and every other nation on it.
We need a MASSIVE uprising but most citizens are clueless. And that uprising needs to be international, because this is a global problem.
The revolution will not be televised.
So many brainwashed Americans.
How to reach those who would not think or even know how to find other sources of real news? They have been trained to think that they are getting factual news, when we know that there is much spin and more omission. They will not accept that they have been lied to. Too painful a realization. Although we got over that.
When some foreign news services tell us truth about US happenings, the brainwashed refuse to see it as anything but malevolent. Same is likely true for US reporting on events overseas. For most in the country reading it. This is a worldwide problem and we sure have many pressing worldwide problems. Keep the natives clueless.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's gonna take personal pain to wake them up...
It is sad, but most people will contentedly go along with their lives until something happens to them personally or to someone that they deeply care about that "wakes them up".
When the majority can no longer reasonably afford the basics such as food and shelter the pitchforks will come out, and not a minute sooner.
All we can do is continue to try to stop it from reaching that point but more and more I am getting to the point where I am developing a, "Fuck it, let them hurt then if that's what it takes to wake them up." attitude.
That is something I am not proud of or happy about, but at what point do we start to lay the blame where it really ultimately belongs?
I am starting to think that the largest portion of the blame doesn't belong to the sociopaths that are pulling this shit but to the ignorant and lazy that elect them without taking even a moderate amount of time from their busy schedules to research who the hell they are voting for and what the hell they have done.
The American Voter is rapidly beginning to disgust me with their willful ignorance.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Is it willful ignorance?
Or is it that these days both parents have to work multiple jobs just to keep food on the table and they just don't have the luxury of time like we have to look for things on the internet? When they find a rare moment I'm willing to bet they just want to see some comedy or play a game or do something that doesn't remind them how responsible they have to be.
Were they the ones who took civics and critical thinking classes out of our schools? Are they responsible for media consolidation or the dumbing down of America? Did they rig the votes?
Occupy is what taught me how dismal the income inequality had become. Bernie and yes, Trump are waking people up to how rigged it all is. The rigging of the election is getting out there despite the MSM obliviousness to the phenomenon.
And don't forget that all of this is resulting in a lot of cognitive dissonance. Isn't that most of what we are seeing in the Hillary crowd? Why else would they be lashing out like sore winners? They are working on their denial, but even they are the victims here.
i'm actually astonished.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
What is really sad is that I am not...
Nothing that this criminal Clinton cabal does can possibly surprise me anymore.
They become more and more shamelessly brazen about their corruption every day and have never experienced a negative outcome so why would they even consider stopping?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thanks for posting this Diary
I reposted this over at Jackpine Radicals with a hat tip to you for more visibility.
Thank you!
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
The Whited-Out Democracy - A Perfect Metaphor
and of course only a literal handful of us political junkies will ever be aware of this. and even if they did get caught, it's not like they are stealing something that is worth real money or sumthin' (snark). Look at that psycho who purged the voter rolls in Brooklyn. She was dismissed from her job -- period. She be running the show again in 4 years, mark my words.
I was watching one of those 4th of July shows on teevee last night. The bands were decent. Until they trotted Colon Powell out to drum up the patriotic fever. Ugh.
So disgusted with what this country has become.
Thanks for posting this.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Maybe I read it here,
I can't remember but someone had wrote about the notion that in America the onus is on the people to prove to the government that the election was fair instead of the government proving to the people that the election was fair. EDIT: Which is not right of course and shouldn't be, but our current system sure seems to be set up this way.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Somewhat like new concept
of having to prove innocence. No more innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, more streamlined. Modern/s.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.