Trump, Bernie, Hillary tweet trolling. Laugh or cry?
Submitted by HenryAWallace on Tue, 07/26/2016 - 5:07am
Whenever I don't know whether to laugh or cry, I laugh.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Sad to watch Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We welcome all voters who want to fix our rigged system and bring back our jobs.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton. All of that work, energy and money, and nothing to show for it! Waste of time.
Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders
Never tweet.
Hillary Clinton Verified account
Delete your account.

So, is it Trump/Trump
So, is it Trump/Trump supporters pushing this nonsense about Bernie 'abandoning the People's Revolution'?
And why are so many people swallowing and repeating this canard, even right here on this site? Do that many Bernie supporters really know that little about him?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Quite frankly, it isn't a revolution if it's backing Clinton
Well, but, if Bernie is as farsighted as I’m hoping he is,
then disappointed followers raising the “canard” at this stage is something Bernie would have foreseen and accounted for — a natural reaction by many that is also part of his plan.
I tried to figure out about what I was so disappointed for real
yesterday night. Let me say that I am not good in understanding the "American system or psyche", so my first reaction was that I was mad that Sanders endorsed her before the convention.
I think the real disappointment for me is that the Democrats are too coward to fight their differences of the two opposing campaigns out on the convention floor. They degraded the convention into a pony show. I think Bernie should have not allowed that to happen by his premature endorsement. I do not understand why Democrats don't have the guts to get into a real discussion live at the convention about their differences.. Instead they did the "safe" thing and crushed Bernie supporters in making sure Bernie endorses beforehand. It's that what I consider cowardice of the whole party, and what I am disappointed about.
If there is some magic "plan" by Sanders, who would somehow foresee his supporters raising hell over this preemptive capitulation of the Sanders campaign, I would like to see the "plan".
But what the heck, I have lost all interest to even think about it any longer. It's done and it is a lost opportunity. Over and over again. No system change possible, apparently.
Bernie was a lost cause from the start
The Democratic party can not be reformed from within. It spent the last 40 years transforming itself into what the Republicans were then, they aren't going to go back now.
Bernie was a wake up call to the old coalition. It is time for that coalition to find a new home.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
11-dimensional chess ...
didn't work out with Obama. It's futile to hope for it with Sanders. He's a pragmatist. Burning bridges only works in movies, not in real life. He's making the best of the bad choices available to him and I respect that. What would you have him do? Set himself on fire like the guy in Tunisia that kicked off the Arab Spring?
I thought the response of @Bernie was funny.
I didn't realize anyone was going to see this as so deep.
I don't know if you are wondering if I am a Trump supporter posing as a Bernie supporter or not. If you are, you are mistaken. I am to the left of Obama and the Clintons. My other posts will have to speak for themselves on that score. On the other hand I don't think my politics can depend on Bernie anymore. Or any individual, for that matter. I am no longer about pinning my hopes on an individual. I thought that lesson had been burned into my brain by Obama, but I fell for it again.
I don't think any one new shiny leader, which is what Democrats have looked for for as long as I can remember, is going to change either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party from within. In fact, I don't think anyone or anything is going to change either of those parties from within in the next 50 years, if ever. I think leftists have very hard choices to make before November.
Where I am with this.
This is a quick comment that I will - hopefully - flesh into a post tomorrow - today is clinic day, which means I get to go earn a few hours of pay 85 miles away from home.
Bernie has 'endorsed' her. I am not at all surprised, and I don't, for a moment, think his 'revolution' has stopped revolving.
Here's where I am: The #DNCleak has been a bombshell. Bernie supporters, particularly those here who witnessed the Purge at TOP have been vindicated in our "conspiracy theory" that DSW and the DNC worked contrary to the 'charter' of the DNC to crap all over Bernie, to thwart his popularity at every possible juncture and have rabid Clinton loyalists dog us out and denigrate us with the aid of the threat on banning from websites (It wasn't just TOP)
The emails lay it out. We were right.
But she won anyway. None of this is going to affect her in a way that she's going to be somehow deposed.
Now the question is can she actually beat Trump? That's all up in the air right now.
We can't have a president trump so at this time - subject to change without notice - she appears to need more people to vote for her and I think the DNC has so far done a shit job on getting people like me to consider voting for her. They need to suck it up as fast as possible. She needs to talk real purty to us now. I am unsure if she and her team can think like this.
So She will be the candidate and I think it would be best to go on and get her elected to prevent trump and then work to deny her the second term she will simply assume is hers as well. She can get her "ceiling-breaking" historical moment and then be denied a second term because she is wrong for the country.
We can protest every smarmy thing she does and find somebody in the 'Democratic Party" to primary her.
Because she cheated. Because she is a corporate status quo defender and not a person for the real people.
Perhaps Bernie can assist in figuring out who can primary her.
These thoughts aren't complete yet, but the more I look at twitter the more I feel like there could be hope in taking her down over the next 4 years.
But this idea that some want Trump to come in a ruin the country completely is just fucking stupid.
But, the plan would be the same, pretty much: Who would be the next Democratic candidate: Trump or Clinton, that's going to be the #1 thing to figure out going forward.
Here's where I am, FWIW. I trust Bernie, and so I will be
looking more deeply at Trump and Hill and the issues. Are there reasons to think she will be substantially better than Trump? Or are they almost the same? Trust but verify.
Without Bern, I would probably just assume she's terrible. But I have to figure out why he's pushing her to this extent. It has been proposed that she will be indicted and then he can pick up the nom, but I don't see that happening, unless there's a written policy that says they have to give it to the second vote-getter. Otherwise they'll give it to Kaine at this point, I would guess. So what does Bernie know that we don't?
If Hill is quite a bit better than Trump, I will probably hold my nose and vote Dem this fall. I don't want to see the country slide into complete disaster.
But if they are pretty much the same, I will vote third party, probably Jill Stein. We can take a chance on "spoiling" the election if there's no viable choice to spoil.
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She may be worse for the country than Trump,
but in different ways.
Like his friend Noam Chomsky, Bernie believes in "lesser of two evils" voting. In my opinion, lesser of two evils voting for New Democrats is why we are in much worse shape today than we were when Reagan left office. Not pushing back hard from the left
Given the electoral college, you do not even have to think about voting for Stein, unless you vote in a state where polling between Hillary and Trump is close come Halloween. If you live in a solidly red state or a solidly blue state, voting for Stein is a no brainer. Same if you live in a swing state where Hillary is polling well ahead as of Halloween.
Only after that does who you vote for even become relevant.
"We can't have a president trump so at this time"
It is not a binary choice.
$hrillary is more dangerous, with her husband Billy, then Trump. Look at how they've behaved for decades, when their only concern was their own POLITICAL VIABILITY. If they get what they want - no holds barred. Extremely reckless, dishonest, liar, careless with TOP SECRET government documents. Nothing, and I mean NO THING will convince me to vote for Clintons. CUT THEM LOOSE ( Bob Herbert)
Obama took SCOTUS off the table, when he appointed Garland.
I cant talk to anybody
Who think that a trump presidency is going to be acceptable or less awful than her.
I just don't think they get it at all.
We are fucked enough without that.
I indeed think that a Trump presidency *might* be acceptable or
less awful than her — we can’t run an experiment in two parallel universes, so no one can say for sure.
But Trump's nomination was at least honestly attained.
Election fraud on a grand scale was committed during the Democratic primaries — that’s the poisoned tree of which a new Clinton administration would be the fruit. “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” — as a wise rabbi said long ago.
People who think it acceptable for the country to reward election fraud with its highest honor and its most powerful position — can they be talked to? Do they get it?
I would suggest a plus and minus sheet.
Two columns, one for HRC and one for Trump.
List the actions that each has done on every issue that is important to you and that you think is important to the country. Look up the relevant information for each item and place a plus or minus sign for each action.
Then create a list of values and do the same thing using their actions once again to show what those are. Rhetoric alone won't tell you what you need to know. The lists must deal with their actual actions.
You could expand the plus/minus ratings to plus plus, minus minus and plus minus (for neutral). Add up each of the symbols that you used in your ratings for each candidate and see what you come up with. If you are honest, you may or may not find comfort in your choice.
And, yes, HRC's actions during her husband's presidency do count (two for the price of one, remember). Lobbying is an action.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Can you make the case to me that when the restrictions a candidate must observe are lifted Hillary will not prove that adage true? As president, she can't be arrested or imprisoned. Congress can attempt impeachment but the only 2 presidents impeached were acquitted by the Senate. She'll be 69 years old when she takes office and if she serves two terms, there's a good chance she'll die of old age while president.
In other words, she has nothing to lose no matter how egregious her behavior becomes. With that in mind, I find it hard to think Trump will be more awful than her.
16 of the last 24
Come January, New Democrat Presidents will have ruled for 16 of the last 24 years. Bush 41 did not manage to push NAFTA through, so Bill picked up where 41 left off and did get it though. Bills for which Bill Clinton lobbied hard resulted in economic collapse in 2008. He ran on, and bragged about, ending welfare. And that's only some of the odious, disastrous bills that he pushed for and/or did not veto.
When she ran in 2008, Hillary fully embraced her husband's entire administration. I guess she tried to distance herself from it some during the 2016 primary, perhaps because she lost in 2008. However, as soon as she accepted the nomination, she embraced it again and promises us he will be an important part of her administration. She's also embraced Obama's administration, drone strikes and all.
The single worst thing Bush did, in my opinion, was to start the war in Iraq, for which Hillary advocated. Her policies as Secretary of State were awful, awful. She did not come out for equal marriage until 2013, after the Supreme Court declared marriage discrimination unconstitutional. She's huddled relative recently with Pete Peterson over OASDI. She wants to renegotiate She has said she is willing to negotiate a constitutional amendment about Roe v. Wade. She's been for fracking and a host of other ills. She lies unabashedly and cannot be trusted. This primary was corrupt.
With all due respect, I am not sure people who want another New Democrat President get all that.
She'll probably win anyway, but not with my vote. People in swing states have to think harder. However, for anyone who lives in a solid red state or a solid Blue State, voting for Stein should be a no brainer. The same for any state in which Hillary is polling far ahead of Trump as of the beginning of November.
And HRC said she is fine with Garland.
I have been trying to remember what former presidents did after leaving office--without the effort of looking it up. Right off hand, I cannot think of any other one who went on extended speaking tours selling their knowledge and influence (and their foundation). Ditto for SOSs. I think that says a lot about the Clintons.
If it were HRC alone, I could almost see how some people could say it was okay to take a chance on her, but add WJC to the mix, no way. Are people really going to forget how all this year she has made excuses for the massive turn to Republicanism under WJC? Her own record is bad enough, add WJC and they are a triple threat to not only this country but all countries around the world.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The message is:
"If you make any moves to the political right in your first term YOU WILL BE primaried and you will lose"
I wish Bernie had said that last night.
Remember the 2012 Dem Presidential primary? Neither do I.
Some of the results of the 2016 primary have been to splinter the left further and to discourage the left further.
No one should assume that the DNC has been chastened, either. Donna Brazile said it all when she called this a cautionary tale and cited the solution as "Pick up the phone." The only intent is to continue coronations, but to work a bit harder to avoid detection.
Also, the clearly stated policy of the party is to support incumbents up and down the line, especially the President. Mention primarying a President and everyone will respond with Jimmy Carter, as though it had been Kennedy's primary challenge, and not Carter himself who lost the primary. Add that it was (supposedly) Kennedy's primary challenge that handed it the Reagan administration and the constant pretense that Reagan caused all the woes of America today and you have a "no Presidential primary challenge" suit of armor.
It's nuts to think she's going to be primaried in 4 years
Well, she may be primaried, but it won't be successful. Give the Clinton's 4 years of control over the party and this bullshit primary will look almost fair in comparison.
whether trump or her
the same shit has to be done. She has to be prevented from wasting another billion dollars running for an office she shouldn't have.
And it is The System that has to be destroyed.
It is the system that is fucking us into a coma.
If she wins she needs to preside over 4 years of what we saw last night.
The "primary" will be the same as 2012's primary.
This is only the first time that the DNC/Party got caught.
It's not the first time that the Party has chosen the next Presidential nominee and worked on his or her behalf. That has always happened. It's only the first time a systematic effort, involving collusion with media, was brought to the attention of the public with zero deniablity.
As far as protesting and a 2020 primary challenge, we've already lived with Obama in 2012. It's not going to happen. No one cares about your protests anymore, only your vote--and I don't know how long they will even need to care about your vote. They sure don't seem to care about it now. Party policy is to back incumbents, and only incumbents, most especially at the Presidential level, using Kennedy's challenge of Carter = loss to Reagan as a specter.
Yes, she cheated - quite openly - and she'll cheat again
After four years of a mad warmonger, we may not have anything to save, beyond the radioactive caves we'll be hunkering down in. And with complete control of the Surveillance State and all the now-militarized federal agencies, she won't allow any future challenge.
Dictator-for-Life Hillary is what we'll have, to be succeeded by Dictator-for-Life Chelsea.
Now is the only chance we'll have.
Everybody was just too well-behaved
during Obama's terms. That needs to end.
What people saw and complianed about last night needs to be what america looks like for 4 long, ugly, stinking years. Because the system.
We have to destroy the system they used to fuck us.
Or we get fucked again
Not only will She not allow a challenge
No one in the Party will. Perhaps no one in the entire oligarchy, including the Koch brothers, will allow a primary challenge to Hillary.
I am gobsmacked to see people still are not getting how this works, how much advance planning goes into it; how much money and power is behind it; and how we have little to no say in it.
Not laughing or crying
He said from the jump he'd support the democratic nominee. Things happened since that promise that would have justified his reneging on that promise. But that's not who Bernie is. It's just not.
We are in a whole heap of doo doo and I'm honestly not sure what we can do about it. I won't vote for either the mad bomber or the hairball. I just might sit this one out.
Don't believe everything you think.
The Wikileaks dump
that is coming about the Clinton Foundation will make our voting decisions clearer.
Bernie chose to become a Democrat, and now has responsibilities to the party that I don't. At least he will be encouraging us to vote for Clinton and not shaming and threatening us.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Where do we find more information
about more Wikileaks dumps? I've been hearing/reading rumors but cannot find anything. I need something to f'ing hope for!
The revolution is dead
Let's face it, this isn't going anywhere. As much as I like the idea of the Greens, they don't have the organization, and we are just a (temporarily) angry and disappointed mob without any real direction or leadership. This is going to fizzle out in a few days, and gradually people will start grudgingly support Clinton. Some people like me will remain angry and determined, but also realize we are a tiny minority - the rest will largely fall in line with the DNC and the Clintons. The outrage won't last long, and it will all be over, only to be repeated in four years. As long as the masses stay politically dumb, ignorant and hateful, this same shitshow will continue to be on the menu. Yes, there are a bunch of angry people right now, but how long will they stay angry? Already we are seeing the spin cycle start, where Bernie's betrayal is being whitewashed on this site. How many people are really leaving the Democratic party? Will it be enough to make a difference, or will Clinton be able to replace them with disaffected Republicans who hate Trump? I'm really not hopeful at this point - without a leader, I'm not seeing this "movement" go anywhere. Instead, I expect it to bleed out slowly and die. Sadly, as much as I like the idea of Jill Stein, and I'm sure she means well and is doing her best, the Greens don't have the structure and organization to take over Bernie's revolution, which, make no mistake, he abandoned, regardless of what he says. It's all so disappointing, and I don't understand why not more people are as upset as I am. Well, I guess I do understand. Ugh.
Rant over, carry on...
Ditto josb --- well ranted my friend!
I agree with your sentiments and second your thoughts a billion times! Thanks for sharing and for voicing what, I believe, many people feel!
You use a powerful word to describe what Bernie did --- "abandoned" --- yep, that's exactly what he did and that's exactly how I feel. Thanks for helping me process my feelings!
Thanks, Ajaradom!
I'm glad I'm not alone feeling this way, at least.