Trump did better among non-whites than Romney and was even with McCain
(I posted a modified version of this essay at ToP, which I won't link to, and in spite of my intentions never to post a diary or comment there again. I feel a little dirty, but this gem was too good to pass on)
In spite of what some, even very prominent, diarists and commenters [t]here might want us to believe, the exit polls indicate Trump did better among non-whites that voted than Obama. They also indicate that Trump did worse among whites (which were a larger share of the electorate) than Romney but far better than McCain.
Don’t believe me? Just ask the Exit Polls:
Race | Clinton | Trump | Romney ('12) | McCain ('08) |
White | 37% | 58% | 59% | 43% |
Black | 88 | 8 | 6 | 4 |
Hispanic | 65 | 29 | 27 | 31 |
Asian | 65 | 29 | 26 | 35 |
Other | 56 | 37 | 38 | 31 |
CNN's Exit Polls for 2016 data, WaPo's Exit Polls for 2008, 2012 data.
Trump got 1 percentage point less of the female vote than Romney or McCain, in spite of the fact that he’s a sexual predator.
This election was not (only) about race or identity. It was about those things, in part, but not wholly. It clearly didn’t drive every decision voters made.
So the next time some charlatan tries to tell you this election was about sexists and racists rolling out the vote, have a good laugh at them, because they’re literally denying actual reality.
Oh, and I have this message for certain democrats: stop demonizing white folks. Obama, a black man who had admitted to cocaine use and who has “Hussein” in his name, won more whites than Clinton. Tell me this racist-ass country gives more of the white vote to a black man and that therefore this election was about race? Don’t even. Just, no, don’t even. This election was lost by democrats because the party has problems.
It has real, deep divides along lines of ideology and identity. Shit-stirrers who constantly focus on the latter are tearing this party apart and making it less effective against the hordes of inbred buffoons on the right who now have control of our federal government. They need to stop and have a good, long hard think about that. Not that I expect certain people in that group to ever understand how terribly wrong they are, but, hey, something may open their eyes. Eventually.
post the link
Solidarity forever
I will not give him click-through traffic.
You can go there yourself, if you're really interested, and search for a diary of the exact same title, by me (same handle).
The content is about 99% the same, though, so you'd be going mainly to see the responses.
Yes. I see some places on the web are implying
it was only racist white people that voted.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
"Uneducated" white people!
They're still sneering at the voters. Which is why they lost - along with screwing the voters, of course.
I had a quick look at Identity Politics Central (Orange State)
First time in many months.
In complete denial as far as I could see. I left very quickly.
Hopefully, along with his Clinton paymasters, Little Nap and his minions will slide off into the sunset, never to be heard of again.
from a reasonably stable genius.
It is clear...
People don't trust Trump and think he is not qualified. BUT they wanted to throw a rock in the middle of the pool - and they did.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I think the democratic party lost because they ran
Clinton. They couldn't have run a more tainted candidate. It was said Trump was meant to be Clinton's foil, that it was a setup and Trump couldn't have been an easier opponent to beat. But it turned out Clinton couldn't have been a worse candidate to run. She's a war criminal, murderer, lying, cheating piece of crap and the general public couldn't help but see that.
That's how we got Trump. And a whole bunch of white racists that support him are feeling their oats today.
Yes, to all of this.
I don't expect democrats to change, though. They're off the rails just as badly, if differently.
No, the party lost because of statements like this:
Why do working class people hate liberal ideas? Because liberals treat them like assholes.
I'm not a liberal, not sure why you might think that.
Evidently you disagree that there were a lot of white racists supporting Trump. I did not say all of those who voted for Trump were white racists or that Trump's victory was all about white racism. I said there are a lot of white racists that support Trump. That is true no matter what the working class people, like myself and my brother, might want to think. I don't even know what percentage of Trump supporters are racists, maybe a quarter, who knows. But it's a lot. And if they're racist, then ya, they're assholes too.
We can't sugarcoat racism.
Fair enough. I see what you mean
But a lot of people in the party are doing a lot of jaw boning about white racists right now, like it explains everything.
white women
white women over 45 voted for Trump instead of Clinton. Is the Democratic Party leadership going to accuse them of sexism too?
They ran an absolutely horrible candidate, and they wouldn't listen to those of us who said she was unelectable. If Cllnton couldn't beat Trump, in what world is she "supremely qualified" and a "fine candidate"?
I'm not sorry she lost. I wish someone better than Trump had won, but indigenous people are being beaten and maced under a Dem administration. More deportations than ever under a Dem administration. Drone murders under a Dem administration. No change in policing in black communities under a Dem administration. I could go on, but you all know the score.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka