these 2 Tweets define the amerikan empire

The Other Side of John McCainAugust 27, 2018,, Maxie Blumenthal

(I hadn’t known there was more than one side, myself. Warning: hard read, but awesome photos)

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Alligator Ed's picture

Speak nothing but good about the dead.

Therefore, this, and all other articles would be barren sheets of white. I too have written comments about the unrepentant reptile (and you thought I was bad!) that called his wife a cunt at a campaign rally.

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earthling1's picture

@Alligator Ed

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

i'd almost said his 'good side' might have been i) that he never kicked puppies (as far as we know), ii) that he'd never lied about chopping down a cherry tree, and iii) that at least he'd divorceg his disabled first wife instead of Lopping Off Her Head.

he really called Miz Annheuser-Busch that ugly name? i reckon she hadn't kneed him in the huevos? nuts? (more alliterative)

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school the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law.

The alt neoliberalcons of Europe are desperate to hold on, same as our homegrown ones.

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wendy davis's picture


thank you. irony rules.

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Pricknick's picture

on so many dimensions.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.


how to practice law. Then again, they could also make Hillary a professor in the law school they re-named after her. YIKES!

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wendy davis's picture


John Yoo U in Bezerekley where I majored in Legal Ethics, and took classes from Condi, too!'

(at least there were a lot of protests, not that they succeeded.)

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Big Al's picture

Good gawd.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

glass arches galore (people warmongers in glass houses shouldn't...) the opening was huuuuuuge on their twitter feed.

click into Nato on twitter, see the banner view, good gawd all-friday.

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snoopydawg's picture

McCain responds to Syria photo accusations

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has pushed back on a report claiming that the Syrian rebels he was photographed with last weekend were involved in kidnapping Lebanese Shiite pilgrims a year ago, saying none of the men identified themselves by the names used in the article.

This is not the only photo of him meeting with terrorists leaders. But according to this country those men are just brave souls who are fighting for freedom and justice in Syria. BTW. Two or more days to the new false flag event in Syria.

Speaking of using chemical weapons on people take a gander at the link in my sigline. I knew some of that, but wow. This should be talked about on every news site if FUKUS accuses Assad of using them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


no i don't remember that tweet, but maxie has a similar photo in his...exposé. either bartleet, beeley, or tim anderson had the one saying 'gadaffi's gone, next assad', though, which maxie also mentions.

thanks for the pushback he'd offered. being w/ the neo-nazis in ukraine was also good, but i can't remember now if maxie had mccain's actually creating the russian-georgian war.

and yes: your tag line is right on target.

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QMS's picture

@snoopydawg enough already.

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question everything

Brett Wilkins's picture

... and each of the five points in that NATO propaganda piece is either a lie or premised upon lies.

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wendy davis's picture

@Brett Wilkins

there is frequent use of har-har-ish emoticons in subtweets, but i reckon when you're the Center of the Empire you can delete at will. i did click on oona goosepimple's Myths tweet to make it a stand-alone to visit the subtweets, and the only possible jest from spain...may not have be one.

if russia's not still the enemy, what's the purpose of nato? well, besides controlling the rest of the globe, of course. colombia is a new nato partner? too clever by half, no?

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

The facts seem to be made up out of thin air. This one ..

Myth 3: NATO has tried to isolate or marginalise Russia
Fact: For more than two decades, NATO has consistently worked to build a cooperative relationship with Russia.

NATO began reaching out, offering dialogue in place of confrontation, at the London NATO Summit of July 1990. In the following years, the Alliance promoted dialogue and cooperation by creating the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), open to the whole of Europe, including Russia.

In 1997, NATO and Russia signed the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, creating the NATO Russia Permanent Joint Council. In 2002, this was upgraded, creating the NATO-Russia Council (NRC).

We set out to build a good relationship with Russia. We worked together on issues ranging from counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism to submarine rescue and civil emergency planning.

However, in March 2014, in response to Russia's aggressive actions against Ukraine, NATO suspended practical cooperation with Russia. At the same time, NATO has kept channels for communication with Russia open. The NATO-Russia Council has met seven times since April 2016. The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General also engage regularly with their Russian counterparts. We do not seek confrontation, but we cannot ignore Russia breaking international rules, undermining our stability and security.

Hmm. Wasn't 2014 when Obama decided to overthrow Ukraine's government and install neo Nazis? I do believe it was.

Speaking of neo Nazis in Ukraine

Tyahnybok is far from a minor player in Ukraine. And since the US-backed coup, he has become increasingly influential.

Tyahnybok has been the leader of the fascist, ultra-nationalist Ukrainian political party Svoboda since its founding in 2004. Svoboda has its origins in the explicitly neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine, which proclaimed, “We are the last hope of the white race, of humankind as such.”

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Strife Delivery's picture


Myth 3: NATO has tried to isolate or marginalise Russia

Yeah, that's not myth; that's fact.

Why else have the Western powers strewn bases that almost surround Russia? NATO pushed eastward, even after the promise not to do so.

I mean, imagine if Iran, Russia, and China had 500 bases in Canada, Mexico, South America, and Cuba. Of course, that would be different somehow.

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wendy davis's picture


exposé? he has the tweeted photo on the right. but yes, i'd had to check the timelines, and while the astro-turfed protests in maidan square began in nov. 2013, the actual amerikan-led putsch began in jan. 2014, authored by vicki nuland, geoffrey pyatt, and apparently john mcBomb Everything, which i either hadn't known, or likely...forgotten.

nor had i known of his deep membership in the anti-commie league, but it makes sense, as does his 'parachuting into libya' to make common cause with isis/jihadists, which i was unfamiliar with as well.

given that the 'uprisings' were allegedly due to yanukovitch changing his mind about signing the EU association memo, i'd also looked that up, and at least per wiki, between the lines it was a back door entrance into the EU, not just for trade, a large IMF loan (as per cockburn's 'rocket launcher' song above) but for a quasi military alliance as well.

but yanukovitch's True Sin was accepting some billions from moscow, and we can't have that, can we? now what i think i remember is that post georgia/russo war because 'revanchist russia' over defending south ossetia from georgia's saakashvilli and mccain, mccain was on stage with saakashvilli in ukraine as he rose to power.

but the neo-nazis (or are the just Nazis, rather?) are getting bolder and bolder marching with torches and wolfs-angel flags, aren't they? will yulia tymoshenko run and get elected in 2019?

at nato's site there claims to be a map of 2018 members, but as far as i can make out, they're not really...shown to be such. but then, there are 'nato partners', 'under nato's umbrella', etc. we need an updated version of this:

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

Worth a full read.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture

some difficulty given the format. but max was was one of the sources.

i'll drop this off here in hopes that you won't mind;

'War Criminal Straw Spun to Fool's Gold Hero', raymmond nat turner, BAR poet in residence

Looking up at stars and stripes
flapping half staff over City College
my spirit sang, “Oh, me oh my…”
They’re honoring natural
Woman—singer of soul songs!
Celebrating gospel’s gift to the
World—giving thanks to indigo
Blues crossing borders, gathering tribes…

Instead, I find,“It’s a Barnum and
Bailey world, just as phony as it can be—”
Half staff flags—saluting somber war-profiteers…
Warlords of Wall Street who lost their
Hawk, their mythical maverick…

Their Satanic scribblers are spinning,
spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning
High fructose corn syrup sentiments—
Stinking solvent scrubbing blood up from
4 million Indochinese—lionizing their hawk
Slurring heroic homeland defenders: “gooks!”Our Silly Putty populace with Play

Dough politics—No flashbacks of
Body counts on evening news; No
Smoke from smoldering draft cards;
No dinner table blowups; No memory of
Militant chants keeping time for
Millions of marching feet…is
Blitzkrieg bombards them hourly…
parroting Psy-Op big lie after big lie;
Toasting Jim Jones Juice to the heavens for a
War criminal crooner—would-be Beach Boy:
“Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran…”

A war criminal
who flew—
no Zinn moment—
who flew
who flew
who flew
day after day
Bomb bay opening—not with rice, or roses
rechristening children ‘Collateral Damage’
22 missions—his 23rd shot down over Hanoi;
Left—no Zinn moment…with parachute and
flight suit for his 5yr stay

Today warheads mourn; forked tongues wagging
feverishly…no Zinn moment…face-lifting the life—
So in love with death…

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wendy davis's picture

tonight's closing lullaby:


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"If the paeans to McCain by diverse political climbers seems detached from reality, it’s because they reflect the elite view"

says it all. In the end all we get is the elite view. No other views need apply, or be branded a leftist or socialist, out of touch non realist.

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wendy davis's picture


among the elite political class. in his aug. 27 'Why the US ruling class mourns John McCain', patrick martin at parses the ubiquitous paeans to the neo-con warmonger, including this:

"The Sunday television interview programs on five networks devoted the bulk of their coverage to McCain’s life and career and to fond reminiscences by well-heeled journalists and big-business politicians, Democratic and Republican. “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd noted that McCain was the single most-interviewed person on the program, appearing 73 times in his 36-year political career.

McCain was a right-wing Republican, but the loudest tributes to his political record are coming from Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer proposed renaming the US Senate’s Russell Office Building. Instead of Richard Russell of Georgia, a Democratic Party defender of Jim Crow segregation, the building would now be named after a Republican defender of wars in Vietnam, Central America, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “Right now I'm just heartbroken. I think America’s in tears about the loss of this great man.” Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted, “John McCain was an American hero, a man of decency and honor and a friend of mine. He will be missed not just in the US Senate but by all Americans who respect integrity and independence.”

CNN on twitter had a host of tear-jerking memories of mccain's honor and decency. and a photo of cindy anheuser-busch with her head on his coffin...weeping. i reckon she figured it will be the historically iconic photo of his exiting this mortal coil...stage right.

the ocassio's tweet, and then a lot on mccain's true legacy.

proving once again, that the political class Ds are a war party, and since the mueller investigation and charges against wilikleaks and assange: Love.The.CIA.

this though, is rich:

"We have noted the embrace of McCain’s legacy by his supposed opponents in the Democratic Party. This is not merely the result of McCain’s support for the bogus allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US elections, peddled by the Democrats and much of the military-intelligence apparatus. More than a decade ago, in the summer of 2004, there were back-channel discussions between Kerry and McCain, in which the Democratic nominee suggested the formation of a bipartisan presidential ticket, with McCain running as his vice-president, to oppose the reelection of George W. Bush. McCain toyed with the idea, but ultimately decided to remain with the Republicans."

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@wendy davis Somehow I’m not surprised. Not because I think McCain had any real disagreements with W that would have caused him to cross over, but W did him pretty dirty in the 2000 primaries and McCain sure seemed capable of holding a grudge. See also his Obamacare saving vote (gag) which also just happened to put egg on Trump’s face. You can’t convince me that was an ideological stand either.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

wendy davis's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

dubya did mccrankypants dirty, but that *may* explain the etiolology behind the snl tv funhouse cartoon of mccain on the stump for bush...freezing up, leaving the stage, removing his clothes, banging his head into the lockers in the changing room...over and over. like some git, i spent half an hour trying to find it, and when i finally did: 'disabled in your country of origin' or close.

but yeah, it's not hard imagining that he'd considered it. can't say i knew about his obombaDontcare vote, though.

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