Update from Standing Rock, October 28 / Links added
UPDATED 12n PDT: A first-person account of being arrested yesterday. See the number that the cops scrawled on her arm. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv4FyN6UAAEfxaD.jpg
Plus, there are reports coming out that the cops are still surrounding the water protectors. Here's a link to a brief video that shows some burned-out cars; it's a war zone. https://www.facebook.com/IndigenousLifeMovement/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf
**original post starts below**
Here's the statement from the Sacred Stone camp at Standing Rock about yesterday's police attack. All of the frontline camps were destroyed by the state-sanctioned thugs.
"In addition to pepper spray and percussion grenades, shotguns were fired into the crowd with less lethal ammunition and a sound cannon was used (see images below). At least one person was tased and the barbed hook lodged in his face, just outside his eye. Another was hit in the face by a rubber bullet."
If you're from one of the states that has sent cops or sheriffs to ND to "help," you can contact your local authorities and put pressure on them to pull their troops back home. At least one municipality has already done that, and it would ease the situation if there were fewer "supporting" cops. Notice in the next quotation from the Standing Rock statement who is responsible for passing the law that allows cops to cross jurisdiction.
"Law enforcement from at least five states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Nebraska) were present today through EMAC, the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. This law was passed by the Bill Clinton administration and allows states to share law enforcement forces during emergencies. It is intended for natural disasters and has only been used twice for protests; once in the summer of 2015 during the demonstrations in Baltimore and here on the Standing Rock Reservation. Over 100 were arrested today in total."
It's important to remember that agents of the imperialist United States have always mistreated the indigenous people. This is not new behavior, just like the treatment of black folks in this country is not new behavior. It's just that those of us not directly affected are now having the chance to see it in real time. Please don't stop speaking out and passing along the information.
UPDATED 9:30am PDT: To donate to the legal defense fund for the more than 100 people arrested yesterday, https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/red-warrior-camp-legal-fund-nodapl
For a timeline with video and photos, http://www.unicornriot.ninja/?p=10476. Their reporters have already been arrested several times, and you can donate to them too.
@ruthhhopkins is a very reliable source, imo. She confirms that one horse was killed by cops and others were wounded. She also says that the son of Russell Means, Nataannii, was among those arrested yesterday. So far, no bail for any of the arrestees.
Video from Myron Dewey, one of the frontline media people at Standing Rock: https://www.facebook.com/myron.dewey1/posts/10104033408858279
Really cool. It's Solidarity. :-)
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.