Two ugly stories and one good one

I have two infuriating articles about homelessness, and then one beautiful story.

Nine charged for giving food to homeless in California

Nine people in California have been charged after they handed out food to the homeless, violating a rule about sharing food in public places.
The group were protesting an emergency ordinance in the city of El Cajon which was introduced in response to California's hepatitis A outbreak.
They handed out food, clothes and toiletries on Sunday before police arrived and issued citations.

That was bad enough, but this article is just horrific.

Described as a horrifying depiction of "the reality of U.S. for-profit healthcare," a Baltimore-based psychotherapist this week caught on video University of Maryland Medical Center staff "dumping" a clearly incapacitated young woman into the freezing Maryland weather wearing only a thin hospital gown and socks.
"Is this what healthcare in Baltimore City has come to?" asked Imamu Baraka, who captured the "disturbing" scene on his cell phone. The video has since garnered more than two million views.
Baraka's video soon sparked national headlines and widespread outrage, with many noting that "patient dumping" is a pervasive and under-discussed product of a system that does not guarantee healthcare as a right to all.
RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United, concluded that the only solution is to "implement single-payer, Medicare for All or Americans continue to suffer/die."

And now one story that might restore some faith in humanity.

A CTA rider gave an ailing homeless man the shoes off his own feet. The homeless man took off his old tattered tennis shoes and put on the warmer, heavy duty boots he was given by the stranger.
Viewer Jessica Ball witnessed the exchange on the Red Line. Bell posted online that , "The young man puts on a spare pair of shoes from the suitcase. These shoes are nice too, but not as nice as the boots. They would have fit the old man just as well, but they were not what this old man needed. He tells the old man to try and clean his feet and to make sure he changes into the new socks as soon as he can and then the young man gets off at 87th. Those of us who are close enough to see and hear the exchange are floored."
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WaterLily's picture

From your first story:

The network quoted council member Ben Kalasho who said feeding the homeless at city parks is a "bad idea" while there is a hepatitis A outbreak.

"You can go out there, pick them up, take them back to your house and feed them and board them and room them and have them take a shower if you're really wanting to help," he said.


I just can't with all of this. But thank you for including that last story; it does help.

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Meteor Man's picture

Have you ever given food to a homeless person? Well, if you do it again in the future it might be a criminal act depending on where you live. Right now, there are dozens of major U.S. cities that have already passed laws against feeding the homeless. As you will read about below, in some areas of the country you can actually be fined hundreds of dollars for just trying to give food to a hungry person. I know that sounds absolutely insane, but this is what America is turning into. Communities all over the country are attempting to "clean up the streets" by making it virtually illegal to either be homeless or to help those that are homeless. Instead of spending more money on programs to assist the homeless, local governments are bulldozing tent cities and giving homeless people one way bus tickets out of town. We are treating some of the most vulnerable members of our society like human garbage, and it is a national disgrace.

And similar stories from this Bing search:

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

and unconditional. What type of person can see people down on their luck and willing destroy their belongings? Cops routinely break up homeless camps and throw their belongings in garbage trucks. Or if a person is upset with people putting their stuff in shopping carts he decides to break the carts. What happened to people's morality and their compassion? Feeding the homeless should not be a crime in any way. The excuse that this happened because of the hepatitis outbreak is bogus. People have been getting tickets for doing that for years. A 14 year old boy was also given a ticket for helping to feed the homeless. In what world does this make sense?

Where were the police when he was doing that? Oh that's right, he wasn't a homeless person but someone in a position to help people. Carry on.

We can't expect people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps if we've destroyed their boots. Or their tents, sleeping bags and other possessions. The inhumanity of this country is staggering.

Utah is debating raising the minimum wage to $10.25. You would think that people would be in favor of this, right? Think again after reading the comments.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


You say a lot that I find meaningful and heartfelt. This is a wonderful example …

We can't expect people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps if we've destroyed their boots. Or their tents, sleeping bags and other possessions. The inhumanity of this country is staggering.

May we all keep the strength to stagger less and carry on creating what is benevolent.

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

I am very sensitive about the cruelty and indifference that others inflict people who need a helping hand, but instead get treated so inhumanly as you stated. I just don't understand the mindset of people who could do those things. Like you I couldn't watch the video. You're right about this being attempted murder. During the recent cold weather there weren't very many options for the homeless to find shelter. People died in this country from the cold because they had nowhere to go. Why not? We're supposed to be the richest country in the world, yet look at where we are listed on the poverty scale and how we treat our vulnerable citizens. Trump has spent close to $3 million or more on his many trips to his golf courses. We are paying for that. Just imagine if that money had gone to help the homeless instead. Or one of the other programs.

I looked at an article that showed how many millions celebrities are worth. Many of them have over $100-350 million. Bezos is worth $100 billions! This is insane that anyone can make that much money and not do anything good with it. And then there's the recent tax bill that again saw the transfer of wealth that they won't do anything good with it. Congress is going to gut the programs that I and millions of others rely on. How can they live with themselves knowing that people will die because of it?

When it comes to animals.... whoboy.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Daenerys's picture

@snoopydawg when it's a crime to be poor and a crime to do something to help the poor (especially homeless people).

Oh, but Bezos donated $33 million so some of his employees could go to college! Bah; that's a drop in the bucket for him.

Shame on the US.

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This shit is bananas.

janis b's picture

I couldn’t watch the video, but I can feel the outrage. Leaving people who have no means to help themselves with no help at all, is close to attempted murder. Hopefully these inhumane incidents will continue to inspire the opposite and contribute to a growing effort to redress this tragedy. It’s the least the most needy among us deserve.

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