These are not the droids you are looking for...

Nothing to see here, move along.

A bit of background. You may, perhaps, remember Antrim County, Michigan - where about 6000 votes for Donald Trump were somehow credited to Biden and subsequently reversed. The incident was variously characterized as a "glitch" in Dominion's voting system and/or "clerical error".

In the course of lawsuits against Michigan, plaintiffs were finally able to get court approval to conduct a forensic examination of a number of Dominion machines (16 of them) in Antrim County. That took place this week and results were expected to be released today.

BUT - the State of Michigan intervened, requested and got a gag order preventing dissemination of the results.

Which raises yet again what should be an obvious question: if the election was conducted as lawfully and efficiently as people like the Michigan SoS and the MSM keep insisting that it was... then why are they attempting at every turn to block disclosure and get rid of evidence?


Bonus track: How to cheat with a Dominion voting machine - live demonstration.(1 of 2)

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lotlizard's picture

Almost everyone has already picked a side nowadays, and only believes the narrative they want to believe.

If a skyscraper falls into its own footprint tree falls in a forest and no one is allowed to investigate around to hear it, does it make a sound? Etc.

8 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

is the most realistic comment.

4 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

CS in AZ's picture

and the state did not intervene to obtain a "gag order" as you claim, because the judge's original order that allowed this individual to access the voting machines included the restriction that the results were not to be made public at any point, unless the court gave permission first.

In his Dec. 4 court order allowing the forensic examination, Elsenheimer included a restriction on the “use, distribution or manipulation of the forensic images and/or other information gleaned from the forensic investigation” without court permission.

State moves to intervene in Antrim County voter fraud case

This article also explains what the state of Michigan did actually ask for:

The motion, filed Wednesday and signed by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, asks the court to allow Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to intervene as defendant in the case.

Antrim County, on its own, cannot adequately defend against statutes administered by the Secretary of State, Nessell argues.

And the county clerk is happy about that:

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, who said she has been in communication with the state’s Bureau of Elections staff since the lawsuit was filed, expressed relief state entered the fray.

“I only wish it would have been sooner,” she said. “I’ve felt a little bit like I’ve been on my own out here.”


So... do you have any source for your claims that the results were "expected today" and that the State obtained a "gag order" to stop that from happening?

If no... then the question becomes, what is the point of posting this misleading (at best) "information"?

The state of Michigan -- which is obviously part of the Evil Plot to Deprive Dear Leader Trump of his Rightful Place as King, so take their words with a grain of salt -- has an idea on this too.

Misinformation campaign concerning Antrim County expected to continue

It is disappointing, though not surprising, that the primary goal of this group is to continue spreading false information designed to erode the public’s confidence in the election. By doing so, they injure our democracy and dishonor the 5.5. million Michigan citizens who cast ballots,” said Michigan Department of State spokesperson Jake Rollow. “As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”

Now obviously, we cannot accept the word of Attorney General William Barr, nor any election officials or voting system auditors, and certainly not the FBI, for god's sake. We all know they ALL want Biden more than anything, and they are all in cahoots and will do anything to make that happen.

The conspiracy to install Biden is very, very, very large; it includes everyone who doesn't think Trump should stay president even though he lost. So therefore, we know in advance that any suggestion that Trump actually, you know, lost the election is part of the plot and must be ignored and derided. See? It's very simple.

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@CS in AZ
But, as you helpfully point out, it was already in place, Thanks for the clarification re: the provisions of the original order that required the judge's permission to release the findings or raw data.

And perhaps it's appropriate for Jocelyn Benson, as SoS to be involved.

Her connections to George Soros (who just put Smartmatic chairman Lord Malloch-Brown in charge of his Open Society Foundation) and Southern Poverty Law Center should leave no doubt about her commitment to deal with the dispute with an even-handed commitment go fairness and transparency...

As for this part:

do you have any source for your claims that the results were "expected today"

Well, yes, I do:

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis told Fox Business on Monday that investigators could find more answers about the Dominion Voting Systems machines following allegations that they switched votes in other areas. Dominion officials and its CEO have said it’s impossible to switch votes from one candidate to another.

“This is really important … because we have an independent team that is there that has gotten all of this imaging, and they spent about eight hours yesterday doing that forensic audit. We anticipate having the results by tomorrow,” Ellis told Fox host Charles Payne on Monday afternoon.


“As Attorney General William Barr, the FBI and CISA have found, this was the most secure election in our nation’s history and, despite unprecedented scrutiny, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud identified whatsoever.”

The guy from CISA did say that. Barr and the FBI did *not*. But Barr has slow-walked any number of things he should have been moving on and the FBI under Wray is anything but Trump-supportive, the Swamp runs deep there. In any case the FBI does appear to be doing some investigating. Maybe in four years they'll tell us something. After all, it took them that long to admit, after consistent denials, that they have Seth Rich's laptop.

I still don't see you addressing the question of 'why all the secrecy and obstruction to investigation if the election was administered fairly and competently'? Or do you think the states and companies involved have really been forthcoming?

I watched some of the Wisconsin hearing yesterday and they seem to be pretty organized and open, although there is a real issue there of the 200,000 plus or so people there who used a loophole meant for permanently or indefinitely confined people to get absentee ballots that did not required accompanying ID as normal absentee ballots would. Explication on Politifact

GA, PA and MI on the other hand, seem determined to thwart investigation.

It seems like if anything were going to dispel doubts about the integrity of the election process it would be to have maximal disclosure and transparency. Why is it that instead of the people stonewalling, the people demanding disclosure are the ones being condemned here?

1 user has voted.

The videos above have shown that it is terribly easy for a single individual to rig a single precinct. But to do so in hundreds of precincts over a half dozen states and do so in a way that would give the same result in a recount? And do so on a tight schedule? And have no one confess or just get drunk and brag? That makes you Crazy Rudy and The Log Lady. To make it at all believable you have to go to the Kathleen Harris level and demand a level of expertise that the Democrats have never... well, reduce it to a dozen or less and it becomes believable, but they'd still need to have dozens of AGs and judges go along with the plot "for the sake of the nation." I'd like to believe, but it just doesn't hold. The closest I can come id that lab tech who fabricated a hundred test results for the police to swing death penalty cases from Maine to Texas. And he confessed after someone prosecuted after some number of people investigated. It all requires a universal combination of deception and intimidation that George Orwell would admit was a plot hole. So throw in a few hundred actors pretending to be Log Ladys and a few million gullible Americans and... well now it's getting believable. All it needs are aliens and orbiting mind control lasers.

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On to Biden since 1973

lotlizard's picture

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