Syrians Are Dancing in the Streets — A Farce Nonpareil
Originally published Apr 14, 2018
The Syrian people are literally dancing in the streets this morning, honking horns, waving flags. They realize this was all a comic opera, performed for the benefit of Western audiences so brain dead that they take their MSM seriously. 3 injuries reported, a large proportion of our cruise missiles shot down by 30-year-old Soviet anti-missile technology. The stated goal of the strike was to destroy Syrian chemical weapons facilities that were not making chemical weapons — which is why thousands didn’t die in surrounding neighborhoods. As we know, the OPCW had confirmed that all of Syria’s chemical weapons had been destroyed, with the ready cooperation of the Syrian government. If our government thought that the Syrians were still making chemical weapons, why didn’t we call them on it and send the OPCW inspectors back in? And why aren’t our intrepid MSM raising these questions? (That last question was meant as a joke, of course.)
But I wonder if our assault managed to take out all of the Syrian swimming pool supply companies — where they stock the chlorine?
Once the OPCW reports that there was no gas attack in Douma, our fearless warriors will announce that it really doesn’t matter, because we had to take out Syria’s chemical weapons factories (which for some reason they had never mentioned before).
This whole affair reminds me of the scene in I Claudius in which Caligula returns to the Senate with his booty — sea shells — that he has won in his battle against the sea god Neptune. Expect our MSM to celebrate Trump’s destruction of abandoned facilities that don’t make chemical weapons.
Think about it — in revenge for a non-existent chemical weapons attack by the Syrians in Douma, we have destroyed the non-existent Syrian chemical weapons program — and, thanks to our fawning MSM, MOST OF THE PUBLIC WILL BUY THIS!!
Well, now that the Forces of Darkness have been vanquished, our media can go back to covering more essential issues, such as Stormy Daniels and the Access Hollywood tape.