Three Quick Questions
When will the Corporate Media blame themselves, for their carnival-barker roles,
in enabling and empowering Donald J Trump as a rational, viable, and realistic option?
When will the Democratic Party, and the DNC as the national face of that Party,
take responsibility and clean house, for their own conniving ways,
to crassly co-opt and then dismiss Progressives and our ideals?
When will the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party, finally break away
from the Party's corrosive, conniving ways -- and form a Progressive Party, free from the Democrassic tic-tacky label?
Discuss quietly among yourselves
... Or not.
The choice, is yours. For now.
And Welcome to Trump-land, America! ( ... the place where Hope, goes to die.)
(PS. My answers: Never, Never, and Not Soon Enough ...)
Didn't you hear? Democrats are already bending over...
to talk about how they're going to "Work with" Trump.
Yep, that's right! Fuck the principles, they care about their Phony Baloney JOBS, GENTLEMEN!
They must do something about this, immediately!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I think
I think they may need trade-in the Donkey Moniker,
for a pack of weasels.
You got my answers, exactly.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Yup, Yup, ... Trump, WTF!
Like a fresh wound
That has just started to clot, the Democrats and Trumpland GOP will bind up and stop the blood red drip. They won't realize till later that the wound has started to fester and rot.
I dread to think
of all the damage the Donald will do,
Once someone explains to him,
What an Executive Order is ...
They will die
They will die long before they admit they were ever wrong about anything. They know what's best, after all. Nobody else ever can, and ever does, because nobody else is them.
Actually I have an idea, if anyone wants one
Go to the Centipedes and tell them all about Clionton's 1996 Tellecommunications Act. The one that let five globalist corporations control every media outlet in the country. Break em up.
That'll bring them to Jesus.
The Corporate Media Did Its Job
They kept Trump in front of the typical vidiot who has no rational thought processes, and who does exactly what the Electronic Cyclops tells it to do.
Why do people think we still have an honest media in this nation? Have they not read the Powell Memo, which expressly advises corporate control over the media and its message? It's ONLY job anymore is to ensure that ONLY corporate approved messages get frequent and massive exposure so that no other message gains any traction in the mass mind.
The media did the job they are paid well to do. There is no conscience to afflict the comfortable.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
The Dem party establishment metaorganism is dead
It's Clinton/Obama propensity for compromise and incrementalism has been blown up by Trumpism. Something new will emerge.
I hope the grassroots movement started by OWS and eventually lead by Bernie will continue and will transform the party. Let's hope new leaders emerge with clear goals (Bernie's platform?).
But then there is Trump. He is the kubernētēs (Greek for "man on the till" or "governor") and he can turn he ship into a hell or run into an iceberg.
I need some coffee.
The political revolution continues
This is what troughers do, both Democratic and Republican. Well, to be fair this also the case in most every other country - preserving their jobs by keeping their benefactors sweet.
Así pues, aquí estamos.
Two and a half answers
1. Never
2. Never
3. Who knows
Please check out
my followup essay ...
The Unraveling of the Democratic "Blue Wall"