Too Invested In The White House. Blinkered To The Reality
I am sorry partisans but to my mind:
- Complaining about the electoral college just looks like sour grapes when you got less than 50%
- Threatening Donald Trump with Impeachment when you lost the House, Senate and SCOTUS just looks like impotent rage.
- Lashing out without first cleaning up the mess you made, just looks like a temper tantrum.
You also lost big time across the States and State legislatures.
Republicans expanded their ranks of governors, winning Democratic-held seats in Vermont, New Hampshire and Missouri. The party also made gains in state executive offices and in legislatures across the country.
If current results hold, Republicans will control 69 of 99 legislative chambers across the country. Democrats will control only 30, the same breakdown as before voters went to the polls.
Republicans defended virtually every state legislature where their narrow majorities were in peril. The party appears to have preserved narrow one-seat majorities in the New York and Washington state Senates, both chambers in which a Democrat caucuses with Republicans to give them control. Republicans also defended slender majorities in state Senate chambers in Maine, Colorado, New Hampshire and West Virginia.
In two of the three states where Republicans won new majorities — Kentucky and Iowa — GOP victories mean the party will control both chambers of the legislature and the governor’s mansion. In Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton (D) now faces a Republican legislature for the final two years of his term.
One of the main reasons for choosing Hillary Clinton was her positive influence down ballot Name Recognition™ and The Money™, it would appear both of those helped the Democratic Party lose big time.
You were too invested in "this is her time" to notice her negatives and the devastation these would have down ballot.
Too concentrated on Trump!™ to notice the diminishing of your own "base".
Your glee at insulting and telling a large part of your base that you didn't need them cost you 6 to 10 million votes.
In your current analysis of what went wrong means Tin Foil stocks are soaring. Russians!™
The simple fact of the matter is that bar the odd State, the Democratic Party failed completely to convince.
At least President Obama [and the reason he won so convincingly] was the fresh air of positivity and hope. Then all we were given was more oligarchy and war; socialism was applied to the richest mind you, well done. Of course you will blame the Republican Party for all your ills, without asking why you kept on losing at a State level. The Republican Party built a base, you mocked yours.
Your blind partisan idiocy is going to hurt us all when all you propose is more of the same.
On a personal level having often reluctantly voted for the Democratic Party's candidates for all of my voting life except for Bernie Sanders when he was an Independent, I'm done, I don't think there is anything left to salvage.
Go on scream about Republicans and their evils.
Without cleansing out your Party from the top down it is a futile exercise. In my opinion that is your first job.
Winning over those of us that come from the ever expanding Fly Over Territory™ that you seem to despise, another.
Personally I think your heads are so far up your collective rectum that it is a futile discussion.
By all means concentrate on what few parts of the country you have left, eventually you might lose those as well.
I'm done with you.
Go on I dare you, make me change my mind.

They are just making noise. It is all sound and fury with
no substance to it. The Democrats do not feel that they have sufficient reason to change as no matter who is in the White House, they are protected from want. They have cushy jobs waiting for them if they get bounced out.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
It was all sound and fury before with no substance
and they wonder why they fail to convince.
Hey, they are very convincing. They convinced me to
have nothing to do with them. = )
The fact that they were all sound and fury before and continue in the same rut pretty much is a clue that they will not change. Besides, they owe the big money guys a LOT of favors, more now than ever before.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Well said.
I wish all of her rabid supporters would read this. It's bad enough we have Trump in the WH but what no one seems to be talking about is what her toxicity did to the down ticket races. I've never been a vengeful person but I hope Howdy Gowdy and Company go after the Clintons, Comey, Lynch and yes, even Obama. I'd settle for the Clintons though. Never to see their faces again in politics...
Yes, unless the Super Delegates are purged,
they will continue on their march over the cliff, so please don't stand in their way.
Maybe they are doing humanity a favor, as they have passed beyond corruption to too stupid to live?
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
About those superdelegates...
I thought they were supposed to prevent the party from nominating someone unelectable.
How's that working out?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
B-b-b-b-but I thought...
I thought Hillary was the one who had raised oodles of money for those "down ballot races." She had the bigger coattails, right?
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Well, they were poison coattails
Just got an email from an old friend apparently standing with Michael Moore's idea of "remaking" the Democratic Party. That's like saying "Let's remake Wall Sfreet and the all the unaccountable multinational corporations."
Just send money say half the emails in my inbox with similar views.
Like saying “Let’s remake the Federal Reserve Bank.”
“Fight to hold Janet Yellen’s feet to the fire. Make the Fed work for the 99%, not the banksters.”
Um, don’t the banksters, like, own the Fed? There’s no avenue by which ordinary people can “remake the Fed.”
The Fed is an insider institution. Only insiders privy to the deepest insider secrets are allowed to know what it really does and for whom.
WikiLeaks exposed the Democratic party as another such insider institution.
Here is a link to the last diary I wrote at DK
for which I was accused of being "concerny" whatever TF that means.
From Paint Your Wagon: Husband! Please sell her. I can't stand any more of those martyred looks.
This look is not martyred. This look is pure hatred.
This diary was not "concerny" This diary was a last ditch attempt to talk some sense into their deluded pates.
So, now their cute little patronage scheme came apart and are they ever crying. No WH appointments. No little programs they get to be director of. No invites to fancy pants events. Boo Hoo Hoo. I do hope they haven't been trying to live off the expectations.
Mary Bennett
Excellent, very solid somber post
in that link. Very cheered to see you able to speak plainly here at this watershed despoliation point.
Don't change your mind, just add lost
over 1m votes that went to Jill Stein. The Democrats seemed to think Climate Change was not only an unimportant issue but no issue at all.
To thine own self be true.